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Question: NM Divas


Angel Diva
So my mom lives in ABQ and we’re considering a visit and would like to ski while we’re there, too. We've only got the Indy Pass, which would mean Ski Apache, but we're not limiting ourselves to just the pass. But we'd likely just do a couple of day trips, so no Taos. We’re used to driving a couple of hours to ski anyway, so it looks like Pajarito, Santa Fe, and Sipapu are within range. And of course Sandia is just the other side of the mountain, too. But I know nothing about any of them. So, any recs? Better snow this year in any particular place? We’d be coming in mid March.


Angel Diva
So my mom lives in ABQ and we’re considering a visit and would like to ski while we’re there, too. We've only got the Indy Pass, which would mean Ski Apache, but we're not limiting ourselves to just the pass. But we'd likely just do a couple of day trips, so no Taos. We’re used to driving a couple of hours to ski anyway, so it looks like Pajarito, Santa Fe, and Sipapu are within range. And of course Sandia is just the other side of the mountain, too. But I know nothing about any of them. So, any recs? Better snow this year in any particular place? We’d be coming in mid March.
Although I haven't skied any of them except for Ski Apache (which is a fun place when they have good snow), Ski Santa Fe has had a record snow season this yr, and Sipapu has also had very good snow. Paging @Susan L and @RJ* , who both live in NM...maybe they've skied these areas.

Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So my mom lives in ABQ and we’re considering a visit and would like to ski while we’re there, too. We've only got the Indy Pass, which would mean Ski Apache, but we're not limiting ourselves to just the pass. But we'd likely just do a couple of day trips, so no Taos. We’re used to driving a couple of hours to ski anyway, so it looks like Pajarito, Santa Fe, and Sipapu are within range. And of course Sandia is just the other side of the mountain, too. But I know nothing about any of them. So, any recs? Better snow this year in any particular place? We’d be coming in mid March.
With the warm weather here in ABQ, I doubt Sandia would still be open in mid-March. Ski Santa Fe is a great mountain - they got dumped on this year so it should still be good by mid-March. I have not skied Sipapu. If you need buddy passes to Taos, I have some. I think it is $95.

Amie H

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I enjoyed Ski Santa Fe on their closing weekend in early April 2022. Had a blast and would go back for sure.

Here is my trip report from that visit:



Angel Diva
All good info, thanks. And I love the idea of buddy passes for Taos, @Susan L, but I think it's not in the cards this time. The NM trip isn’t even 100%, maybe CO, but I'm just having a hard time getting motivated to decide anything. This season has seriously sapped my energy and almost my will to ski.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Although I haven't skied any of them except for Ski Apache (which is a fun place when they have good snow), Ski Santa Fe has had a record snow season this yr, and Sipapu has also had very good snow. Paging @Susan L and @RJ* , who both live in NM...maybe they've skied these areas.
I love Santa Fe, used to ski there a lot before Taos. Definitely worth a visit. I skied Sipapu a couple of days, it’s a great place for local families, super affordable tickets and lessons. Not sure I’d spend a day there with limited time.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just read that you are not skiing Taos during this trip. Is that still the case? That’s where I will be, happy to ski with you if you make it up there!


Angel Diva
Nothing is set. We love Taos and I think it might actually be hard to pass it up. @Susan L offered up buddy passes and those are sounding pretty good! Maybe we can do a day there, and one at Santa Fe, and sneak in one more somewhere. We don’t get in until evening on Tuesday, so I figure Wednesday for hanging out, maybe Thursday/Friday for skiing, then back to ABQ and possibly a short ski day Sunday. Depends on mom’s schedule, too. She's flying up here in May, so we don’t have to spend a LOT of quality time together now, lol.


Angel Diva
Well, we head out tomorrow! Plan is to visit with mom/aunt on Wednesday and Sunday, and do day trips to Ski Santa Fe (Thursday), Pajarito (Friday), and Sipapu (Saturday). Taos will have to wait for another time, when we can spend more days there. I'm pretty excited to get in three more days, bringing the season up to a double digit 10! Also excited to ski three new places.

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