It hardly seems possible, but, the internet home for women’s skiing, is nearly at 1,000 members.
This is especially exciting, because on September 4, the site celebrates its second anniversary!
If you haven’t visited or registered at, now’s as good a time as any (but please, women only). It’s a great place to talk about all things related to women’s skiing — travel, gear, technique, and so on — in a setting where you can be entirely comfortable. There’s nothing else like it on the web, and it’s a wonderful community made up of women who share your love and addiction to a fantastic sport.
Stop in and register. Maybe you’ll be our thousandth member!
Join The Ski Diva
Since 2006, we've been dedicated to providing a place where women can talk about skiing in a way that's comfortable and respectful.
Whether you're just getting started or ski 100 days per season, our community of thousands of women skiers can help you find the information you need.
Join the Community