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Do You Like to Ski Alone?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I love skiing by myself, as long as it's a good day, and I've got music to keep my rhythm going. But I also love having someone to share the day with. I'm a student, at a wonderful school that has amazingly long breaks (month for christmas, 2 week spring break, four day weekend this weekend....:eyebrows: ). So when I'm off for a week or two, I have to ski by myself.

I racked up somewhere near 15 days on my month for Christmas (I had to work all the other days... :mad: ) and I skiied eight days over spring break. When I am at my parents, I usually do not have anyone to ski with mid-week, so I end up driving up and skiing by myself. I've had some AMAZING mid-week powder days, and there was nothing holding me back from going where ever I wanted!! I progress quite a bit on days that I can ski by myself. I sometimes talk myself through my technique.... 'pole plant... TURN!' :becky: And there is no one around to watch me do ridiculous things, like jump over moguls and land on my face.

I love skiing with my dad though, he has been skiing since he was 12, and I asked him yesterday where he would put himself on the 1-10 scale, he said 8.5, and on powder days, an 11. :laugh: (FWIW he said I was a strong 7. Whee!) I went up with him yesterday, it was a fabulous bluebird groomer day, and the off groomed wasn't bad either! He never tells me which line to take, we just ski, FAST. He's got just under 50 pounds on me, and longer skis, but I have to keep up anyways.

The only days that I get frustrated skiing with other people, is the group of friends that I ski with at Meadows. They have a very different attitude towards the mountain than I do, and it makes it tough to stay with them all day. I find myself skiing the first run with them, running off for an hour or two, and meeting back up with them at lunch. I feel like I can get into my groove better when I am warming up by myself. :ski2:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
When I'm skiing alone, time doesn't exist. There's me, the mountain, and my skis.

I go up to the mountain with DH, and he will ask (but not often cuz my answer never suits him), "what are you going to do today?" My answer is that the snow and my body will tell me once I get started. Not enough advance planning in that for him.

We ski together too, and sometimes with some of his friends. I can do that this year, it's new for me. It's great fun and always does a little something for my skiing. I finally have the confidence to let myself be challenged this year, rather than feeling like I'm holding people up and being a pain in the butt.

I'm enjoying it all this year, but I do try to make sure I get in at least a couple of runs on my own, to enjoy the special peace that happens when it's just me and the mountain -- even when it's the bunny run!



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I usually ski with a couple of different groups. Group 1 is the testosterone group - hubby and my race teammates, and all they ever want to do is go flat out and ski the hardest stuff all the time. Group 2 has various abilities so there's some waiting and standing time. Group 3 is into slower speeds and mostly blue runs so I spend even more time waiting and standing, plus they like me to analyze their skiing and give them tips.

Friday nights, though, is me time. I crank up the tunes and ski when I want, where I want, at the speeds I want. I'll usually ski 2.5-3 hours just making laps, having fun, and singing out loud. I love skiing with the groups, but I LOVE my Friday nights!:p


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I LOVE skiing alone, with the tunes, venturing into new terrain and not worrying about my form, just into the flow of the mountain. But, I ski with a wide variety of others---both as a mountain host and with various friends and family. I find I ski differently when with others.

When with guests and as a mountain host---I find I am a bit more tense, feeling my skiing is being 'judged', whether it's true or not. With the resort jacket on, people do 'watch'. I am not as relaxed.

But, when I'm with my family/sister-in-law and friends---I am another way. Relaxed and into the social aspects--we gossip and explore the harder terrain---and laugh at ourselves as we enjoy the moment and with no pressure to perform. And we give advice to eachother as we venture into steeper or tougher terrain.

The best thing about skiing with others---I learn from my fellow skiers, by observing them, following them, listening to their advice. When I ski alone, I miss these opportunities, but am into the zen or the moment without outside noise and just groove into my own ski world---imperfect as that may be.


Angel Diva
I had the BEST "alone" day ever today! :yahoo: Of course, this is largely due to this only having been my 2nd day out after my 3 weeks off skis. Another picture-perfect bluebird day, and I just had to throw caution into the wind today: skied 2 blues and gave it up - hit the blacks and doubles. Everything still works!! All that worry for nothing. What a glorious 5 hours. I grinned from ear to ear the whole time.


Angel Diva
My favorite way to ski is in a private lesson with a great coach whose company I enjoy because I learn a lot, ski a ton, and explore a mountain in a way I would never otherwise do.

That's me each week - my instructor is awesome, and he takes me all over the mountain (he grew up on it so he seems to know every inch), and we enjoy talking to each other as well. He's a tough teacher though - which I also respect and enjoy!

After my lessons I often ski alone working on my drills or repeating the same hill over and over. That said, my 3 days this year with friends were fun, I like the social aspect as well.


Certified Ski Diva
fantastic day on the mountain - MSL, you probably passed me! Sunshine, blue skies.... what a day! Nothing wrong with skiing alone.


Angel Diva
fantastic day on the mountain - MSL, you probably passed me! Sunshine, blue skies.... what a day! Nothing wrong with skiing alone.
NO WAY! You were at Sunday River???? DANG! Where were you skiing? Wasn't it nice out there?? I never made it to Jordan - was having too much fun on Vortex and Airglow to Black Hole. Okay, I had better get way more organized in re: local and regional divas here!!!! :eek:
p.s. had on same outfit as avatar

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