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Spring Skiing: Love it or hate it?


Certified Ski Diva
Spring skiing has a mellow vibe, like being at the beach, I love it. Instead of sitting on the sand it's cruising and smiling down the mountain and sitting outside at the restaurant feeling the warmth of the sun! I'm not fussy about conditions--of course I have my favorite, being out in the middle of a storm--I'm just happy when I'm on skis wherever or whenever and take what Mother Nature has to offer. And I sure am sad when it's time to hang up those skis!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Today is just torturing me! Hubby is out skiing in the 40* temps, with the sun shining and the corn starting to slush up, grinning and laughing, and I'm stuck here on the laptop and taking pictures. Arrrggghhh!


Angel Diva
YES! It DID get cold enough last night. They DID get to groom And I DID get to ski today; really nice. More observations: I really like the chairlift cushions warmed by the sun. I really like the lack of lift lines and skiing right onto the chair. I really like the private slopes. I am a VERY happy camper tonight who finally got to ski on their birthday! One happy ski mouse!
:dance: :ski3: :yahoo:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have to agree completely with Ski Diva. Love the warmth, the sun, but could do without the slush and knowing the season is going to end soon!


I don't particularly like spring skiing conditions. I don't like the strong sun because no matter how much sunscreen I put on, I still get red. I don't like the thick, gloopy snow....too much work and too tiring. I much prefer cold temps and nice firm snow.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I love it! Hard frozen in the morning and soft and wet in the afternoon.
My knees do not love the spring consitions at all .... never mind!:becky:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am laughing because I actually said, "whoever thought I would pray for ice" yesterday. :smile: The conditions were not so much sloppy as sticky. I mean, so sticky that if you were going straight you would glide, stick, glide, stick. Nothing was quite steep enough to really keep you going. Boy it was beautiful in the morning though. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I love spring skiing--maybe because I cant stand the cold cold winter anymore, but its so much fun in the slush!! And I don't have to worry about my toes being frozen either!! Heading out west soon, hope there will be some left when I get there:smile:


Angel Diva
We're gradually skiing our final day at each NC mountain. Yesterday we skied Sugar, where they'd really spread the little snow remaining to maximize slope options while retaining as much quality as possible. We each used two different pairs of skis. We skied opening to closing and went from ice to soft. Each presented their own set of challenges, but I noticed I was more competant in both than the end of previous seasons, so I think I made some good strides this season.
One more mountain for last runs: Appalachian made snow this weekend! They'll hold "Meltdown Games" next weekend so we'll head there one final time by then. But then:fear::fear::fear:, no more skiing 'til fall!!!:Cry::Cry::Cry:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The conditions were not so much sloppy as sticky. I mean, so sticky that if you were going straight you would glide, stick, glide, stick. Nothing was quite steep enough to really keep you going. Boy it was beautiful in the morning though. :smile:
That's what the guys said too. It was soo bad yesterday they only skied for an hour or 2, then decidedto go play disc golf, instead. :loco:


Angel Diva
Base at Sugarloaf, Maine, is still rock-hard! Even with the warm weather of the last couple of weeks, it's going to be awhile before it softens.

Fun when it does, though :thumbsup:
...provided one is on skis that enjoy it, too!


Certified Ski Diva
I love spring skiing...because for me, unlike many of you, skiing is a way to wait out the chill of winter. I love to be outside. My temperature of choice is in the 75-85ish range. So yeah, when the temps rise, and the snow gets slushy, I know that kayak season is just around the corner.


Angel Diva
I LOVE spring skiing. Love corn snow and wouldn't even say I hate slush. Last Wednesday we had spring skiing, but then went back to rock-hard winter conditions. Mont Saint-Sauveur near me apparently was blowing snow during recent cold weather - I was there last week and there are HUGE piles of snow that they will obviously spread around. I'm told they want to stay open until June! I doubt I'll be there then, though, as once the temps get too warm, without night-time freezes, I'm not so keen on the snow consistency.

Heading to British Columbia tomorrow so hope for some nice spring conditions there.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Spring skiing has its pluses and minus...the snow at the end of the day about kills my knees, so I quit early, have a beverage on the patio, pop on my shades and watch all those young whippersnapper enjoy themselves.


Angel Diva
I love spring skiing! I like the varied conditions and even the slush. When the sun is out, it feels like being at the beach! :cool:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am laughing because I actually said, "whoever thought I would pray for ice" yesterday. :smile: The conditions were not so much sloppy as sticky. I mean, so sticky that if you were going straight you would glide, stick, glide, stick. Nothing was quite steep enough to really keep you going. Boy it was beautiful in the morning though. :smile:
I love skiing.....spring skiing is no different, in fact, it seems that spring skiing days are almost as much fun as blower powder days!

But, Marge and VG are right.
Saturday I experienced the one type of ski condition that I absolutely HATE!(hate is such a strong word but it fits on this one)

We had great spring corn here on Friday, as VG says, then we got 2-4 inches of sticky wet snow on top of it, which fell as the resort was opening so it wasn't groomed into the spring snow.
Sticky snow on top of spring corn equals "stutter skiing".
Awful and dangerous. You go fast then you come to almost a stop which can easily cause a boot top fracture. Ugh!:faint:

We found the one hill that was okay, Loki/Thor/Canyon, and finished out our day on that, but really Sunday was much much much better, after the snow was groomed out and we had some fresh groomer to embrace.
Sunday was a great day, starting out with Firm groomers and quickly becoming spring corn. I skied from bell to bell with a big silly grin on my face!:becky:


Staff member
When it's so wet it's slush bordering on puddles... then, yeah, that is just grabby and even going in a straight line if you hit those puddles it slows you right down suddenly and that's not fun at all.

But nice sun softened snow is almost as good as powder. And you ski it pretty much the same as powder - meaning you can't force turns or it's going to make your knees hurt. Luckily it naturally slows you down some so making nice carved turns is so fun in that kind of snow. You just can't skid your turns or you wear out your legs and knees fast!


Angel Diva
Oh I was so enthusiastic upthread, when we were at Copper…of course the answer should have been it depends. By Friday afternoon, after a week of warm temps, at Snowmass (a bit lower than Copper), I was hating the spring skiing. The mountain was just piles of slush. I would rather ski down a sheet of sheer ice, chased by bears, than ever ski through slush like that again. Yuck.

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