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Going Stockli: Can't decide Montero AS, AW vs Nela 80?


Certified Ski Diva
Hi Divas,
I'm in Europe and ski in the French Alps, Austria and Spain. I love skiing but always struggled with boots and my large calfs (pain, numbness). After many boot fitters, many boots, I think I finally found my magic combo of Dalbello Panterra 105 + Zitpfit linners.
I ski about 3 to 4 weeks a year, so I consider myself a vacation/recreational skier and on piste an intermediate/advanced. I love learning so I'm always pushing myself a bit, having classes etc. I love the feel of carving and I'm trying to improve on technique, love to turn. Medium speed, occasionally will do GS turns and go fast.
I'm 45 years old, 160 cm (5.25 Ft), and 68 Kg (150 pounds). I ski about 80% on piste and dabble a bit off pistes if weather and conditions permit. Being on vacation weeks, I really don't get to pick the perfect ski day and find the pistes conditions in the last couple of years more challenging, not enough snow, spring snow, wet snow, fluffy bumpy, and still want to enjoy those days. I Ski currently on My Blizzard BP 88 (152 cm) from 2018/9
I'm looking for a nimble, playful ski, that carves really well, stable at slow and fast speeds that can handle varied snow conditions and my little dables off piste.I ve read great thing atout the Nela's HERE, and was leaning towards the Nela 80, but now you have the montero as well, although I've read it's "more serious", not really sure what they mean by it?? Less Fun?
Stockli recommends:
1. Montero AS in 160 cm (could this be a bit long for me?)
2. Nela 80 149 cm
3 Montero AW 150 cm
I wont have the opportunity to demo, it's hard fo find stores that carry the model and sizes you want.... so I'll have to buy online and would love your expert input specially if you tried both. Thank you for your help:thumbsup:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi Divas,
I'm in Europe and ski in the French Alps, Austria and Spain. I love skiing but always struggled with boots and my large calfs (pain, numbness). After many boot fitters, many boots, I think I finally found my magic combo of Dalbello Panterra 105 + Zitpfit linners.
I ski about 3 to 4 weeks a year, so I consider myself a vacation/recreational skier and on piste an intermediate/advanced. I love learning so I'm always pushing myself a bit, having classes etc. I love the feel of carving and I'm trying to improve on technique, love to turn. Medium speed, occasionally will do GS turns and go fast.
I'm 45 years old, 160 cm (5.25 Ft), and 68 Kg (150 pounds). I ski about 80% on piste and dabble a bit off pistes if weather and conditions permit. Being on vacation weeks, I really don't get to pick the perfect ski day and find the pistes conditions in the last couple of years more challenging, not enough snow, spring snow, wet snow, fluffy bumpy, and still want to enjoy those days. I Ski currently on My Blizzard BP 88 (152 cm) from 2018/9
I'm looking for a nimble, playful ski, that carves really well, stable at slow and fast speeds that can handle varied snow conditions and my little dables off piste.I ve read great thing atout the Nela's HERE, and was leaning towards the Nela 80, but now you have the montero as well, although I've read it's "more serious", not really sure what they mean by it?? Less Fun?
Stockli recommends:
1. Montero AS in 160 cm (could this be a bit long for me?)
2. Nela 80 149 cm
3 Montero AW 150 cm
I wont have the opportunity to demo, it's hard fo find stores that carry the model and sizes you want.... so I'll have to buy online and would love your expert input specially if you tried both. Thank you for your help:thumbsup:
Hi! I demo'd several Stockli's here's my review- These were 2022-23 skis.. not sure what changes are for the Montero AS and AW you mention. The waist of each ski is in parenthesis.

AX-Montero 173cm (80) a bit long but WOW- loved them, very easy to ski, everyone’s a hero on these. Wish they had the 168 or 163 to try

Laser SC- 163cm (72) Felt stiffer than AX- great at Speed, so stable.

Laser MX- Ladies specific ski 158cm (67) Very nice, too short, not as aggressive as others, very stable another make you ski like a hero ski.

Laser CX- 163cm (69) WINNER- WINNER carved like a dream, rock solid, couldn’t out ski it, I loved making tight turns, awesome railroad track skis. 23’s called Orea- green or blue woodsy top sheet

Laser World Cup 165cm (66) heavier than others, fast, turny, stable, race feel

Laser SX 165cm (70) Skier cross ski- surprised it felt like it skied ‘long’ very damp, heavier, still great stable ski

I hope you find the perfect ski!!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
If you want versatility for variable snow days, I would go with the longer ski. I'm 5'2" and 135lbs and my shortest ski is 159. I understand in Europe that those are not considered narrow skis, but if there is any amount of powder, you will need a longer ski to help you get some float. Also in cruddy, chopped up snow, the extra length will keep you from getting tossed around. The 149 and the 150 are way too short.

Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am 5’2” and 140lbs. My go to for carving is the Laser AX (now Montero AX) 154 and my all mountain are the Nela 88 152. I love them so much I bought backups for both of them! I prefer my skis shorter and never have issues with stability while in speed or cruds.


Certified Ski Diva
Hi, thank you all for your input :-)
@nopoleskier, Thank you for all you feedback on the testing. can I ask you your high?
@Susan L, I know I'm kinda asking for a unicorn were I want good carving and versatily, witch is were the montero is suppose to shine. Can't have 2....
I appreciate maneuverability, hence my consideration for skis in the 150 cm range and my goal is to ski more effortlessly (yes I know, part of is technique... Working on it ;-), so I can last longer and ski more.
@mustski If there is a big powder day I´ll consider renting probably. Never consider a longer ski wold more stable in the crud shopped snow....I'll take this into consideration
My BP were 12 radius on 152 cm so the Monteiro AS even at 160 is about the same, but it's 76 cm undefoot. Bur listening to this guys they really recommend ski shorter on the AS min 12:20 (
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Susan L

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi, thank you all for your input :-)
@nopoleskier, Thank you for all you feedback on the testing. can I ask you your high?
@Susan L, I know I'm kinda asking for a unicorn were I want good carving and versatily, witch is were the montero is suppose to shine. Can't have 2....
I appreciate maneuverability, hence my consideration for skis in the 150 cm range and my goal is to ski more effortlessly (yes I know, part of is technique... Working on it ;-), so I can last longer and ski more.
@mustski If there is a big powder day I´ll consider renting probably. Never consider a longer ski wold more stable in the crud shopped snow....I'll take this into consideration
My BP were 12 radius on 152 cm so the Monteiro AS even at 160 is about the same, but it's 76 cm undefoot. Bur listening to this guys they really recommend ski shorter on the AS min 12:20 (
Nible, playful and effortless is exactly how I’d describe my AX. I can still carve in my Nela but it is not as fun as on the AX. I have never tried the Nela 80 but perhaps that will be the compromise between the 2.


Angel Diva
Reading about the skis and about you I’d go for the Montero AW in 150.
That is short for your size but the radius is what you’re used to and it gets rave reviews.
Keep us mind that nopoleskier is an ex-racer who carves beautifully and likes to go fast. I think Susan L is advanced/expert.
Related to your query, I’m 5’5” 140, 64 years old unaggressive advanced skier. I like moguls, trees, don’t ski fast. Learned in straight skis, unweighting and pushing heels, still working on carving.
Currently I have BP88 159 20-21 (when they became more directional, didn’t like earlier versions). Most would say those are a bit short. My prev skis were 147 then 154 so I’m moving in right direction, Ha ha! Prob true and my next AM ski will be in low 160s. Loved Secret 96 in 163 when I demo’d.
On the other hand, instructor at Taos said I “could go shorter”. I’m commited to learning to carve, so last spring I bought used Stockli laser SC at 149. Still not carving but they are very stable despite short length and I have broken my own modest speed records on them.
I think you can stay on the short side on the Montero AW or a Stockli carver. Not sure what the Nela 80 or 88 offers over what you have.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi, thank you all for your input :-)
@nopoleskier, Thank you for all you feedback on the testing. can I ask you your high?
@Susan L, I know I'm kinda asking for a unicorn were I want good carving and versatily, witch is were the montero is suppose to shine. Can't have 2....
I appreciate maneuverability, hence my consideration for skis in the 150 cm range and my goal is to ski more effortlessly (yes I know, part of is technique... Working on it ;-), so I can last longer and ski more.
@mustski If there is a big powder day I´ll consider renting probably. Never consider a longer ski wold more stable in the crud shopped snow....I'll take this into consideration
My BP were 12 radius on 152 cm so the Monteiro AS even at 160 is about the same, but it's 76 cm undefoot. Bur listening to this guys they really recommend ski shorter on the AS min 12:20 (
Hi, I'm about 5'4 and a half- just got measured at annual dr. visit, lol. I come from a race background and been skiing forever, I love to carve and ski the ski, not be on for the ride. I weigh more than you, I would think you could go shorter than me. My quiver of skis range from 156- 165cm. with waists of 76 to 102 I'm still lusting after the CX, lol.. I thought I'd be bummed when I got back on my Liberty 76w's after riding the Stocklis' but was pleased I love my skis they carve great. For Price of Stockli's you maybe able to get 2 pair.. So many great skis now, technology has come a long way! I hope you end up with the perfect skis.


Certified Ski Diva
I ski the Nela 80 165cm length and weigh 120lb. They love groomers best, and I have other skis for other conditions, but 80 is fairly versatile. Try out as many of the ones you are considering, in as many lengths as you can, and then just pull the trigger and get out on the slopes on the pair that makes you feel your best self.


Certified Ski Diva
Hi everyone I cannot thank you enough for all your input. After @nopoleskier told me about Laser CX, I'v also consider it, It's a piste ski, but as long as it can handle crud, choppy snow and wet snow it should be ok. I know there is a big hype on skying off piste, but I love to carve and turn in piste.

I've shortent the list to the:
1. Stockli Montero AW (80 cm underfoot, 12,6 radius) at 150 cm (10 cm less then me).
2 Stockli LASER CX (69 underfoot) on 149 (10.5) ou 156 cm (11.6)

I still think the Montero AW as a pretty sweet radius of 12,6, considering it's 80 underfoot.

Anyway Trying the persuade my husband to go on an extra ski trip a bit earlier in January, he's not really onboard, so I'm considering going solo for a week and find me a ski camp, If this happens I might have a chance to try them out.

I'll keep you posted :-)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Hi everyone I cannot thank you enough for all your input. After @nopoleskier told me about Laser CX, I'v also consider it, It's a piste ski, but as long as it can handle crud, choppy snow and wet snow it should be ok. I know there is a big hype on skying off piste, but I love to carve and turn in piste.

I've shortent the list to the:
1. Stockli Montero AW (80 cm underfoot, 12,6 radius) at 150 cm (10 cm less then me).
2 Stockli LASER CX (69 underfoot) on 149 (10.5) ou 156 cm (11.6)

I still think the Montero AW as a pretty sweet radius of 12,6, considering it's 80 underfoot.

Anyway Trying the persuade my husband to go on an extra ski trip a bit earlier in January, he's not really onboard, so I'm considering going solo for a week and find me a ski camp, If this happens I might have a chance to try them out.

I'll keep you posted :-)
I hope you can demo.. it's really the best way to know especially sizing.. Hope your husband goes with you or you find a good ski camp!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I've shortent the list to the:
1. Stockli Montero AW (80 cm underfoot, 12,6 radius) at 150 cm (10 cm less then me).
2 Stockli LASER CX (69 underfoot) on 149 (10.5) ou 156 cm (11.6)
I can’t speak for the Laser CX, but I’ve been on the Montero AW and wanted to mention, be careful not to go too short. They only had a 158 available (8cm shorter than me) when I demoed. This is one size down from what I would generally choose in a ski like that. Seems that both @SnowHot and I had a similar reaction to the ski in that length. It left me wanting a little extra length for stability when trying to pick up speed. With the way you describe your skiing, I think you’ll be finding the speed limit of this ski in a 150 much quicker than you’d like to.


Olesya C

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I own Montero AX and love them. I think it's a very versatile ski for am 80 mm wide ski, I can ski them well on ice and on soft spring snow piles and bumps. They are so much fun because easy and intuitive to ski in my opinion. They like to carve but they are not punishing like a stiffer carver/race ski that always have to be on edge.


Certified Ski Diva
I can’t speak for the Laser CX, but I’ve been on the Montero AW and wanted to mention, be careful not to go too short. They only had a 158 available (8cm shorter than me) when I demoed. This is one size down from what I would generally choose in a ski like that. Seems that both @SnowHot and I had a similar reaction to the ski in that length. It left me wanting a little extra length for stability when trying to pick up speed. With the way you describe your skiing, I think you’ll be finding the speed limit of this ski in a 150 much quicker than you’d like to.

Hi, I didn't found those reviews yet, thabk you something to be considered, I usually clock average 35/ Km/h going on 55 - 60 km on descendeding on a Blue/red. My Garmin does tell me sometimes I go crazy, and if there is good piste conditions, I've can the piste to myself and i can see no one on the piste down ....... I can make large carving turns I've reached 80 Km/h probably for 1 sec before I've chicken out and slowed down.


Certified Ski Diva
I was talking with the Stockli expert and she gave me this feedback on Montero's As VS AW.

"The AW is lighter than the AS, it also has a soft flex in it. As a result, the AW requires less force to release the swing than the Montero AS. The AS is sportier to ride, so you get up to speed more quickly, somewhat comparable to the WRT. However, with the Montero AS you tend to make shorter turns (see also radius information). However, both are very stable skis for all piste conditions.

I've skied both skis and have to say that for smaller people like me (154 cm tall), I find the Montero AW better for a whole day on the slopes."


Angel Diva
I can’t speak for the Laser CX, but I’ve been on the Montero AW and wanted to mention, be careful not to go too short. They only had a 158 available (8cm shorter than me) when I demoed. This is one size down from what I would generally choose in a ski like that. Seems that both @SnowHot and I had a similar reaction to the ski in that length. It left me wanting a little extra length for stability when trying to pick up speed. With the way you describe your skiing, I think you’ll be finding the speed limit of this ski in a 150 much quicker than you’d like to.

Hi, I didn't found those reviews yet, thabk you something to be considered, I usually clock average 35/ Km/h going on 55 - 60 km on descendeding on a Blue/red. My Garmin does tell me sometimes I go crazy, and if there is good piste conditions, I've can the piste to myself and i can see no one on the piste down ....... I can make large carving turns I've reached 80 Km/h probably for 1 sec before I've chicken out and slowed down.
That review page @elemmac posted is her and me reviewing it.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm looking for new skis and have been liking what I hear about Stockli. What did you end up with, @Calinca? What do you think of them?


Certified Ski Diva
I'm looking for new skis and have been liking what I hear about Stockli. What did you end up with, @Calinca? What do you think of them?
Hi, still indecisive....So can't help you yet. The stockli representative in ou going conversations gave me the folowing advice.

"Concerning Laser CX, I'd say that this ski is not really meant to handle all piste conditions. It's a pure piste ski.
An all rounder for all piste conditions would be more our Laser SC:
Let me show you the differences between those two models first:
The Laser SC is our all-rounder on the slopes. This means that you can make short, medium and long turns with this ski at both low and high speeds. It is very flexible in terms of construction and can therefore adapt perfectly to the skier's skiing style - a true all-rounder! It also impresses in all piste conditions. With the right binding (e.g. SRT or WRT binding), this ski can be skied very sporty.

Like the Laser SC, the Laser CX is also a very versatile ski. However, the main difference is the length of the turns. The Laser CX is only suitable for short turns. The Laser CX is a rather comfortable slalom ski with a light construction and playful characteristics. In contrast to the Laser SC, it is even better-natured and more forgiving to ski. On the other hand, the Laser SC is even more ideal for all snow conditions on the piste.

Montero AW and Laser CX do nor have much in common. Our Laser CX is a pure piste ski, meant mostly for short turns, and Montero AW can be driven about 20 % off piste and can handle all kinds of piste conditions. With him, you make more middle to longer turns.
Both are very playful, where I'd say, Montero AW is even more playful through its tail rocker. I'd also say, that Montero AW is a bit more forgiving, also through its wider width (80 mm, Laser SC 72 mm)."

As I've read about the SC in multiple foruns and it seems to be a long time favourite for everyone, It's now between Stockli SC VS Montero. I am trying to find stores in my next ski strip (27 January....Almost there!!!) that I can try before buy. Only find the SC so far, let's hope the other shops reply soon as I really want to try the Montero as well.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
That's great information, thanks so much for sharing. It's so difficult to find demo days in recent years. Knowing exactly what you want to try is very helpful. Can't wait to hear what you are able to test and your thoughts.

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