When I started TheSkiDiva way back in 2006, I had two things in mind: To connect with other women who felt as passionately about skiing as I did, and to create an environment in which women were treated respectfully; where we weren’t sexualized or marginalized or looked down on as skiers; where we could talk about all things skiing — and some things not — in a way that made us feel comfortable.
Looking back, I think I’ve succeeded. As of this morning, we have nearly 8,000 registered members, and we get thousands of visitors each month. And while yes, we’ve had a few dust ups, it’s always been a vibrant, supportive, informative corner of the web. Which is actually pretty amazing — I don’t have to tell you what a hell hole the internet can be. We’ve become a community offline, too. I hear stories all the time of Divas helping each other out or meeting in real life. And that makes me very happy.
Still, I’ve always wanted to do more with the site. Expand our community. Draw more visitors and readers. Make our world bigger. Share our accumulated knowledge and passion with more and more women around the globe.
And this is where the big news comes in: Starting today, I’m turning TheSkiDiva over to someone with the vision, ability, talent, and motivation to take it to the next level. In effect, I’m retiring. Taking my place is a Diva that many of you already know: our own RachelV. Rachel is perfect for this. She’s been an active member of the site since the beginning and has a long history of working in both the tech and outdoor industries. She has the passion, ability, knowledge, and yes, even the temperament to take the site forward.
So I hope you’ll join me in congratulating Rachel and wishing her all the best. Sure, I’ll still be around (I’ll be a moderator), but as far as making final decisions and running things, from now on, that’s in RachelV’s capable hands.
I'm excited about this, and hope you are, too.
Thanks for sticking with me for 17 years.
I love you all,
Ski Diva/Wendy

Ski Diva and RachelV
Looking back, I think I’ve succeeded. As of this morning, we have nearly 8,000 registered members, and we get thousands of visitors each month. And while yes, we’ve had a few dust ups, it’s always been a vibrant, supportive, informative corner of the web. Which is actually pretty amazing — I don’t have to tell you what a hell hole the internet can be. We’ve become a community offline, too. I hear stories all the time of Divas helping each other out or meeting in real life. And that makes me very happy.
Still, I’ve always wanted to do more with the site. Expand our community. Draw more visitors and readers. Make our world bigger. Share our accumulated knowledge and passion with more and more women around the globe.
And this is where the big news comes in: Starting today, I’m turning TheSkiDiva over to someone with the vision, ability, talent, and motivation to take it to the next level. In effect, I’m retiring. Taking my place is a Diva that many of you already know: our own RachelV. Rachel is perfect for this. She’s been an active member of the site since the beginning and has a long history of working in both the tech and outdoor industries. She has the passion, ability, knowledge, and yes, even the temperament to take the site forward.
So I hope you’ll join me in congratulating Rachel and wishing her all the best. Sure, I’ll still be around (I’ll be a moderator), but as far as making final decisions and running things, from now on, that’s in RachelV’s capable hands.
I'm excited about this, and hope you are, too.
Thanks for sticking with me for 17 years.
I love you all,
Ski Diva/Wendy

Ski Diva and RachelV
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