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Are you a Skier or a Boarder?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I know the forum header says that is for women who ski, but I have to say, when I say, I took my nephew and his buddies skiing, I don't think that I NEED to clarify that he is on a snowboard, one of his friends is on a snowboard, and another is on two planks.

How many of us have family who boards instead of skis?

Is there a distinct difference in your mind?

For me, it makes no difference as long as I'm having fun on the slopes!!!:yahoo:

*Puleeeeeze don't turn this into a skier vs snowboarder rant thread:smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm a skier, my partners a skier, but the rest of the crowd we *ski* with are all boarders.

When I call and ask them if they're going to Blue Mtn, I still ask "Are you going skiing on Tuesday?" and when they call me they always say "Are you going boarding on Tuesday?" :laugh:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am a skier. I have always skied and have never tried to board. I have not desire to ever board. I love to ski!:love:

That being said, most of my friends I ride with are boarders. Some of them are former skiers that now board. Some are extremely talents skiers (alpine/tele) and boarders and others have never skied and have only boarded.

We have no issues as different riders. We all respect the mountain and follow the "code of conduct" or whatever you want to call it.

It's all about being a rider, whether you are a skier or boarder, and having respect for the mountain and others around you.:ski2:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
While most of the people I slide with are skiers I do have a few boarder friends and I don't care what they're doing, it's just a matter of having fun on snow. The only time I don't like to ski with boarders is when I really just want to go fast. Well, now, I suppose that doesn't apply to a certain Diva's DS who ripped past me like I was standing still!


Certified Ski Diva
I ski, so does my DH. The thought of both of my feet attached to one board terrifies me. Otherwise, I would possibly try boarding.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Ski...DH skies, DD and DS ski. But, I keep waiting for that day that they want to try the board!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I used to do both, but with the advent of shaped skis, I have waaaay too much fun skiing really fast. I think I've only been out on my board about 3 times in the last 2 years.

What about blades? I :love: my big fattie snow blades!


Staff member
What about blades? I :love: my big fattie snow blades!

You know, I find that the better I get at skiing the less I like my snow blades. I thought they were sooooo much fun 3-4 years ago, but I put them on last season when I busted my skis and I just found myself missing the rest of my edges too much to have a good time. People seem to either love or hate blades in general.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We're all skiers here but I did buy my dd a new snowboard for next year. :thumbsup:


Angel Diva
I ski, husband does both. Friends mostly ski, one boarder, but we all call it skiing when we're planning our trips.
I ski. My husband rides a snowboard.
My 14 yo daughter is a rider; 11 yo daughter is a skier.
My 14 yo stepdaughter is a skier; my 12 yo stepson is a rider.
My 21 yo stepdaughter doesn't do either yet, but this Christmas, she'll be visiting us and it looks like she'll be skiing, so she will tip the 50/50 skier/rider ratio in our immediate family to skiers!

If I were younger and less worried about injury, I might try snowboarding. Looks like fun but watching my DH and kids suffer through their first 2 seasons was painful. Also, flat areas can make it difficult for them to get around resorts, and I don't envy that hopping.

Skiers, riders, snow lovers. It's all good! :becky:


Instructor PSIA L 3, APD Alpine Ski training MHSP
I do both! When I moved back to Michigan after 10 yrs in Sun valley I felt very vertically challenged, there wasn't enough of it!!! Believe it or not Michigan skiing isn't quite as challenging as the hills of Idaho, Utah ,Wyoming that I was use to.:wink: I was having a hard time identifing with the fear factor that some of my students were experiencing on slopes at our liitle hill. I let my son learn to ride at 5. So he when he turned about 7 yrs he got some of the boys from the shop that I was running to teach Mom how to "ride". It was amazing how steep and treacherous little old Mt. Holly became that first few times on a board!!! :eek: Lol! I only use my board about 15 times a year even though I average about 80 days a season on snow. I did take a few years off of boarding, because of my neck inury.
Teaching skiing and Ski Patrol takes up too much of my on snow time. I don't get to ride as my as I would like. (You can only Patrol on the devices that you toboggan tested on). This year my DS introduced me to a soft set-up vs my carving hard plate set-up.:thumbsup: Way nicer soft, much more comfortable! And I love toe caps on my bindings! I find boarding helps me better identify with the fear that some of my students may encounter when being introduced to new terrain and skills. Besides my DS takes a great deal of pride in letting his students know that chic carving it up on the Shaun White board is his "47 yr old Mom". And as he likes to remind them "if she can do it you can do it"! My ski team kids love it too because a lot of them ride also. I board but I can't quite bring my self to sag my pants and show my thong (or wear a thong for that matter) like the young'ens do. I wear long undies cause I get cold when I sit on my big fat middle aged butt down on that snow!!! Ride, glide, or slide it's all good!!:thumbsup:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I started skiing when I was a little girl. Tried snowboarding about 3 winters ago, and I was suprised that you can do turns to left and right within one day (definitely had a good teacher :smile: ). But then I got my Kayas from the Christkind and so I'm on skies again. I like boarding sometimes, but "I feel at home" on 2 planks. My bf prefers skiing, though he is a very good boarder too. Friends are about 50:50 skiers and boarders, the main aspect is to have fun together.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I ski, and haven't tried boarding. One thing at a time, skiing is still new to me. Plus gear! If I was a dual citizen of skiing and boarding, I can only imagine how much I'd spend on gear.

I'm of the mind that we're all out there to play in the snow, and it doesn't matter what you're riding down the hill on. Not much of a difference in my mind.

What I want to know is why snowboarding is called riding and skiing isn't. It's one of those things I've always wondered about.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I ski and skiboard, as does DH. However, in Cali, we often seem to be the minority. Most friends board and used to ski. The couple friends we have that only ski are mainly transplants from another state and came here post-college.

Like many of you, I still ask, "Do you want to go skiing this weekend?" no matter their choice of equipment (snowboard, skis, or skiboards). Most don't care about my terminology and are just excited to go up. But, there is one couple that will correct me *every* time! "No, I think I would rather snowboard." whatever... hahaha

PS. Took snowboarding lessons once and it felt like someone took me into a back alley and kicked my arse!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
PS. Took snowboarding lessons once and it felt like someone took me into a back alley and kicked my arse!
I don't know why, but that made me laugh!:laughter:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It's taken me 35 ...er maybe 36 years (do you count the season I missed due to pregnancy?) to learn to ski. Why would I start all over again?

Daughter is a skier. Husband only puts skis on, but rarely does that. All my friends are skiers (I have no patience for the strapping in thing, either.)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It was amazing how steep and treacherous little old Mt. Holly became that first few times on a board!!! :eek: Lol!
Too funny! The reason I learned to snowboard was to add some challenge to my days at Mt Holly between lessons.:laugh:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm definitely a skier, first and foremost, but I tried to learn to snowboard this past winter. (great ski area employee perk: free group lessons! It's how I learned to ski in the first place) I found it a bit more difficult to get the hang of than skiing. Going down the hill sideways, that takes some getting used to.

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