There are lots of opinions about this. Some people say if you’re a good skier, then there’s no reason pregnancy should interfere with your skiing — as long as you stop before the third trimester, since your center of gravity may be off.
Me, I don’t think it’s worth the risk. There’s never a guarantee you won’t fall or someone won’t collide with you. And there are a lot of worse things than missing a ski season.
Apparently I’m not alone. Three-time Olympian and four-time US slalom champion Sarah Schleper just announced that she’s going to miss the 2008 World Cup season because she’s expecting a baby early next year.
Granted, she skis a lot differently than just about any other woman on the planet. And even though she’s giving up racing, maybe she’ll still take a run or two. The reports I read didn’t say.
Everyone is different. And of course, the final decision is up to you. But if you do plan to ski, discuss it with your doctor. Stay away from double black runs. And be extra careful, okay?