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Ski Conditioning Program


I'm in the midst of putting together a my off-season ski conditioning program together. Right now I'm reading Lisa Marie's book which is giving me some great suggestions and food for thought. So, what is your program? What have you found to be effective and ineffective?



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I used their "sharpen your edges" routine, from the ebook. It's a quick little routine, but I like it a lot as a morning warmup. I like the variety in it, and feel like it's engaging a good variety of muscle groups. Nice names too, like the "spiderman" and "fonzie quick feet" :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Having only just turned to skiing this season having previously snowboarded badly, I used a book 'Fit to Ski and Snowboard' by Rocky Snyder. I know its by a man, but its strengthening, conditioning and stretches were of great help. I think in my ski class I was the only one who never complained of burning aching leg muscles.

Normally I go to the gym pound the treadmill and then use a few light weights. If at home I use a cross trainer and do a couple of exercises from the book.

Now that you mention it, I should put together a good regular exercise programme.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have just watch those guys and some of the exercises they did are in the book. I would love to be able to do the inch worm, not for any other reason to say I could do it!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My workout is alot like yours, Lozz! I really want to get better at mogul skiing, so I am going to have to do alot more leg work.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire

To train for mogul skiing you need to strengthen your adductors ( the inside thigh muscle ) Believe it or not this is the most used muscle in mogul skiing.
You can do strength traing at home with bands or use the gym machine.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
To train for mogul skiing you need to strengthen your adductors ( the inside thigh muscle ) Believe it or not this is the most used muscle in mogul skiing.
You can do strength traing at home with bands or use the gym machine.

The voice of reason speaks! Weak adductors are one of the reasons women are prone to MCL injuries, so it behooves ANY female skier to work her adductors.



Now that I got that out of my system, ;) here is a very cool adductor exercise.

You will need either a wooden or linolium floor. Place a small hand towel under your right foot. Keeping your leg straight, slide your leg out to the side as you inhale. Your left leg will flex slightly. As you exhale, tighten your inner thigh muscle and draw the leg in. To increase the benefits, add a kegel ;)

Do about 12 reps, then switch legs! Have fun! :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I must be on the right track! I have been including the adductor exercise in my program all along! I exercise every major muscle in my legs that the gym has a machine for. I do tend to do more workouts for the lower body than for the upper, because of skiing and biking. Thanks for the tips and new things to try !


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It seems I must have been on the wrong track, I just finished getting over MCL #3. I will have to try and figure out a way to use this excercise and clean my floor at the same time.....:D
I need a good workout that allows me to stay in bed, watch tv, eat cheetos and drink pepsi! Any suggestions? :D

I'm just too pooped to work out right now!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hmmm, NVG, if only that would work!!!! Except for me it would be eating chocolate peanut butter ice cream and diet coke.

I remember reading in some ski magazine about the diets of the womans ski team and one woman said she ate ice cream for breakfast every day! -- now that is one diet I like the sound of!!

I have tried to start/stick with ski conditioning exercize programs, but it never sticks. I did pretty well with a BodyPump class, but have not done that for quite few months. -- now that I am thinking about that, I may go back to it. The instructor I used to have had us do the exercize LM mentioned.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am fine for a couple of weeks, working out, not eating chocolate etc, but if I stop exercising for a few days, whatever the reason (it usually is a good reason, honest) then I find I am back on the chocs and find it hard to get back into exercising. I kinda yoyo exercise. If only I were really fit and the right weight then a fews days off would not make a difference.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I think we can all sympathize with your problem lozz. Right now I'm in the process of trying to lose 10-15lbs - I've lost 5 thusfar - to get back to my ideal weight which is just slightly below what I was at last fall before thanksgiving,etc. During the course of ski season I put on 5lbs because I was eating more, but not exercising enough. Then april came along with lots of travel and weekend plans and I gained another 5. So far I'm doing pretty well taking it off - 5lbs off in one month so far... however I know the next 5 and the last will be harder and then will be keeping it off.

We joined a gym in February and now I'm going again - spend lots of time on the rower for my aerobic workout and do lots of freeweights for the rest of my "strength/conditioning". I was very excited to see a Bosu ball there one of the times we visitted previously, but last time it was missing - apparently kids were running around and broke it by bouncing on it. Hopefully I can get them to let me use one of the others next time...
It is amazing at my age (47) how fast the pounds can slip on:eek: In a month, I have put on 5 lbs. that I now need to take off. I did join a gym a few weeks ago and I think I'm gaining muscle, but not 5 lbs. worth!
I think that riding, especially English saddle (because of the work that your core has to do to post trot), is an excellent complement to skiing. I'm taking a weekly yoga class and weely Pilates class, in addition to some cardio and Nautilis work, and am finding that the combination of all 4 activities is getting me into good shape while remaining flexible and strong in my core body. I plan to be in the best shape of my life when ski season begins this Fall:D


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I remember reading in some ski magazine about the diets of the womans ski team and one woman said she ate ice cream for breakfast every day! -- now that is one diet I like the sound of!!

Heh - this past October when I was training for a road race, I was constantly hungry and trying to figure out how to get calories into me. It got to the point where, after my morning run, I'd eat a few scoops of ice cream before eating my yogurt/cereal+granola/strawberry concoction while waiting for my eggs and sausage to cook. Then I ran out of ice cream....


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Heh - this past October when I was training for a road race, I was constantly hungry and trying to figure out how to get calories into me. It got to the point where, after my morning run, I'd eat a few scoops of ice cream before eating my yogurt/cereal+granola/strawberry concoction while waiting for my eggs and sausage to cook. Then I ran out of ice cream....

Sounds like me everyday ;)

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