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Foam Roller


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
DH is scoffing at this new "toy" of mine.

I don't know, maybe everyone knows about this tool already, but this is one of those things worth mentioning!

So, first week of November, which is really too late, but then -- ski season didn't start for me until just before Christmas, so it was still worth doing! -- I started working out in a gym, with a trainer, "getting ready for ski season."

Last time I saw her was last Friday -- I was planning a newyears eve morning work out, but DH wanted to go skiing, so...

Anyway, she introduced me to the foam roller that morning, since I was going skiing the next morning, and it was "leg day."

THIS MORNING, I got out of bed hardly moving, hard to hold my head up, etc. Everything ached, so I just sat for like two hours, feeling lousy. Thinking about it, we've skied seven of the last fourteen days leading up to this morning. That's an intense start! I've also had two or three sessions with Kelly in that time.

I picked up an 18" long foam roller at Target the other day, thinking I wanted to have one at home. Decided maybe I'd give it a try. Couldn't really say any muscles felt tight, aside from the stiff neck, but what the heck, right?

I am a new woman in ten minutes!

He's admitted to feeling the skiing too (I may have always been the couch potato queen in our house, but he's the Supreme High King of couch potatoes), so I wonder if he'll sneak in some time on the roller while I'm gone this afternoon?

Nice thing about this short size: it will pack in my duffel when we go to Grand Targhee later this month -- and I may be very glad I've got it with me!!!

Karen in Boise


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Oh, I'm a HUGE fan of the foam roller. I was having major IT band issues in the spring when I was training for a half-marathon, and while PT did the trick to fix it, the foam roller has helped me maintain. It's truly amazing what it can do! I :love: mine!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Love mione too!! Has been amazing for my IT bands!:thumbsup:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Has anyone purchased a half round foam roller from a (brick and mortar) store? I've seen the full round ones, but haven't seen a half round for sale in person and would love a tip for where to find one.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My gym (24 hours fitness) has the half ones for sale...do you want me to take a look at them next time I go in? (Tuesday).


Staff member
Since both Hot Chocolate and I seem to be saying the same thing:


What's this thing look like??


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Here is more information than you could possibly ever want about the foam roller. :p I use mine almost entirely for IT band, but there are lots of other good uses, too. They're a wonder, and relatively cheap, $20-30.


Staff member
Thanks itri, that's looks neat. One foot on log - yeah that's going to happen!!

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