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Volkl Attiva AC3s (aka Volkl Tierra for 2007/8)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So I FINALLY got out on the Attiva AC3s in 156cm that I bought nearly a year ago on "too good a deal to pass up". I was nervous, but WoooHOOO! I love these skis!:ski2:

So about me - 5'3.5" female (duh), 33 yo, 130ish (at the moment). I'm in my fourth season on skis and I'm semi-athletic. I grew up as a dancer so I have a pretty muscular lower body for my size. I'm a relatively aggressive skier on the terrain I ski, but for the most part I ski on groomers, or light powder/chop since I"m in NE. I never ski bumps/trees and I did not do that today so I can't speak to their ability in these venues.

The where - Bretton Woods NH. This was my first trip there so I was not immediately familiar with the terrain. The conditions were absolutely beautiful packed powder over some hardpack/ice with some crud/pillows in places. Nearly all their terrain had been groomed over night, but we did not get first tracks. I skiied exclusively blues although as mentioned in my TR I would have felt confident going on blacks in these skis.

So the skis. I just loved them they made me feel confident and were really great. Definitely have a bigger turning radius than my True Luvs, but that did not bother me at all. These skis really do love speed. They're not bad on slower stuff, but the speed is where they excel and just sing. They just plowed through whatever I skied them over. No chatter even on the icier stuff. Easy to get them on edge and hold them there and I could feel a bit of that "pop" out of the end of my turns that I've heard of with Volkls. They really felt like a dream on my feet. I found that they did not lend themselves to me getting in the backseat and the one time I did they gave me a nudge and I was able to get back forward easily. I was skiing with my skis closer together than I have in ages and just finally felt really at ease with speed (I've been starting to find that pushing my True Luvs leaves me a bit uncomfy when I'm pushing my hardest to keep up with DH who's now skiing quite a bit more speedily with his new properly fit boots!). I also felt like these skis would stop on a dime for me. I really had a blast today. I know the conditions were good but I think that I would have had jsut as much fun even in lesser conditions. The only slight negative I notice (and this is my fault, not the skis) is that on my last run when I was feeling the tiring of my quads is that they were less tolerant of my laziness. I probably could have gone out some more were I to have gone in and given my quads some time off, but the lunch lull (virtually no lift lines for our last 1hr) was ending and I figured I wouldn't push it too much. Why have bad karma because I pushed too hard and tried to do too much when tired and injure myself? Overall these skis get a BIG thumbs up. :thumbsup: My poor true luvs have been relegated to second luv status. However they still have their place as they are FAR more tolerant of my tired quads! They will be my relaxed/chill out skis! :smile:

Oh and interestingly enough I found that these in 156 cm were EXACTLY the same length as my 153cm True Luvs. Additionally they don't feel that much stiffer - I guess I must just be getting stronger. I'm really psyched because I bought these on a hunch and because the price I found was just too good to pass up - I'd demoed the Lotta Luvs previously (loved them!) and had been hoping to pick them up, but then I saw these and some of you lovely ladies helped me convince myself to go for them. :clap: I never demoed them, but the info I read lead me to believe these were skis I could definitely ski. So glad it worked out! They will be making the trip to Sugarloaf with me next week and definitely out to Loveland in April!!!:yahoo: :yahoo:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Your day sounds a lot like mine--isn't it amazing how the right ski can inspire such confidence? It's great you had such a positive experience your first time out on the AC3s. I have yet to go wrong on Diva recommendations--I've gotten both my Queen Attivas and the Fischer Vision Breezes based on what I read here.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So I had the AC3's out again today - at Sugarloaf no less. And I have discovered some more things about these skis.

They don't like tentative skiing. They'll do it, but like a sulky kid they'll make sure you remember this is not their favorite party.

These skis really reward getting forward on the skis. They won't kill ya for getting back - I've crossed my tips on these and they let me recover much more easily than my true luvs. However they really reward good behaviour.

Lastly "trust the skis" they handle all conditions well (so far that I've seen) but you need to just trust them.

These are not laid back skis, but that's ok with me. When I want laid back I'll pull out my True Luvs!

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