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Snux - new boot cover


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Update on my new Snux after using them several times.

-Quality is excellent
-Does not have that Dry Guy under foot strap that is misplaced and fails time and again.
-They kept my boots dry in soggy conditions. It hasn't been cold enough to determine how well they retain my boot heater warmth.

-I wear a 24.5 boot and I cannot see how someone with a smaller boot would make these work. I have to pull hard to move them far enough up on my boot so they don't interfere with the toe piece on my binding; when I do this they wrinkle a bit on the top of my boot. I am confident if there was a smaller size available this would not be an issue.


Diva in Training
I just can't wear the Lenz heated socks, they're way too bulky for me and I've got the thinnest ones, hubby bought me 2 pairs and the whole heating shebang a couple of Christmas's ago and they just sit there in their box .... anyone in NZ want to buy them ???
I’m in NZ and would be keen on buying them if you haven’t sold them yet :smile:

Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Skiing is getting expensive!!! I have had my BootGloves for 10 years - bought for $40 and still working. A liftie told me he wrap his bootliners in tin foil to help retain heat - will try that when my bootgloves rip apart.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I hate it when they change my favorite socks! It happened to me again last season. I bought what should have been the same sock, same name, same size, same colors & design. Not anywhere near the same fit. Another hand-me-down to my daughter.
So true. SmartWool PhD's were the BOMB - soft, kept their shape, stayed up, didn't fade and lasted 12+ years.The last 5-7 years their socks (and most clothing) have gotten thin, scratchy, and cheap. The wool quality is second rate at best. I guess having socks that lasted that long wasn't making them any money. Very disappointing.

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