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Skiing Dictionary

ski diva

Staff member
Is there a skiing term you'd like defined?

Post it here. Or post any ski-related definition you think the community could benefit from learning.

Let's try to keep this on topic as much as possible so it doesn't get too convoluted; any comments, other than definitions, please take to another thread.

DIN: an international scale that assures that ski bindings worldwide release under the same force. Determined by height, weight, skill level, and boot length and type.
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Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Death cookies - probably encountered mainly in the East.
These are hard balls of ice left by the groomers. Very unpleasant.

ski diva

Staff member
Damp: Skis that lessen the vibration caused by movement over the snow are considered damp. These skis are calm and muted under foot.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Ok, I'm wondering about the definition of "slackcountry". I guess it's probably a variation off "backcountry", but would like the scoop!

ski diva

Staff member
Underfoot: The dimension of a ski's waist, where it's under your foot.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Death cookies must be similar to our chicken heads but smaller (large icy chunks left behind by the groomer)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
cat track? ? ?


Staff member
Cat track - a narrow flat trail that is made by the snow cats. Usually a roadway in the summer for logging activites or mountain biking.

Cat trac - an appliance that is added to the toe and heel of ski boots. The plastic "feet" protect the bottom on the boots and can add traction. (I'll go a pic in minute)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire

I got the real definition this weekend. It's out of bounds terrain accessed via a lift, ie not real earn your turns back country.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire


Certified Ski Diva
Face shots - the snow on my face in my avatar is from a face shot; powder so deep and light it hits you in the face when you ski it.


Staff member
Boilerplate - very hard icy conditions. Can be white or even blue ice! Usually you CAN NOT get an edge set on it.

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