I own a lot of skis, that being said I'm here to discuss the Nordica and K2. I'm 5'9' about 150lbs. strong expert skier.
First off what I own:
Nordica SA 88 172cm
Nordica SA 100 177cm
K2 Mindbender 89Ti 176cm
Plus a few other Nordica and K2 that aren't relevant to the discussion.
What I demoed:
Nordica Enforcer 89 172cm
K2 96c 176?
K2 82TI 177cm
My thoughts:
The first ski I took out was the k2 82Ti 177cm suited to on piste groomers. It was ok, handled speed, but I think I would want something that felt more solid underfoot for on piste skiing. Keep in mind my style of skiing is a lot faster and more aggressive than most women so what I prefer may differ from the average advanced woman skier.
I enjoyed the K2 96C 176cm, I wanted to try something without metal that I could drive into a bump and not get deflected. The ski was floppy on the flats, didn't feel like it had a lot of lift/float for 96 underfoot but I really enjoyed it on an ungroomed steep trail with some bumps/ice/piles of snow. I felt confident I could direct the ski and would consider this as part of my quiver for snow days, it was fun and easy to ski, I felt like I could let my skiing go on it and not have a stiff board that I needed to think about which way I would ski irregular terrain in so that I wouldn't get bucked around, this ski I just pointed down the hill. It gets deflected of course but it doesn't have metal so that's to be expected. I would buy this ski.
NOW! The Nordica Enforcer 89 172cm had me smiling from the get go. Strong ski, held on solid ice, plowed through everything, damp, gripped the snow extremely well, Got deflected in bumps because it is a solid ski but overall this could be your 1 ski quiver. I BOUGHT THIS SKI! I've skied it in some fresh snow and it had more float than the Mindbender 89Ti, I really like this ski, it's a go to ski for me.
Hope this helps, even though these are MEN's skis I ski on.
My goal would be as a quiver to have:
Nordica Enforcer 89 172cm
Nordica SA 87 172cm for bumps because it's softer ski
Nordica SA 9? 179cm for snow days
K2 96c 176cm for fun
K2 90C women's version 170cm for bumps