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Karhu Bertha's anyone?


Diva in Training
Just wondering if anyone has demo'd the karhu Bertha's. I've been skiing the Jil's and like them-but wanted, well, more. I am going back and forth between these and the Vokl Aura's. I will be skiing them tele-so the Bertha's should be a bit lighter for touring. I know the Aura's aren't a tele ski-but have been considering checking them out anyway-cause it sounds like they rock. Anybody tour on the Auras? Thoughts ?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It's funny, most if not all women love the Aura's. I used them two days touring and not on area, and thought they were okay, but I didn't love them. I have not been on a karhu for so many years though, I could not begin to compare. I like Volkls alot, but I don't know that touring skiis have ever really been their forte, you might want to stick with the Karhus for that matter. There are alot of good touring skiis out this season though, more than I have ever seen, you might want to look at some of these also.


Diva in Training

Thanks Gloria. I'm trying to find the perfect weapon/tool to play in the very wet and heavy Cascade snow pack. I've always skied tele specific skiis-but know quite a few people who tele on alpine boards. Thought i'd give that a try. What didn't you like about the aura's in the BC? Was it weight, responsiveness, playfulness, other?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I skied the Aura's in BC in 36" fresh and them some more the next day and so on, backcountry, new runs each time. I only skied on them 2 (3?)out of the 5 days and we were limited to the terrain we could ski those days. ( Surface Hoar under the new ) I honestly didn't analyze the skis, other than I felt like if I didn't go straight, I would auger in. I don't remember them as being lively as the ones I traded my friend for the next couple of days, but the snow had rounded and we got to ski some steeper terrain which is always easier when the snow is that deep, so it may have just been the terrain and the mindframe coupled with lower angle slope and thigh deep snow at my 110#s. I can't remember if my friend liked these skis or not. I don't even think we talked about it...They are burly though, they would probably rip the Sierra Cement.
As far as tele on alpine skis, alot of people do and have for years, in fact it's pretty normal. I was in the shop the other day and some of this years tele skis look really fun.

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