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Skiing and pregnancy.

ski diva

Staff member
Three-time Olympian Sarah Schleper is going to miss the 2008 World Cup season because she's expecting a baby early next year.

Anyone here ski while they were pregnant? Do you think it's a good or a bad idea?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Lola should answer this one. There is my memory and hers. I remember that she skied until we worried that if she fell on her tummy, somebody would get hurt. Since he is 18 now and off to college on an academic scholarship, I guess it didn't hurt him!

I also remember Lola asking his father," what if the baby doesn't like to ski?' Phil's answer, "The baby will never know he had a choice."


Staff member
I took an instructors recall with Betsy Clifford (Canadian ski team in the 80s). She was at least 6 months or better. Couldn't get the zipper done up on her jacket. The instructor asked us to do "Speiss" jumps. Her comment was "do you want to have this baby here and now!!. I remember Steve telling her she didn't have to. I've known of few ladies that have skied while preggers, but that was in the 80's and 90's. With the number of people on the hill and the chance of accidents now, I don't know if its a good idea. During the week maybe??


Staff member
Oh, man, I hadn't even thought of this -- no drinking for 9+ months, and now I can't ski, either??? Good thing I won't be pregnant any time soon. ;)


Staff member
Oh, man, I hadn't even thought of this -- no drinking for 9+ months, and now I can't ski, either??? Good thing I won't be pregnant any time soon. ;)

You know - stuff like that (the whole intrusion into my decisions) goes pretty high on the list of reasons I don't want any kids.

I don't think there would be much danger in skiing while pregnant, assuming you're already very comfortable and competent skiing beforehand, and have the sense to avoid super crowded days and runs.

BUT - you'd have a million people giving you unsolicited advice and guilt trips for "taking the risk". I've hurt myself more seriously falling down my driveway on ice in the winter than I have had at a ski resort in the past several years. And there are plenty of women who ski and mountain bike right up until they give birth, and most others have said they "just knew" when to quit. But I can only imagine what my mother would have to say about it. She hates that I ski at all.


Staff member
I figure that as long as "but I can't skiiiiiiiiii" seems like a really good reason to not have kids, that's probably a pretty good sign that I'm not ready. When the "well, it'd only be one season..." thoughts start creeping in, that's when I'm in trouble. :smile:

And I do think I would still ski if the timing worked out that way, at least for the first few months. I'd probably stick to easier stuff just in case, but I just can't see myself letting a whole season go by without skiing AT ALL.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well - I skied during both of my pregnancies. Both of my children were born in May, and both times I skied up until March - my 7th month. I remember my doctor being uncomfortable with me skiing while pregnant, but I told him I was going to do it anyway. So he told me to stay out of the hot tub . . . something about changes in temperature from very cold to very hot that wasn't good for the baby.

Anyway, I must say that skiing while pregnant was good for my technique. In order to stay in balance, my center of gravity changed, and I had to position my body much more forward over the tips of my skis. When I wasn't pregnant any more, I noticed that my natural skiing stance changed to be more over the tips of my skis (instead of back or on my heels), which gave me better control and balance.

The downside of skiing while pregnant is finding ski clothing that would fit. I ended up getting a pair of men's bib ski pants with a center zipper that I left unzipped under a men's jacket. Both pieces of clothing were too long for me, as I am only 5'2" tall.

So for me . . . skiing while pregnant was a great experience. I did stay off of the expert terrain, and I did stay out of the bumps. But the nice blue cruisers were fun! and my technique improved! :D


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My daughter was also born in May at the end of the month. My doctor told me I couldn't ski, even if it was early in the season, because if I got hurt, especially my back, that the pregnancy would interfere with my recovery and possibly lead to permanent back problems. I guess he may have been right, given the crowds at my ski area that year. It was Camelback and 12,000 skiers spread across a mere 125 acres can be pretty intense. But, historically (35 years) speaking, I normally only fall a couple of times per season and didn't ever get hurt until this past season. I didn't have those stats to present to him at the time unfortunately. I did skip that year and it drove me nuts as we had this brand new house on the mountain. But, now that I've been injured, I can better understand his concern and I guess it was the wise choice. So, I missed one season in my life. I only had one child so I didn't miss that much in the scheme of things.


Certified Ski Diva
I skied while I was pregnate with both my little ones.
Doc told me that since skiing is such a part of my life he wasn't going to tell me not to (fear of depression) but he DID limit what I could ski. No bumps (don't do them anyhow)no jumps and gradually all I could ski were easy blues. But I didn't care I was still skiing! Only a few people even knew I was pregnate too well until later in the lodge when I got some of the gear off! LOL.

In fact I went skiing on my oldest's due date. I woke up that a.m. saw fresh and said to myself "no baby is coming today!" So I took myself skiing...:becky:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
IF it ever happens for me, I plan to get pregnant in Dec or Jan. Those are good months to ensure you won't miss a season, and if by chance you fall the embryo/fetus is too small to be harmed. But if fate steps in the way of that plan, my husband will have to understand my need for an extended trip to the southern hemisphere to make up for what I've missed.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
haha I'm totally with bklyn - on the other hand should things NOT work out that way then I shall ski until I feel no longer pysically comfortable doing it - same goes for my horseriding.

I am sick to the back teeth of other people telling me what I can and cannot do. I'm not going to take unecessary risks skiing whilst pregnant and to be honest I've got as much chance slipping in the shower as I have falling a*se over tit on a blue run! But everyone's a medic these days and the general consensus seems to be that once you're pregnant you may as well just sit on that sofa watching Oprah with your feet up and a bag of Oreos on your lap - and I cannot think of anything worse for my mental/physical state than that. Grrrrr!
I was able to conceive both of my daughters during the first month planned, so a plan to conceive early in ski season is a good one, even for older Moms (I was 33 and 36 when those conceptions occurred!). That said, I was very tired and nauseated from weeks 6-14 each time, so I'm not sure that I would have been able to ski early in my pregnancies.

At the time, I wasn't a skier and wasn't riding, but as a 48 year old Mom looking back, I would not take a chance by skiing or horseback riding (my 2 loves). During my 2nd pregnancy in 1996, I hemorraged at 25 1/2 weeks from a low lying placenta. I had just returned from Court (I'm an attorney) and I felt liquid start to squirt "down there" and assumed I was leaking amniotic fluid. I quickly walked down to the bathroom and looked down and saw that my feet were bright red with blood. Next stop, a harrowing ride to the ER and 4 days in the hospital for observing. Fortunately my body doesn't like to give up babies (my first was 2 weeks late and my labor had to be induced) so I didn't lose my precious Sara, now 11 years old (and a skier!). I was on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy and began bleeding again at 35 weeks so they delivered her by c-section at 36 weeks.

Curtailing risky activity while being pregnant is the first of many sacrifices one makes as a Mom. That doesn't mean that your life has to shut down, but had I skied and miscarried as a result of a fall, I would have regretted this for the rest of my life. When I started skiing 3 years ago, I started wearing a helmet and I purchased private disability insurance. I've taken a lot of lessons and I don't ski in awful conditions or late in the day if the light and exhaustion factor is bad. I'm planning to work with a coach to learn some freestyle skiing in as safe a way as possible (in the park), and am always balancing my responsibilities as a mom and a wife with doing what I need for me.



Staff member
But if fate steps in the way of that plan, my husband will have to understand my need for an extended trip to the southern hemisphere to make up for what I've missed.

Now we're talking. Why didn't I think of that? ;)


Staff member
I am sick to the back teeth of other people telling me what I can and cannot do. I'm not going to take unecessary risks skiing whilst pregnant and to be honest I've got as much chance slipping in the shower as I have falling a*se over tit on a blue run!

I was thinking about this the other day. I bet it's more likely that I'd get in a car accident while pregnant than seriously injure myself skiing (taking it easy, sticking to blues, whatever). I don't drive, so with that risk out of the picture I figure I'm definitely allowed to ski. :D


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Ahhh! This is the argument I periodically have with the husband. See I would hate to give up skiing during my first trimester - there's so many chances to lose the baby then anyhow that a little laid back skiing wouldn't add much risk. As for getting injured I'm not worried about me falling - I fall occassionally but I've got a good "fall" so I never get hurt - I'm worried about some idiot on the slopes taking me out.

Husband however thinks the second I know I'm pregnant I should give up all "risky" behaviour... Not that this is an issue yet as we're not trying at this time.

Me, well I think if I suspect I'm pregnant and the conditions look good, maybe I hold off telling him until I'm *sure* so I can squeeze in a day... I'd hate to go a whole season w/o skiing if I was only in my first trimester during prime season (ie Jan-March).

I skiied very little last season due to things outside my control and I was rather miserable. I've got far worse winteritis/ski-itis this fall than the past ones as a result :(


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Like I said, I didn't ski the winter I was pregnant, but I did DANCE a week before my due date at a wedding and it wasn't the waltz. Everyone was afraid I was going to ruin this wedding by having to have the medics come! I also worked on my due date, went to a farewell party for a man I used to work for and everyone was trying to find me a chair. At that point, my husband was driving me to work because I really had a rough time getting out of the car. (Twice the auto club got called because after all the manuevering to get me and my briefcase out I'd locked my keys in the car! )

Anyway, I think a lot depends on your level of fitness. Back then I was an "older" first time mom and even though I skied, no one would have called me physically fit... I was one of those Weight Watcher type women who put on 50 pounds while pregnant..My daughter needed ice cream to round out her diet!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I was thinking about this the other day. I bet it's more likely that I'd get in a car accident while pregnant than seriously injure myself skiing (taking it easy, sticking to blues, whatever). I don't drive, so with that risk out of the picture I figure I'm definitely allowed to ski. :D

I both skied and totalled my car during my pregnancy. I did not however ski any groomed or icy runs on area if I could avoid it and it was an incredible snow year, so I was able to spend alot of time in the backcountry on really really soft snow without anyone around to run into me. I did use the chairlift alot to gain elevation without getting my heart rate up too much though. The only negative I remember was having really really sore feet and calves. When ski season ended I did alot of biking, nothing major just jaunts around town on really flat trails etc. Overall with the exception of wrecking my car I have no regrets. My labor and delivery were under 2 hours combined and the baby and I were allowed to leave the hospital the same day. ( The dr and nurses say as a result of my being in good shape ) As it turned out she was an incredibly mellow baby whom we could take anywhere, my SO is convinced that this is because of the skiing.


Staff member
Husband however thinks the second I know I'm pregnant I should give up all "risky" behaviour... Not that this is an issue yet as we're not trying at this time.

I think my huz tends this way as well. I can tell you right now that a huge factor in determining how much "risky" behavior I give up will be how much risky behavior HE gives up. If he's skiing with his friends every weekend, I'm not sitting at home. If he thinks it's important enough that he's willing to cut back his skiing a lot, then I will too.

For some reason these topics have been popping up a lot lately -- I keep finding out all these things I won't be able to do, like eat sushi (too much mercury?). It's making me pre-emptively cranky about getting pregnant. Good thing I've got at least 3-4 years before it's a possibility. :smile:

I both skied and totalled my car during my pregnancy.
Wow, that's scary (the car-totalling part). Glad everyone was ok.

ski diva

Staff member
Y'know, everyone is different. I think it all depends how you feel and how everything's going. You're not any less of a person/athlete if you give it up. It's just for a short time, anyway.

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