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D@#N Knee!


Staff member
About 3 weeks ago I did a double eject out of my bindings in a glade at Tremblant. We'd had 7" of snow overnight and it was my second run. I got up and did that "self access". Nothing hurt, everything was attached, except my skis. So I shook if off and clicked back in. Later after the drive home, my shoulder started to bother me. I had an appointment with my RMT. He worked on the left shoulder instead of the right one. Made another appointment. Went skiing the next week as it the end of summit club. Got home that weekend and my left knee started to bother me. RMT worked on it, felt great. So during my RMT appointment, Brad asked me if my hip was bothering me. No, just the knee. Well you're twisted and need to Tracy (chiro) like now. So I did. Skied that weekend with Lizzy and her DH. Another appointment after that and chiro. Feeling really good, but know there is a problem. Decided to cancel my personnel training for the month. Let it rest after the weekend. Good Friday I'm out with SkiBam and her friend. We charge hard, but cautious. Then Saturday with some guy friends. I'm starting to hurt. Take it really easy on Sunday, like 3 runs. Didn't ski at all on Monday. Packed up a lot of stuff and moved it home. As my cottage is on a round-about way home I thought I drop off 2 boxes of stuff that would go there anyhow.

Well I managed to really tweak it just turning around. Had to call a friend to help me get my stuff into the house and find DH's crutches. So last night was the ice and advil. I have 2 neoprene braces and figured that would be good for the compression thing. Slept really well. I can but weight on it this morning, but bending and sitting here at the desk is causing some pain. Looking for a stool so I can elevate it. Should be a garbage can just the right height.

I can't call the doctor till 10. But I think I will, just to make sure I'm on the right track. But do I keep my RMT appointment and Chiro for tomorrow?


Angel Diva
Call this a.m. Ask if you should cancel the other stuff, they might say go? Or not? If the other appts are not knee-related (shoulder/hip, right?), it won't do more harm - if you're getting relief from it.
Meantime - RICE RICE RICE! But you knew that.


It might be un-related to your double eject. Moving boxes is always a tricky thing...

I see no harm in keepping the appointment, unless the getting there part is too painful on your knee. The shoulder can wait but you really should be off your feet.


Staff member
No it all started there. I did a number on my left side. Chiro states that the hips are not in alignment any more. And as we all know, everything is connected!!


Staff member
Doc can't see me, or at least her receptionist says...so it's off to the RMT tomorrow morning. I just took the neoprene off as it was starting to hurt and am applying ice. Lucky my office is kind of hidden away.


Angel Diva
Wishing you a speedy recovery @Jilly. Knees can be such problems - but it sounds like you're doing the right things. Heal fast!


Staff member
Doesn't this look like fun.....and it's not over yet...acupuncture to come tonight.

tape job.jpg

Main thing, which I kind of knew, my season is over.


Certified Ski Diva
So sorry to hear you're hurt and your season is over. Wish you a speedy recovering and hope you can picknick up some nice spring activities soon.
Get well soon

ski diva

Staff member
I agree, what IS that??

The whole thing stinks, but at least it's at the end of the season. Fast and complete healing to you!


Angel Diva
Tape, for patella alignment?


Staff member
So between the taping, acupuncture and Tenns treatment, I only have a little swelling at the ankle. I can walk on it today, but I'm still using one crutch as support. It was nice to see my calf muscle this morning.


Angel Diva
Sounds like an improvement. Seems like you're doing all the right stuff. I never heard of this taping thing so will be interested in an explanation when I see you.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
That's a pretty intricate and impressive physio tape pattern, lady!

I still don't know exactly what I did to my knee this time, but we gave up on PT as that was making the pain more intense and constant. Taping helps minutely. Now I'm waiting on the call to schedule the MRI.
A fast and speedy recovery to you, feel better.


Staff member
I'm having that love/hate relationship with the foam roller. Love the way I feel after, but during....Today was the first day that I could actually walk without a limp. But left ankle gets swollen by 4pm if I stand too much. I took the crutches out of the car and put them back in the garage!!

VG - I've seen your posts on FB. Take care!

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