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Fitness for Skiing


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
There is a lot more to to ski fitness than squats and lunges, although those are good!! You need to think about knee health and stability, hip mobility, burst strength (jumping and quick movement), upper body stability and strength.
Also, what terms shall I in google to find the kinds of classes you are describing?

I don't know if google is your best friend here. You might call around to privately owned gyms. You want a coach who has at a minimum a bachelors in exercise science, and something like a NSCS certification. The CV of someone who runs a private gym should be on their website. There are a lot of "personal trainer" certifications out there that are frankly BS. I know, my niece got certified as a "personal trainer" with an 8 hour course at a chain gym and no other background. Scary, if you ask me.
A chain gym is NOT where you are going to find these kinds of classes unless you are lucky. They care more about selling you a membership than your actual fitness.
Boot Camp
Functional Fitness might be two searches to try.
Ask your physical therapist: my classes are connected to a PT facility.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
See if you can find someone to help specifically with jump training. Skiing isn't really cardio, but short explosive hops while balanced.


Staff member
Another good place to check is your local rec center, if your town / county / whatever has one. The Boulder rec centers offer a bunch of small group classes and private trainers, including nutrition-related classes, and the prices are much more approachable than the private gyms around here. The vibe is also much chiller. Regular people of all ages vs professional triathletes, etc. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Another good place to check is your local rec center, if your town / county / whatever has one. The Boulder rec centers offer a bunch of small group classes and private trainers, including nutrition-related classes, and the prices are much more approachable than the private gyms around here. The vibe is also much chiller. Regular people of all ages vs professional triathletes, etc. :smile:
This is good too.
Just make sure the coach/trainer/instructor is qualified and understands your goals.

Little Lightning

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I found my gym here. https://www.functionalmovement.com/

I'm currently working out 2 days per week and skiing 2-3 days per week. In her book "Next Level" Stacy Sims includes workouts for strength and cardio for menopausal/post menopausal women. I've incorporated the jump routine from her book into my workouts. There are also foam rolling and stretching quidelines. I no longer do hours and hours of cardio, IE. 2-3 hours riding my bike. However, my gym routines prepare me for any activity I want to do. Also, FM has significantly improved my confidence and movement with skiing.
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Angel Diva
I work out with a trainer roughly once a week and have for about 8 years. the effect it has had on my core strength and balance is incredible, and she works with me specifically to ensure that I am strong and balanced for skiing. Being an older mother (one pregnancy was “geriatric”) and wanting to stay active with my kids, it’s been really important to me that I stay fit.

I would find a good gym, and find a higher level trainer who has been doing it for a while.

If that’s not feasible: the Peloton App. ;)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Here are some examples of the kinds of workouts I get in my "functional fitness" class. Sorry don't know why these are going in sideways.


Diva in Training
A rough workout schedule for myself would be running 5 days a week + an offset 2 days a week with 45 minute resistance training.


Angel Diva
WoW these exercise regiments are intimidating!

the past few months I’ve been focusing on daily consistent activity in what I call my trifecta - i go for a one hour walk every day on my lunch break, I do an hour of stretching and yoga daily, and I jump on my exercise rebounder (with hand weights) for 5-10 minutes at a time 2-5 times a day - it doesn’t sound like much but fitting that in to a work day seems to take all my time! My goal is to stay consistent, and not take days « off ».

This hasn’t gotten me as ready for ski season as I’d like but it’s feasible, can all be done from home between my work schedule, and doesn’t bug my joints too much.

Anyone else do the rebounding??


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My social media feeds are showing a lot of ads for something called PT Ski School by a Dr. Dustin Howard, focusing on skiers over 50. $19/mo for ski-specific training and mobility.

There are so many options....
If anyone is doing this or another ski-specific program, please write a review or share your thoughts.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I attempted to sign up for that program but for some reason it wouldn't accept my perfectly good charge card.

I would also like to know if anyone has tried this program.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
PT Ski School update: I'm still seeing a lot of ads on my social media feeds for this and it is one of those shiny new things I am so fond of investigating, so I delved a bit further to form an opinion.
- Focus is on the over 50 demographic so there's lots of strength, balance, & mobility work. Attention on core & lower back work, looking at individual weaknesses and trouble spots, for example, stiffness rotating to one side or a bad knee.
- Videos and online community support provide explanations of ski mechanics and exercises.
- Direct access to a Doctor of Physical Therapy and fellow skier is through a private FB group.

if you're already doing a workout program, especially one aimed at functional fitness, I think you have it covered. It might be worth signing up for a couple of months if you are researching a particular trouble spot, to see if or what other people are saying about it.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I need to add some strength training with weights/machines to my fitness activities. I'm looking for a simple (preferably free) app that will help me plan and track work on machines. My sports center used to have ActivTrax but no longer. Any suggestions?

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