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How to post photos

ski diva

Staff member
Just so everyone knows, the new forum software makes posting photos much easier than it was under vbulletin. Here's a recap, from our User's Guide:
There are a couple different ways to upload a picture to a post. To upload a picture from the internet, just click on the small tree picture icon. A pop-up will appear where you can insert a link to your image, then click "Insert".
To upload a picture from your computer, click on "Upload a File" to the right just below the post box. A pop-up will appear where you can click "Choose File" and browse your own computer for the picture you want. Once uploaded, you can choose either Thumbnail or Full Image size. Then click "Post Reply." Note that the picture will be automatically resized to fit the post space if needed. Please try not to upload anything larger than 600px x 600px


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
There's undoubtedly a simple fix for this, but any picture imported from my iPhone ends up sideways. Is there a way to adjust the orientation? Or maybe some universal force is telling me that I look better from an alternate angle. Could be.

ski diva

Staff member
Unfortunately, there's no way you can adjust the orientation once you import the photo to the forum. Maybe try re-orienting it on your end and re-posting it again?

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
I had the exact same problem and it was suggested to save photo to my desktop and upload from there. That is the only way I was able to get the photo oriented correctly.
I usually right the photo on my phone, email it to myself and shrink down to small size, then resave so it'll upload without a size issue


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I think it's the phone, I take photos for my Real Estate some places I post even If I rotate them they come out side ways (the original way I held the phone)


Angel Diva
hmm, I missed that the software had changed. I used to upload from google photo/picasa online hosting and then it quit working.

still not working. pasting the URL generated by picasa yields txt that says bracket IMG bracket and no photo.

pasting URL directly


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
hmm, I missed that the software had changed. I used to upload from google photo/picasa online hosting and then it quit working.

still not working. pasting the URL generated by picasa yields txt that says bracket IMG bracket and no photo.

pasting URL directly

The URL takes you to a web page that contains photos, but you can't embed that the way you can a direct link to an image.

I only recently started using google photos, and I have not found a way to effectively link directly to an image. I end up copying things to imgur to link.


Angel Diva
I'll try the upload via pc

Nope, got a file too large error. what is the max file size?
hen click "Post Reply." Note that the picture will be automatically resized to fit the post space if needed. Please try not to upload anything larger than 600px x 600px

I did not get an auto resize, just a file too large error. Is it just me or this more of a pain that it used to be?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The files from most of these services are too large for this forum by default. You can resize it. I'm guessing your downloaded picture was probably 4-6Mb. I think the limit is 1Mb.

I assume that's because @ski diva would rather not pay for hosting large files. But hosting prices have gone down a lot since the site first launched. I'm guessing she's busy with Diva West right now; maybe something to inquire about when she gets back.


Angel Diva
thanks Jenny. It's way more fun to do a trip report with embedded photos. I will have to look into batch resize in my photo editor.

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