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Help with Mountain nausea


Angel Diva
It also really helps a lot to sleep one night at the altitude you'll be going to before doing any activity.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just came back from a trip to the high Atacama; didn't occur to me to see if there was such a thing as altitude pills but after getting a minging headache and general meh I was given Diamox (acetazolamide) which improved my symptoms within a couple of hours. It might not be the appropriate treatment for your children but check with a professional and see what they recommend.

Interestingly one of the side effects of the diamox is tingling in the extremities; it was like my Morton's came back in all my limbs every now and again, really bizarre feeling.

Oh, start a day or so before as well; it's a diuritic and I was running for the toilet a fair bit the first day.

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