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Ski replacement for Volkl Aura


Certified Ski Diva
I have loved my Aura’s but it time for new skis. Any suggestions on a similar ski that I should demo?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have loved my Aura’s but it time for new skis. Any suggestions on a similar ski that I should demo?
I'm not versed enough on skis, but did come across this thread which might interest you:



Angel Diva
I am also a former Aura lover and still have my hummingbirds. I don't ski them anymore but still love how pretty they are. I have never stopped skiing Volkl. I moved from Aura to Volkl 90eights (still own and still ski) but my all time favorite Volkl (and my current daily driver) is the Secret 96. It is basically a much improved Aura. If you liked the Aura, I definitely recommend the 96 over the 102 as an Aura replacement.


Certified Ski Diva
The Auras are so darn reliable. I started today on some Liberty Genesis 106, got frustrated in chop and variable snow, and went right back to my Auras. Not playful or poppy, but most days I go right back to them.

Good luck in your search!

Trailside Trixie

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I love my Secret 96s. I've had them on hard pack to a few inches of powder and they do it all. I mostly ski in the berkshires and southern vermont.


Angel Diva
The Auras are so darn reliable. I started today on some Liberty Genesis 106, got frustrated in chop and variable snow, and went right back to my Auras. Not playful or poppy, but most days I go right back to them.

Good luck in your search!
Dependable is exactly how I described the Auras and it describes the Secret 96 X10! They are dependable and compliant and I find them easy to ski. They also have a nice little pop at the end of the turn if you drive them hard!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I’ve been thinking about this for a minute and want to add the Nela 96 Stockli to this list of Aura-like skis. It’s a similar compromise between playful and edge-y. I know they aren’t for everyone.

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