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Ouch! I hurt.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire<br>Legal & Environmental A
Friday & Saturday I took some pretty major tumbles. I have no problem with falling - every now & then it happens. In my opinion, if you aren't falling, you're not pushing hard enough.

Anyhoo - Friday I fell at Highlands. I felt the back of my head hit the snow & all I thought was - "good thing for that helmet!" But I awoke on Saturday with whiplash. Not too bad...but man was my neck sore!! So I took some Aleve & off to Snowmass we went.

2nd to last run on The Wall - I slide sideways into a tree. "Don't worry I'm fine!" I yelled. And I thought I was. Then the last run...an easy groomer, I fly off a roller & catch an edge on the landing. Cartwheel, tumble, slide...lots of sliding. Ouch!! That's gonna hurt.

In a nutshell - lot's of ouches here & there, very sore - a major black & blue right butt cheek. It was a rough weekend out there!!

Hope you ladies fared better.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Like you, I don't mind the falling. In fact, I kind of fall like gumby and don't really tense up, which is a reason(I think) that I don't usually get hurt.
In January I took a tumble at Boyne, twisted my back a little and landed hard on my right shoulder. "no worries, I'm fine"
The shoulder(which I thought was a strained muscle) has gotten progressively worse, until I could barely pour a cup of coffee.
SnowHot without coffee is a baaaaad thing!
So, today I see a specialist to find out for sure if I have a torn rotator cuff, or if I'm just a big wuss!
Lets hope I'm a wuss!:loco:

Point is, listen to your body, and take care of yourself.

ski diva

Staff member
As I mentioned in another thread, my husband fell hard enough to crack his helmet a few weeks ago, and ended up with a sore neck and back and a headache for about a week after. Still, he could have cracked his head instead of his helmet, which would've been a heck of a lot worse.

Glad you were wearing a helmet, and glad you only suffered a bruise and whiplash.

SnowHot, good luck at the docs! Keep us posted!


Friday I fell at Highlands. I felt the back of my head hit the snow & all I thought was - "good thing for that helmet!" But I awoke on Saturday with whiplash. Not too bad...but man was my neck sore!!
Having worn a (very light weight) helmet while mountain biking for the past 10 years (and falling plenty), I have to say helmet makes whiplash worse. Especially when the helmet do NOT touch the ground, your neck is the only thing holding the weight of the helmet when you're tumbling over and over. Skiing helmet is much heavier so it can be worse.

I still wear a helmet. But I wish they come up with something for the neck. (there is for biking)

Pick your poison.


Angel Diva
Hey, SG and SH, take care of yourselves - a little quiet time, etc. Ow, ow. Shoulders are strange and incredibly complex. And tricky. Good luck, keep us posted.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire<br>Legal & Environmental A
Well after the Friday & Saturday crashes...I still skied on Sunday.

And - apparently not using my brain, just escaped the office for a few turns at Highlands. It's easy to feel OK staring out the office window to blue skies. But I really think I need a rest for a few days. Today was day 44 or so on the slopes this season & my body is starting to feel it.

On each leg, just above my ankles on the outside is just KILLING me. It started about 2 weeks ago, just on my left side. Now my right side is pestering me as well. My knees feel great & aside from some soreness from the crashes - I'm fine...except for my lower, outside ankle calf area.

What IS that area called anyway? :confused: Anyone else with this pain?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
On each leg, just above my ankles on the outside is just KILLING me. It started about 2 weeks ago, just on my left side. Now my right side is pestering me as well. My knees feel great & aside from some soreness from the crashes - I'm fine...except for my lower, outside ankle calf area.

What IS that area called anyway? :confused: Anyone else with this pain?

I don't know what it's called, but I sure know what you're talking about!

I noticed it early this season, new boots, new snow, new shaped me, figured something was out of shape. Skied yesterday and noticed that part of me again -- thought I'd toughened something up, but I guess I used things differently again?

A couple of days of rest can't hurt -- maybe your body is compensating for something that's sore, and working a bit differently, so rest, then ski gently maybe?

I hope the rest of you is feeling better!

44 days already this year -- I'm envious!



Ski Diva Extraordinaire<br>Legal & Environmental A
Well I looked up this part of the body. It's the nerve that runs down the fibula. Couldn't find too much about it - but the pain (according to a google search) is often referred to as "ski boot syndrome"

At least I'm not alone! I compare the pain to shin splints, sort of.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
You know, the more I think about this I think I had the same pain on Sunday for a bit. Both feet/legs were so sore but that outside area was especially sore. It was quite odd because later in the day I was fine. Very weird.

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