• Women skiers, this is the place for you -- an online community without the male-orientation you'll find in conventional ski magazines and internet ski forums. At TheSkiDiva.com, you can connect with other women to talk about skiing in a way that you can relate to, about things that you find of interest. Be sure to join our community to participate (women only, please!). Registration is fast and simple. Just be sure to add [email protected] to your address book so your registration activation emails won't be routed as spam. And please give careful consideration to your user name -- it will not be changed once your registration is confirmed.

Big Changes at TheSkiDiva!

ski diva

Staff member
When I started TheSkiDiva way back in 2006, I had two things in mind: To connect with other women who felt as passionately about skiing as I did, and to create an environment in which women were treated respectfully; where we weren’t sexualized or marginalized or looked down on as skiers; where we could talk about all things skiing — and some things not — in a way that made us feel comfortable.

Looking back, I think I’ve succeeded. As of this morning, we have nearly 8,000 registered members, and we get thousands of visitors each month. And while yes, we’ve had a few dust ups, it’s always been a vibrant, supportive, informative corner of the web. Which is actually pretty amazing — I don’t have to tell you what a hell hole the internet can be. We’ve become a community offline, too. I hear stories all the time of Divas helping each other out or meeting in real life. And that makes me very happy.

Still, I’ve always wanted to do more with the site. Expand our community. Draw more visitors and readers. Make our world bigger. Share our accumulated knowledge and passion with more and more women around the globe.

And this is where the big news comes in: Starting today, I’m turning TheSkiDiva over to someone with the vision, ability, talent, and motivation to take it to the next level. In effect, I’m retiring. Taking my place is a Diva that many of you already know: our own RachelV. Rachel is perfect for this. She’s been an active member of the site since the beginning and has a long history of working in both the tech and outdoor industries. She has the passion, ability, knowledge, and yes, even the temperament to take the site forward.

So I hope you’ll join me in congratulating Rachel and wishing her all the best. Sure, I’ll still be around (I’ll be a moderator), but as far as making final decisions and running things, from now on, that’s in RachelV’s capable hands.

I'm excited about this, and hope you are, too.

Thanks for sticking with me for 17 years.

I love you all,

Ski Diva/Wendy

Ski Diva and RachelV
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Staff member
When I joined The Ski Diva in 2006 I was a 20-something living in NYC and was really just hoping to find other women who loved skiing as much as I did. If you told me that 17 years later I’d still be part of this community, would count many members as “real life” friends, and that the connections I’d made here would have helped me build the confidence I needed to move to Colorado, I’m not sure I would have believed you. But here we are, and this site and the friendships I’ve made here continue to be a meaningful part of my life.

That’s really just a way of saying that I’m incredibly grateful to Wendy for what she’s built here. Without her vision and tireless work over the past two decades, we wouldn’t have the supportive, respectful, amazing community of women skiers we have today, and many of our lives would be poorer for it.

I’d like to reiterate that Wendy isn’t going anywhere; she’ll continue to be a big part of the site in almost all the ways she always has been. I’d also like to say that I’m not looking to be the next Ski Diva; that title will always belong to Wendy.

For the most part, The Ski Diva will continue on much as it always has. I don’t have any grand plans to re-imagine the site or fundamentally change the way anything works. I do have some not-so-grand plans to keep things running as smoothly as possible, increase site traffic, attract and engage more new members, and hopefully just keep the site feeling current and relevant.

I’m genuinely honored that Wendy trusts me to take over this community that she created, has spent so much time and energy on, and has built into something really wonderful. I’m looking forward to keeping it going for a long time to come.

Here’s to another 17+ years,
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santacruz skier

Angel Diva
Congratulations to both of you.... This is exciting news as when I first read the post, I thought "oh no."
Welcome @RachelV .....
I've met so many divas from other parts of the US that I look forward to skiing with on future trips..... Also have met some CA divas, my good friend @WaterGirl , @mustski , never met IRL but would like to @Pequenita......


Angel Diva
Wow, congratulations to both of you!!

This is such a special place and I can’t thank you enough for creating it @ski diva! In many ways I can say it has changed the shape of my life for the last decade+ along with becoming a skier as an adult. The friends I’ve met, the places I’ve traveled, the support on and off the slopes, the independence and confidence in myself I’ve found in recent years.. The Ski Diva has played a big part in all of it.

You have very big shoes to fill @RachelV, but if anyone can do it you can!!

P.S. Please tell me you guys negotiated getting friending back on Slope Squad in this transition?!? :bounce:

P.P.S. @RachelV does that mean we will you you at Diva Easts now too? :clap:

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
Amazing! I can't believe it's been 17 years!!

And yes, I would love to meet and ski with you, @santacruz skier!!
I got an IKON base pass as well as my usual EPIC so let's do it!!! Also, I love Sugar Bowl and it's been years since I've skied there so may consider a day pass some time...

Olesya C

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Thank you so much for all of the hard work on starting and building this amazing community of women @ski diva ! I have met so many amazing ski friends and have become a "ski nut" under the mentorship of several Divas who are now dear friends. I am loving it. Skiing is a big part of my life and a lot of it happened because of skidiva forum.

@RachelV congratulations and that is so exciting! I cannot imagine a better choice for the skidiva.com leader. I am very happy for you and for @ski diva


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I don't post a whole lot but I've been around a long time - since about 2009 I think. I've met many divas throughout this time and although I AM getting on in years, I still love to ski – and hope to meet many more divas. Thanks Wendy for all you've done and thanks to Rachel for stepping up to take this over. I feel we're in very good hands!


Staff member
Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone. It's much appreciated. :smile:

P.P.S. @RachelV does that mean we will you you at Diva Easts now too? :clap:

I signed up to get notified when the Indy Pass goes back on sale, so... maybe. :smile: I do love Jay.

P.S. Please tell me you guys negotiated getting friending back on Slope Squad in this transition?!? :bounce:

Hah, I am working on Slope Squad again, but that has much more to do with me being unemployed right now and almost nothing to do with anything Ski Diva related. :smile: It'll be up in a new & improved state before next season.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wendy, congratulations on orchestrating this amazing win-win changing of the guard. Enjoy your retirement, but I know I'll see you here.
Rachel, congratulations on taking the captain's chair for this great site. Am sure there will be new and interesting developments under your stewardship.
Am very pleased to know that things won't change too much and yet will change. What a happy paradox!

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