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The 2009 Triathlon Motivation Thread


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Robyn, go to beginner triathlete and create an account. The log function that has been built there cannot be beat. You can add ANY exercise you can think of, even those outside of tri. There is quite an extensive database there now.

There is a place to log each of the three disciplines, including multiple daily workouts. You can log 2 separate bike rides, or 2 separate runs, swims. The site graphs and charts it all, keeping an ongoing record of everything you enter. You can enter race splits as well, and compare the same race on different years, or same distance different races. And on and on it goes.

You can also chose to make your log private so no one else can see it, or keep it public so others can see what you've been up to and leave little "inspires."

I've been logging workouts on BT since it started, 2002/2003, can't remember. Doesn't matter really, everything I've ever put there is still there. You can use it as a free site or upgrade to unlock other features. I haven't upgraded since I'm not tri-ing these days, and all the info is still there.

I met the site owner a few years at a triathlon near where I now live. Ron is a great guy who created the site just to have a place for people to gather and try to get healthy and talk about tri. It has really exploded into an A+ tri site. They are always working on improving the site and you never know what's coming down the pike next.

Ok, so it sounds like I have a financial interest in that site huh? I don't. Funny tho, almost all of my friends are people I met through BT. The forum is full of awesome people like SD. It is moderated so trolling and the BS you find on other sites doesn't exist. There are separate forums for states along with different topics.

ok, I'm done. Gonna go log today's skiing on BT :smile:

Sorry, I missed this. While I do like BT as a forum (and have been a member there for awhile) I really, really, really dislike their logging system so in my mind it's very beatable.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So, interestingly, I got an email from the Danskin tri series yesterday. It looks like they're planning on going forward without Sally Edwards and Maggie Sullivan, and in fact, if the dates are correct, will be going head-to-head on the same day. The Colorado Danskin is scheduled for Sunday, June 28 at Aurora Reservoir.

Much as I like Sally and Maggie, I really don't like Cherry Creek Reservoir as a triathlon venue, so I'm thinking I will probably stick with Danskin.

It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out...


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wow, I am ecstatic to hear that because my coach and I were just discussing what we were going to do since she hates swimming in Cherry Creek and I wasn't sure what to do. Oh, man this could be crazy. Can you forward me that email?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire

I think the swim is what I dislike about CC, too. I've never actually swum in it, and I don't want to based on the stories I've heard. I have biked there, and I think the Aurora courses are way more fun with the big rollers.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well, I like the CC bike course (since I do it many, many times in training) but I don't like the way the bike started during Tri for the Cure last year, it was a disaster.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So Danskin has updated their site and I think I'll definitely do that one at Aurora. I like their tagline this year too "She swims, she bikes, she runs, she rox!"


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Yeah, it looks like they've joined forces with the SheRox series to try and stay competitive with/take out the Trek series. I'd say I'm a probably for Danskin again. Even without Sally Edwards, I've got a special place in my heart for it.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I was really freaked about swimming in CC Res...but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I practiced a lot in Bear Creek Lake, that helped. When I practiced in Aurora, I thought it was just too cold!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well, I like the CC bike course (since I do it many, many times in training) but I don't like the way the bike started during Tri for the Cure last year, it was a disaster.

Yah, it was pretty narrow. I didn't have a problem, but I can see where it would have been difficult. I also like that course, I trained there a lot!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So, now rumors say that the Trek triathlon will be at Boulder Res. Interesting.

I went aero today! I feel all fancy in them but they make my bike look very, very fast. :D


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So, most of you probably know about the Hoyt team but for those of you who don't take a look at this video.

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRHxHapwirw&feature=channel"]YouTube - CAN[/ame]


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
And now for some laughter...

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_6tOzt-nfM"]YouTube - Clif Bar Triathlon Training[/ame]


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have no intention of doing a triathalon this year but I wanted to share that the Y I just joined has a really cool program going right now. If you sign up to do their indoor triathalon (20 minutes running, 30 minutes spinning, and I forget how many minutes swimming laps), they have a special rate for the 3 month membership for training for it. I think that's a great way to entice people to try something different.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hello? Anyone there? Where did all my triathlon buddies go? Now's the time of year if you haven't been training all winter to start kicking it up. What's everyone's plans look like. I'm currently doing 4-6 hours per week in addition to skiing depending on my schedule and the plan my coach has me on.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm too focused on half-marathon training to worry too much about tri-specific stuff right now. Once I get through that, I'll have my run base built up, and can start in on the bike and swim more. Plus, with my knee, I've really shifted my focus away from trying to improve times and such to more of a just do it and have fun attitude. So, I'm trying not to stress myself out about only getting on the bike an hour or two a week and rarely swimming.

That said, I am trying to firm up my race schedule a little, but I'm also waiting to see what the decision is as far as my 15th high school reunion. I'm hoping they don't book it for one of the weekends I already have planned...


Staff member
My training plan from now until the end of March is basically just to ski every day. :smile: I'm going to start going to the pool and running when I get back to NYC, but until then I'm not going to have much to report.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have no intention of doing a triathalon this year but I wanted to share that the Y I just joined has a really cool program going right now. If you sign up to do their indoor triathalon (20 minutes running, 30 minutes spinning, and I forget how many minutes swimming laps), they have a special rate for the 3 month membership for training for it. I think that's a great way to entice people to try something different.
Never say never, right? ;)

I'm seriously considering the Sandy Beach Triathlon (sprint length) on July 31st. I think that I would have enough time to go from never doing a tri before to this...I hope. I'm already running consistently for 2 miles, I did swim 1/2 mile in the pool this morning (though not well). Not sure on the biking... But it says it's a flat course that's great for beginners, so I figure that one should be a perfect first tri for me.

Before I pull the trigger and register, I have questions though... And don't laugh! :nono:

Do you have to use the crawl stroke for the swim portion? Or can you use whatever is strongest for you? I'm not looking to win, only finish, and breaststroke is by far stronger for me.

How are you training indoors for the bike part? Or do you? I can't always get outside because of the kids so I'd likely have to do a lot of indoor training to do anything consistently (the only time I can guarantee babysitting). So I guess I'm wondering is can you really train for the bike part if you have to rely heavily on stationary bikes? (Spin classes are not conducted during babysitting hours. :mad2:)

I'll admit this is a bit crazy for me. But the more I read about diversifying to prevent over-use injuries, the more it made sense to me. And I have been running on the treadmill, doing stationary bike, and swimming laps anyway... so why not have a goal in sight for all that training, right? :D I'm just worried that there's not enough time... And my knee has been cranky again, so I'm also worried about re-injuring myself before the race.

I don't have the $ to hire someone to train me either. My father-in-law is a personal trainer, but does not run or swim so I'm not so sure how helpful he would be for training for this. I'm already a member of mapmyrun.com (same site as mapmytri.com) and started reading on runnersworld.com based on a friend's recommendation. I don't want to get in over my head so I'm probably going to back off on the technical stuff... But I'm really intrigued by this idea.

For those who don't know and are reading this thread, last year I did the couch-to-5K plan. I couldn't run 30 seconds when I started. In 10 weeks I went from that to finishing my first 5K in 34:05 with a 10:59 pace. :becky: But running went on the back burner after that in favor of mountain biking and I did little else with the running since. I've started going to the Y in the last few weeks and luckily, did not lose all the running fitness, but I have some work to do to get back to even the slow pace where I was before.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Carrie, you have PLENTY of time to train for this! For a first tri, most people just want to finish, right? A sprint distance is really very accessible. I did very little actual training for my first. I tried to swim once a week, I tried to bike once a week, and I was hiking (carrying DS) 3-4 times a week. I think I got out and ran maybe 2 or 3 times before my first tri, that's it.

You can do the swim anyway you want. You can doggy paddle the whole thing if you need! You'll see people do the crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, you name it. Most triathletes, unless they have a swimming background, just try to survive the swim.

As for the bike, you can definitely do it with mostly indoor training, although outdoor is better if you can swing it. Do you have a bike trailer that you could take the kids with you? That's how I do almost all my bike training, and let me tell you, it makes racing SO much easier when you're not pulling that extra 75 or so pounds! :p If you can even get one good bike ride a week in, at least 12-15 miles, you'll be golden. I probably wouldn't even worry about brick workouts at this point, unless you want to just do a really short one or two, more for practice than anything.

You don't need to hire someone for training. You don't even need a training schedule necessarily. YOU CAN DO IT. I'm not kidding you, if you could see some of the women that I've seen at the Danskin and Tri for the Cure races, which are both women-only, very beginner-friendly, you would think...Hey, if *she* can do it, so can I! And you can!

A couple of issues ago, Triathlete magazine published a beginner's guide that included a 12 week training plan for a sprint. I gave away my copy, but you might be able to find it at the library.

YAY, Carrie!!!!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My father-in-law has a bike trailer but I don't have easy access to it; he lives 30 minutes away. I have run pushing the kids in the double jogger and geez... they're now almost 80 lbs combined plus the weight of the stroller! The bike trailer weighs a lot more than the double jogger, too. :eek: Though you're right that it's great resistance training.

Remember, itri, you were in much better shape for your first tri than I am right now. :wink: Still struggling with re-losing those 20 lbs I lost last year, only to gain them back in the fall. :(

Glad to hear I can swim it any way I want. I think I'm going to do this. I've been on the fence about the indoor tri (have to decide by March 20th if I'll be doing it), but this seems like a safer bet with more time to plan for it. Plus I'll be out of school by mid-May so I'll have more time to focus on fun pursuits.

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