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Diva East @ Jay, Trip Report and Photos


Staff member
Another chilly and windy day with amazing conditions. None of the east coasters thought it was particularly cold, but I have gotten soft and was moderately freezing.

The trees are skiing SO GOOD. I was surprised after almost every single run at how good things are skiing, truly.

@jthree in Timbuktu before we went on a moderate adventure after accidentally skiing a little below the boundary line. She was a very good sport about it. Sorry about that.

The Flyer chair was not running due to wind, so @Verve, @lisamamot, me, and @jthree walked up Northway from the top of the Bonaventure chair to ski the fresher snow on that side of the mountain. It cleared up a bit and the views were gorgeous. Thanks for guiding @Verve!

First we skied down Wedelmaster and it was really great. That's @jthree being appropriately stoked.

Then we skied though the Beaver Pond glades and they were also really great! That's @lisamamot, @jthree, and @Verve down in the trees.

We really did get so lucky with these conditions, I almost can't believe it. Maybe I'll come east to ski more often. ;)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
What an amazing first two days!! I’m home now with the bf & the pup but look forward to following along for the rest of the trip here!

As always happens with great conditions, I didn’t get enough photos :/

@lisamamot ‘s beautiful form dropping into Jet woods:
@ballen popping out from Doe Woods:

@RachelV , @lisamamot earned our post lunch freshies:


and @jthree on JFK:

Pretty amazing day! Keep after it!


Staff member
OMG - I hope Owl's Head and Sutton deliver this weekend for the SkiTalk NEG.
I would have loved to be at Jay, but the timing was off for me. Maybe next year.

ski diva

Staff member
The most amazing, funny thing happened this evening. We’re all sitting at a table in a restaurant, laughing and carrying on, and a man walks over and says, “Are you the Ski Divas?” Turns out someone told him to be on the lookout for a group of “boisterous women.” Shout out to @Peppermint ! Wish you could have joined us!



Angel Diva
I conked out shortly after nine last night and slept 7 straight hours which is pretty good for me. DANG the snow was good!!!

Sorry to mostly ditch the group on Tuesday- I checked the ski and ride school training schedule and saw that John Witherspoon, who competed on the Freeride World Tour in 2005, was doing training and jumped on the chance since I haven’t had much opportunity for instructor training this season. Ended up being essentially a free private lesson with him. We did upper mountain trees and talked tactics and techniques for trees and moguls. Did my first black diamond tree run!

On Monday night I impulsively invited my ski buddy Caitlin out. We linked up shortly before lunch and skied some Doe Woods runs with @Quiver Queen. Then I repeated the lesson I got in the morning from Spoon with her - obviously not as well, lol - which was a great teaching and learning exercise for me. It’s her first year on skis and she was brave and skilled enough to go on all the terrain that I can ski. **shakes fist** Darn athletes! Was also really nice to spend a little time shopping with @lisamamot after running into the advanced tree skiing group popping out of Hell Woods.

@Jenny I believe my first ever terrified tree run on skis ever was with you, Mr Jenny, @BlueSkies, Mr BlueSkies and the former Dr Pugs at Bolton Valley. The lower mountain trees at Jay Peak are even more accessible than those trees were. Hope you come on a day with good snow and I’ll show you around!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The conditions look so good there and you all are having Fun. Midwest is finally getting a foot of snow this weekend maybe things will open back up.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
@ilovepugs I would have loved to be your guinea pig/student too - sorry I couldn’t find you. this is what I get for texting instead of just picking up the phone and calling ;-)
what is the easiest diamond glade?


Angel Diva
The most amazing, funny thing happened this evening. We’re all sitting at a table in a restaurant, laughing and carrying on, and a man walks over and says, “Are you the Ski Divas?” Turns out someone told him to be on the lookout for a group of “boisterous women.” Shout out to @Peppermint ! Wish you could have joined us!

View attachment 22867
You left out the best part, where he was already out in the parking lot, came back to the building and slid open the window FROM THE OUTSIDE to pop his head in and exclaimed "she's @Peppermint ! My friend is Peppermint!" :rotf:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
You left out the best part, where he was already out in the parking lot, came back to the building and slid open the window FROM THE OUTSIDE to pop his head in and exclaimed "she's @Peppermint ! My friend is Peppermint!" :rotf:
That really was fantastic!! We laughed so hard.

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