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Things I LOVE to see skiing


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
On the subject of older folks out skiing: I believe it was at Vail, during Diva Summit, that I saw an older lady, silver hair poking out beneath her helmet, on a SNOWBOARD. I wanted to go give her a high five.


Certified Ski Diva
I too love the Little Rippers who tear down the slope in Pizza Wedge (or not Pizza Wedge). Also, kids who do jumps (Awesome!) An actual conversation I had with a 5 year old:

- Me, still learning to ski, falling all over the place: [Epic crash, goggles and bandana and one of my poles fly away and get lost in the powder]
- Little kid: Falls about 5 feet away.
- Me: You okay?
- Kid: Yeah. I'm ok. You?
- Me: Not so good. I lost my goggles under the snow and now I am trying to dig them out.
- Kid: Yeah. I hate it when that happens. [Gets up and skis away.]

I also really enjoy watching people with really nice form/technique. There is just something so graceful about watching a really excellent skier doing his thing.

I also have a thing for attractive, youthful, single men who shred. Then again, who doesn't? :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I love conversations with the little ones on the lift--especially when it's one of them who starts it off!

I also love riding the lift at night toward the end of the evening, perfect silence, with snow falling from the sky.


Certified Ski Diva
It was the end of the day at Elk Mountain, freezing, FREEZING cold. We were all boarding the cattle truck heading to the parking lot. The attendant reached down to help up the next passenger. She says... "Oh, I'm just fine young man - I'm not that helpless yet!". She was a lovely older woman, looooong straight skis, really vintage clothing, NO GLOVES (and it was bitterly cold), and big grin on her face. I later found out that she was 84 years old, and a regular at Elk.

I want to be her when I'm 84. Heck, I'd be happy to be 1/2 of her when I'm 84!

Ooh, can I be the other half?:thumbsup:


Angel Diva
I love when I hear people saying encouraging/kind things or paying compliments to others on the slope.

I have been inspired by kind people I have overheard recently to make an effort to stop and say something really positive when I see someone taking what is clearly a big leap in their skiing and trying to push it to the next level, especially kids and pre-teens.

I think it makes a big difference to a kid who is laboring down something a little over his or her head (and mom is waiting at the bottom) to ski with them for a sec and offer encouragement or call out how great they are doing as I pass by. Better that they feel like they did well than feel discouraged.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The smiles on my 12 and 14 year old kids. Chatting with them on the lifts. I also enjoy chairlift conversations since they are so much more intimate. Listening to them chatter about jumps etc. on the way home. The way everyone quickly empties out the car and puts the equipment away when we get home.


Diva in Training
Fun thread!
I love my first glimpse of the mountain as I turn off the highway.

I love to see just about anything my son does after he says, "Hey Mom-Watch this!"

I love seeing my students proudly showing off their new skills to their parents after a lesson.

I love to hear the giggles of my favorite 9 year old ski buddy ripper chick when we hit the double blacks together.

I love to watch my ski boyfriend ski ANY line with grace and style! It is like my own personal Warren Miller movie every weekend, except that I get to follow him down the mountain!

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