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Do You Ski Every Day When You Are On A Ski Vacation?


Certified Ski Diva
I have been in DV for 4 days (out of 8) now. It hasn't snowed all week -- in the morning it is hard packed and in the afternoon it is slushy. There really is just a 2-3 hour window when the snow is about right (and yes, I have been "following the sun"). Frankly, my legs are gone. I am thinking of staying in for the next couple of days and saving my legs for Friday and Saturday when we are supposed to get snow (or snow/rain combination, depending on which weather report you read). It's too bad, I am going to waste two days of my lifts tickets. Do you Ladies max out the # of lift tickets you buy in advance? Or do you plan on days of rest in between. I maxed out the # of days because I had planned only on skiing in the mornings to early afternoon (I never do an all day thing), but due to conditions probably a few days rest would have been smart to plan on.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I don't have time for long ski vacations so I ski all day every day. Although now I'm worried that even three days will be too much for my knee :(


Angel Diva
I plan on skiing every day on trips out west. But do not expect to go all day long the first couple days, mainly because of the adjustment to high altitude. Or I stick to cruising in the afternoon early in the trip so I can still enjoy the snow but not get over tired. I rarely pre-purchase lift tickets for more than a few days, never an entire week.

If you aren't going to enjoy a few hours on the snow, seems like doing something else fun that day makes more sense. Are you with others or on a solo trip?


Angel Diva
Typically we leave the first day for acclimating/sightseeing and then ski all of the others. This upcoming Utah trip, though, we haven't bought lift tickets yet and I guess I'm glad seeing as how the weather is so weird right now.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I do "max out", maybe because being a Brit I only get 1 maybe 2 weeks on the slopes each season and carp(sic) snow is better than no snow! The only time I've missed slope days was our most recent trip to Austria in January when I woke up on day 3 with a temperature of 104 degrees which finished me off not just for the remainder of the trip but for the next week too.
I'm sure if I had easier access to the slopes or a larger wallet/more holiday time that I would duck out on a few poor snow days here and there to sample what else the area had to offer.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
When doing a ski week I pretty much take off one day in the middle of the week. But I ski from lift open to about 3 -4 pm each day. If I feel really good or conditions are better one day vs another day, I'll switch my "day off" to accomodate. I'll also ski the top of the mountain in the afternoon when there are spring conditions, and download using the gondola or a down loading lift. I also watch which runs I'm on, since shady ones usually hold out the longest. Hope this helps.

ski diva

Staff member
I ski every day, but I generally quit around 2PM. Then again, the longest ski trip taken is 7 days. If I were planning more, I'd probably take a day off somewhere. I think the most consecutive ski days I've had is ten, and that left me pretty beat.


Certified Ski Diva
We normally only ski/snowboard 5 or 6 days out of a 7 day trip. We leave a couple days for rest or exploration depending on where we are and how the snow is.

snow addict

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I usually plan to but plans may change. Last year I planned on skiing 10 days in a row but by the end of day 7 my tendons were in pieces and on day 8 I could barely turn my skis. I called it a day by noon and spent the rest of it on a terrace and remaining days in the mountains did something else. I read somewhere so it's generally good to take a day of rest after 3 days of skiing and many injuries occur on day 4. If your body is tired and conditions are less than fantastic take a break. You will feel fresher for the days that you have left there. Is your pass transferable so that someone else could use it and you didn't lose the money? But even if you lose the money you can look at it as premium you paid for the priviledge of not queuing up every morning to buy a lift ticket.


Staff member
I took a day off on our 3 day trip recently. But our cat skiing day was the last day and I wanted to be well rested to take full advantage of that. And the day I took off was also warmer and I didn't feel the need to go up and ski an extra day of mashed potatoes. Waited for the next day and it was colder again - conditions were great and I skied the whole day with my legs feeling strong, so I think that was the right choice for my knees. One of our friends took the day off too and we just went for a hike instead and I did some yoga.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I skied every day at Tahoe week before last (6 in a row), which I had never done before. I've never taken that long of a trip, frankly, and there was a lot of fresh snow, so I HAD to ski every day. But the last day was short, my knee was quite swollen and I didn't feel right. So I bagged it.


Angel Diva
I've found that I like to have a day off for every three days I ski. On day 4, my legs are just tired, and it just gets worse of subsequent days if I don't take a day off. I used to feel like I was on vacation and so I HAD to ski no matter what, and it wasn't always fun to have that mindset. So now I am pickier about conditions and will take a day off. I like to have a massage on that day off if I can find one that's not too outrageously priced.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It's a 5 out of 6 or 7 day pass, I'd take a day off to rest and explore the area. On my last trip, which was 4 days long, I tweaked my knee at mid-day on day 4.

I usually get out earlier than later, take a lunch break, and stay out until 3pm, which to me is a pretty full day of skiing.


Angel Diva
I generally do, but my ski vacations don't extend beyond 4 days. If my situation was different and we flew out for a 7 day vacation or so, its possible I'd take a day off in the middle.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We set our own record in Utah in January when we skied 16 days in a row. However, the 7th day (suitably Biblically now that I think of it), was a transfer day from the Ogden Valley to Big Cottonwood Canyon so we started late, and ended very early (due to a series of unfortunate events). There were a few days we took it very easy (see following explanation), and our daughter had about 3 days off (one was a sick day), chilling out in various day lodges or back in the condo with us taking turns with her, so she had 13 days skiing.
It was a long way to go, and the expense combined with the limited time available meant we were determined to get the most out of it. But it was fine, we were all reasonably ski-fit and coped OK, minor illnesses notwithstanding.

Our only regret is that we didn't get into Salt Lake City (apart from an emergency bus trip down to a ski shop at the canyon base for a binding repair).

When the children were younger we would factor in mandatory rest days to avoid mutiny.


Angel Diva
I just about always ski every day – although the longest holiday has been 6 days. So yeah, 6 days straight. I guess if it rained or got really really nasty, I might take a day off (though I can't remember when that last happened), but if conditions are anywhere half decent, I'll be out there.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We usually vacation for a week. We ski everyday and ALL day! Last trip to SLC we even used a fast pass ticket to ski free on day of arrival so that was 7 straight days!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I skied 6 days straight when I was at Kicking Horse. I would have gone on the 7th day, but when I woke up my body revolted and I stayed in bed all day, and then worked from home the week I got back because I was SO tired. I didn't feel that tired while I was skiing my 6 days, but I think that was just the adrenaline and the high from skiing every day that kept me going. I clearly didn't learn my lesson because I'm planning on doing the same schedule next year! :dance:


YES, every day! And I don't just do a 7 day trip, I do a 9 day trip by sking the very first and last day. If it means flying out on a redeye and going straight from airport to office? So be it!

But, I'm gettting a bit lazy lately. 2 years ago, I went to Jackson Hole and only skied 5 days. Granted, condition were pretty bad, boiler plate snow. But I had planned it that way, so I could do some winter sightseeing of the Tetons.

And the upcoming trip, I decided to ski only a few hours on the last day so I can catch an afternoon flight and be home an hour after midnight instead of the next morning. ;-)

I almost next take a "rest day". On the other hand, I don't ski first chair to last. I don't really like late afternoon snow and the long shadows. So my ski day is typically 5-6 hour, including lunch. That's not a very long day of skiing. That's about what my legs can handle.

I always have more optimistic view of my fitness than reality. As a result, my legs may or may not be there even if my body is. But I found I can cruise for almost no effort so that's ok.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I plan to ski each and every day, but usually we end up taking a day off after the first 3 days. We still do something strenuous like hike or play disc golf, but they both work the muscles in a different way so we go back to skiing on day 5 feeling refreshed and ready to finish up the week.

The longest I've skied without a break was 10 days, but those were partial days.

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