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Wachusett 21/22


Angel Diva
Got about 8" of snow yesterday - it turned to rain briefly here making for a very heavy wet snow - don't believe all the "fluffy snow" comments. Blue Hills looked cool on the news.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Basically back to normal in the lodge. Masking inside if not vaccinated, but most people seem to be masking anyways. And I think all employees I've seen were masked. You can leave stuff inside again. Last time I was there no ski check though, kind of miss that.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have not been since mid December but at that time, the only people I saw masking in the lodge were employees. I was the only guest masked inside.
I only went in to use the restroom so didn't linger. I was there 3x in December and went inside quickly only twice, but each time was the same as far as masking.
So unless something has changed in the past few weeks, I don't think they have much in the way of protocols this year.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wachusett staff are required to be masked when indoors, and there are signs that say you must wear a mask indoors if you are not fully vaccinated. Mask wearing is definitely not universal, and much less than last year. This is why I’ve been staying out of the lodge as much as possible. Most of the storage cubbies are outdoors again this year, but some people are storing their bags inside under tables and in corners.


Certified Ski Diva
Good Morning Wachusett skiers - How is access to the lodge working this year? I know we don't have to dress in the parking lots anymore - yeah! I'm assuming masks except when eating. Anything else to be aware of? Indoor storage? Cold shoes/boots will not make me happy if I have to leave them outside. I haven't seen much on Wachusett's website about Covid procedures for this year.
I'm looking at Monday to kick off the season - Cold but I need to get out there.
Hi! There basically is no restriction in the lodge anymore. They ask you wear a mask if you’re not vaccinated. I try to wear my KN95 as much as I can, (even though I am vaccinated)


Angel Diva
Thank you all for filling me in. Will be masked indoors no matter what.
Hope to find indoor storage. My hands and feet are always cold and putting on cold shoes/boots after skiing will not help.


Angel Diva
Basically back to normal in the lodge. Masking inside if not vaccinated, but most people seem to be masking anyways. And I think all employees I've seen were masked. You can leave stuff inside again. Last time I was there no ski check though, kind of miss that.
I wouldn't be surprised if not having ski check is a function of lack of staffing.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I was there today too (not doing the clinic). I saw a group of women skiing with a female instructor, so assume that was likely a clinic group.---probably some ski divas in there.
Lines were not bad compared to last year at this time. Conditions were pretty good overall I thought.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I met @jmfd84 and her dad today! He joined us after the clinic. They were so kind and kept me company while I skied slowly :becky:

the clinic so far is fantastic!

@diymom looking forward to seeing you next week!
It was so fun meeting and skiing with you today! Super cool that our run on Ralph’s was one of the group members first blue square run — everyone was so positive and just great to be around.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I was there today too (not doing the clinic). I saw a group of women skiing with a female instructor, so assume that was likely a clinic group.---probably some ski divas in there.
Lines were not bad compared to last year at this time. Conditions were pretty good overall I thought.
Agreed! Today was 100% the best conditions I’ve seen so far this year. They’ve made *so* much snow.

I have a SkiDiva sticker on the back of my helmet… if you happen to spot me, feel free to say hi!


Angel Diva
I finally made it yesterday - 1st day. Good to be back out skiing - weather and health/family stuff has been in the way. I have either a pink or orange ribbon tied to my helmet(s). I also tend to be dressed in as bright colors as possible and I'm a dead ringer for a weeble on skis. Looking Weds and possible Friday next week.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm probably easy to spot. I'm the only one I've ever seen at Wachusett that uses Grass Sticks ski poles (you know the bamboo ones) with blue baskets.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I was there today--everything except Roper's is open. Hopefully with the storm they can open Roper's too. The conditions were good overall---good coverage now. Challenger (one of my personal favorites) was in great shape and not closed at all for racing.
2 of the 3 lifts had mechanical issues and were closed for like an hour---at the same time! So everyone flocked to the summit lift. Definitely no where near as crowded as last year---even with everyone on one lift, the line wasn't really bad and chairs were not totally filled.

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