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Diva East @ Jay, Trip Report and Photos


Staff member
Oh my, Jon is in his element!!
5 years ago was the Tremblant Diva East. Miss you all.

ski diva

Staff member
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Staff member
Fun day! Conditions are shockingly good given how things were looking a few weeks ago. It was windy, but the Stateside area was more sheltered and after the first hour or so of the day it wasn't so bad. Trees are skiing well!

Booting up:

Some trees near the bottom of the Bonaventure Chair (I think):

@ilovepugs & @lisamamot

@ballen & @BlueSkies

@Quiver Queen & Mr. Ski Diva

@lisamamot & @jthree in Timbuktu

~*~*~ Super sick follow cam video footage ~*~*~ from Half Moon trees:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
AMAZING day! Best snow I’ve ever skied on.

@Knitjenious - What you had was COURAGE! Courage is what we have in spite of fear, not the absence of it, to paraphrase FDR. I’m sure many Divas can relate to being over-terrained (like myself, at MRG about this time a year ago after a massive powder dump :becky:). Yet I was in a great lesson then, as we were yesterday, and I learned so much from both!


Angel Diva
I have a friend who says "wicked pissah" and I love it.
I was going to type that, but I thought it would be unladylike! I first heard “wicked” used that way age 7 on a family road trip to Expo67 in Montreal. I think we were in a motel pool somewhere in NH! I had never heard it used that way before, certainly not by my parents, so I thought it was a swear word. “Pissah” must come from pisser, sort referring to having a lot of moxie (maybe someone from Maine can explain that) or bravado. Certainly sounds like a swear word! So glad you Divas got the goods up there.

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