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Thanksgiving: In the kitchen or on the hill?

ski diva

Staff member
Will you be spending Thanksgiving Day with family, eating (and maybe cooking) a big turkey dinner, or will food be somewhat secondary -- will you be skiing, instead?

Right now I'm planning on skiing. No family plans -- I have no family in the area, and my daughter will be elsewhere -- so I may be spending part of the day skiing with friends. We'll have dinner after we're done; I'll cook, but not a full-scale holiday feast. I actually think it sounds like a great day!

What about you?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Best of all worlds for me. I'll go to the ski club, ski in the day with my Italian friend and then go to the potluck dinner. Delicious food, minimum effort, good company.

I'm scanning the Diva Cooks for inspiration ..........


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Snowshoe with my dog, Avalanche, in the mornning, a few runs at Breck depending on the crowds, cook a veggie dish for a gathering at my friend's house in Dillon. Off to a hut trip over the weekend in the moutains above Leadville. A perfect Thanksgiving weekend.


Staff member
How about working!! Us Canucks had our day back in October. But I hope everyone does what they want - ski and/or cook!


Neither. No cooking, no skiing.

Food & Sun! Without the cooking though, being served.

Will be in the subtropic. Nice and warm.

Given the very rare chance of good snow in Thanksgiving, I often schedule oversea sightseeing trips for Thanksgiving. (my family isn't into Thanksgiving, so everyone is usually doing their own thing)

Although this year I'm combining the two, I'll be with my Dad and enjoy the sun. (last year was with my Mom, cruising the Galapagos)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Although I am Canadian, I do get the American Thanksgiving off because I go to school in the US. So, I will consider myself part of this thread :D

I would love to be on the hill, just depends on conditions. Although, I got an email alert saying Mt. Holly will be opening tomorrow......things are looking promising!


Certified Ski Diva
I'll be running a 5 mile "Turkey Trot" organized by a local running club, then to a turkey dinner later in the day. Won't be skiing until next month. Have my tickets home to Denver for Christmas to "visit family" and my Colorado Pass in hand. But its really a ski during the day and spend a couple of hours with family in the evening trip.

BTW, I'll be skiing with my Uncle, who is 81 and still skiing strong, even with knee replacements! All of his ski buddies have passed away so he awaits my visits so he has someone to ski with. He has a lifetime pass at Vail, so that's were you'll find us. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We planned our family Thanksgiving dinner for this Sunday so we can head up to the mountains on Wednesday afternoon :clap: But the snow gods are not looking kindly on us. We may just hang out and get all of our gear set up to be ready to go as soon as we have something to ski on


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
No skiing this year, even if my knee was up for it. We'll be doing the big dinner at friends. Mmm, turkey.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Most likely a long bike ride, if the weather is good, then we'll feast with the kids on Friday evening -- I'm working all weekend, so I won't cook, just host when I get home Friday!

No snow yet here, so for now, we're planning on being on the mountain Christmas Day and New Year's Day rather than Turkey Day!

Karen in Boise


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We dont have snow, otherwise I would be in it. So its looking like I'll be driving to Seattle and having turkey at home.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We'll be spending the holidays with The Boy's fam in the midwest.

After having missed a few family holidays I've realized that there are some things I just can't miss for my favorite sports, and holidays are one of them. I might rather be spending time on the slopes, but I think for myself at least, its very important for me to be around either my family or the boy's family during the holidays, while our families are still around.

Exceptions will occur, of course, like next Christmas when we're spending the holiday in Thailand for our honeymoon.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Big dinner with all the family, Mr SH's side and my side are all getting together this year.

I expect to ski Thanksgiving weekend, but not on Thanksgiving Day.

Ladies, Thanksgiving is an understatement for me........I am blessed, and truly thankful.


Angel Diva
Volunteering for local free dinner at high school. Not sure yet in what capacity, kitchen/cook-prep, serve, deliver or kp. TBD.

Season passes blacked out for most of holiday.

Beyond our overpublicized (some might say "understatement") son, DH and I have no other family. The Masons'-sponsored annual event is a good way for those of us who don't (more than I ever realized) to get together and give back.

Lots of rural poverty here.....
I'll be by myself for most of Thanksgiving Day, though I am looking into volunteer opportunities. This is an "even-numbered year" which means that our 5 kids are with their other parents and they are all with us for Christmas. DH works on the holiday when the kids aren't here, but he should be home by about 6 pm on Thanksgiving Day and I'll cook up a special feast for the 2 of us. We are not close with our parents and extended families who all live out of state, so we either spend the holidays alone or we have our kids.

If I don't volunteer, I'll work on some projects, watch a movie, take a long walk. Mostly I'll be focusing on feeling grateful for my health, my family, and the many blessings in my life. This is a time of great misfortune for many around the world, and I am lucky to have a comfortable home and food on the table.



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well, most years we have thanksgiving at our house (w/ our 3 kids, my mother & stepfather, father-in-law, and sister-in-law), but since it's my birthday this year I decided I didn't want to cook, so we're going out to a restaurant - I'm really looking forward to not cooking this year!
Then we'll be going up to VT and skiing over the weekend.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Volunteering for local free dinner at high school. Not sure yet in what capacity, kitchen/cook-prep, serve, deliver or kp. TBD.

Season passes blacked out for most of holiday.

Beyond our overpublicized (some might say "understatement") son, DH and I have no other family. The Masons'-sponsored annual event is a good way for those of us who don't (more than I ever realized) to get together and give back.

Lots of rural poverty here.....
That's an awesome thing MSL.
I've often thought about it, but family traditions and obligations always fall into place and I never step outside the box.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Big dinner with all the family, Mr SH's side and my side are all getting together this year.

I expect to ski Thanksgiving weekend, but not on Thanksgiving Day.

Ladies, Thanksgiving is an understatement for me........I am blessed, and truly thankful.

I feel the same way. I wouldn't miss Thanksgiving or Christmas with our families for the world. There will always be more ski days.

This year we'll be with my family, and we have an awesome tradition....after-dinner bowling!

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