Join the Journey for Women’s Ski Jumping.

Join the Journey for Women’s Ski Jumping.

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 09/30/10 •  2 min read

Those of you who follow this blog know I’ve written a few times about the raw deal the IOC is giving Women’s Ski Jumping. Incredibly enough, this is the only sport in both the Summer and Winter Olympics in which women aren’t allowed to compete. The reasons range from absurd (“ski jumping is bad for women’s bodies, from a medical point of view”) to ridiculous (“women’s ski jumping lacks universality.”)

Amazing and distressing.

You can find out more about the whole thing here, in my latest post about the team. Suffice it to say that these are WORLD CLASS ATHLETES (yes, they deserve the all caps) who are not getting the respect or support they deserve.

Yet despite all their setbacks — and there have been many —  these amazing women continue to train and to look to the day that they’ll be allowed to compete. It’s not easy, under any circumstances. And it certainly isn’t easy when you don’t have sufficient funds.

And that’s where you — yes, I’m pointing at you — come in.

You can support the team by attending one of their two upcoming Join the Journey fundraisers: October 2 in Mount Green, Utah, and October 21 in Brooklyn, NY. If  you can’t make one of those, then consider making a donation  at the team’s website. Any amount is appreciated. (Hey, for $30., you get a really neat poster!) Go here for more info.

Your support is invaluable. It can help pay their travel expenses (imagine the excess baggage fees they shell out every time they fly!). Or cover their coaches’ salaries. Or even pay for gas, during one of their road trips.

Most of all, it can show them that all of us believe in them. Because the fact that talented, world-class athletes are being denied the support and respect they deserve for a list of bogus reasons (more on that here)  is offensive and riduculous.

Join the Journey. Let’s help these women fly!

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