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Buying new skis, should I go with binding or no binding


Certified Ski Diva
I am looking to buy my first set of new skis during the spring sale. I am an intermediate/advanced skier who is working on getting more than 20 days/season on the slope. I have my eyes on Stockli Nela 88. Online store has options of just the skis or packages with Salomon Strive 11 demo bindings or Marker Squire TCX GW demo bindings.

Unfortunately, demoing different bindings on Nela 88 before I buy is not an option in my area. And honestly, is it worth contemplating over different bindings and how important would bindings affect the experience? Any pros and cons of buying the packaged version? If just buying the skis, what bindings would you recommend?




Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I feel I am sensitive to binding delta and am really happy on my Marker Squire demo bindings with TCX heel. They are both easier to get my heel into and feel more neutral/balanced than the retail Marker Squire bindings I was using previously.

I am NOT a big fan of the Strive demo bindings - I dunno why, both both me and son have had issues clicking into them on less than flat, hardpark snow.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The TCX heel is amazing. Marker bindings used to be a bear to get into, but that TCX - wow! I'm sold. Personally, I like the flat delta of the Marker Squire demo binding and it's what I am currently shopping for. I'd go for it.


Certified Ski Diva
I am NOT a big fan of the Strive demo bindings - I dunno why, both both me and son have had issues clicking into them on less than flat, hardpark snow.
That's a good point! It would be very annoying to have a hard time clicking in under those conditions. Thanks!

Trailside Trixie

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I guess it just depends on your sensitivity to bindings and their nuances. I have skis that have system bindings, demo bindings on skis I've bought and skis I've bought flat and had to buy bindings. I'm not sensitive to anything relating to bindings so I just find ones that are the brake width I need in a price point I like. I usually buy couple year old bindings. I do try to color coordinate if possible but mostly as long as they black that's fine.


Certified Ski Diva
What is your current ski / binding set up?
Good question! I am currently using Rossignol smash 7 with Look Xpres bindings. No complaint about the bindings.


Certified Ski Diva
I guess it just depends on your sensitivity to bindings and their nuances. I have skis that have system bindings, demo bindings on skis I've bought and skis I've bought flat and had to buy bindings. I'm not sensitive to anything relating to bindings so I just find ones that are the brake width I need in a price point I like. I usually buy couple year old bindings. I do try to color coordinate if possible but mostly as long as they black that's fine.
Looks like we are in the same school, haha! Received my Nela 88 flat and plan to go up to the mountain later this week. Your feedback makes me feel less stressed on finding THE bindings for them. Thanks!


Certified Ski Diva
For what it’s worth, I ended up getting Strive 12 for my Nela. No complaints and loving every second skiing with her.

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