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Wachusett 23/24


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I agree, that would be nice. I’d be likely to buy lunch and a beverage and watch the pond skim, but I’m not going to buy a day ticket for late season conditions.


Angel Diva
I'm done for the year. Got out 14 days - 11 at Wachusett so good on them. Fell last Weds at Wachusett and messed a hip up. Had to cancel Saddleback for next week. Hopefully just a bad muscle pull/strain.
@diymom - great skiing with you and congrats on getting back on skis. @jmfd84 - it was great to meet you. Hope to see you both next year!


Angel Diva
Saw an ortho today - badly pulled muscle at the top of my thigh/hip (illeo something or other muscle and/or the sartorius muscle) - driving and putting pants on are a bit difficult. No damage to the hip itself. Getting better but ortho thinks another 2 weeks of soreness. Walking not affected.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wachusett had no power today so had to close/not open for the day I saw on their website---seems like they can't catch a break with weather and similar types of events lately.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wachusett has scheduled the clean up day for April 20 from 9-1. Everyone who joins in gets an early season lift ticket. One difference this year is that they say they will be assigning clean up areas. If you go to the site and look at events, they have the areas listed. I hope I get the base of lifts area, a little more interesting that parking lot.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Quite early. I know their snow is melting ealier this year, but I'm a bit worried that the ground will still be fairly squishy from the melt. Then again, with their assigned clean up areas, they look to be trying to direct more people off of the slopes. It is better aligned with Earth Day this way, maybe that is some of the logic? If is not raining, I might still try to go.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Good catch! I’m not even seeing it on the Events Calendar page anymore — the first event posted is June 1 Trailfest.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Interesting. I saw it a day or two ago, but didn't get around to posting about it. I haven't navigated away or closed the page yet though, so can still see it. I wonder why they took it down, I would think letting people know there's a date change would be a good thing and prevent unnecessary emails coming in to confirm the date.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I saw that, but no pricing yet. And on the site where it says "coming soon" for gold, silver, and bronze, there is no steel. :cry:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm also curious to see what the Perks for Passholders will be next year. One year had a few free days at Taos. This year had half off at Alta. Always good to keep an eye on the perks.

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