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Anybody here do any backcountry Nordic skiing?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I know this is a more alpine focused forum but was just wondering if anybody here does any backcountry Nordic skiing? I was looking into getting an inexpensive BC Nordic set-up to just putz around the state parks, rails-to-trails, and fields here in the Northeast when mother nature allows.

If so what's your favorite/recommended gear?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I’ve a pair of metal edged Rossi BC 65s w/ NNN BC bindings. I think this type of setup would suit your goals, and they’re skinny enough that you can mess around at a Nordic ski center, too - they will fit in the tracks. I’ve taken mine on flat bc hut trips and random toodling around in California. In general, xc gear is at a lower price point than alpine.A313DFE1-8E01-497E-9126-DB7DA2910A41.jpeg
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Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I’ve a pair of metal edged Rossi BC 65s w/ NNN BC bindings. I think this type of setup would suit your goals, and they’re skinny enough that you can mess around at a Nordic ski center, too - they will fit in the tracks. I’ve taken mine on flat bc hut trips and random toodling around in California. In general, xc gear is at a lower price point than alpine.
Thanks! I'll definitely look into those! The price of Nordic gear is great coming from the alpine world lol. You can practically get a complete set up for the price of a day lift ticket at a high end resort :eek:

Also that trip looks like it was a lot of fun! :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have a pair of Karhu bc xc skis and they are so much fun. I ski them with some old Tele boots and use them in the hills and parks around our house and they usually end up in the roof box on bigger trips too as an evening fun option, day off of alpine or back up incase of windholds etc. I actually much prefer them to my regular classic nordic skis for their stability and turning ability on real hills. They are also so much more practical than AT skis for rolling terrain since you don't need to deal with skins.

Amie H

Angel Diva
I'm in the market for a new Nordic setup. My XC boots and skis from the 90s fell apart 2 winters ago while I was goofing around with them in the yard after a snowstorm. There are groomed trails in parks not too far from me so I'd like to add to my winter repetoir.

Amie H

Angel Diva
Follow up: received my Nordic setup this week: skis, bindings, boots, and poles. The two Cook County Forest Preserves (a large public park run by the county) near me have ungroomed trails which should be fine if not too deep. Otherwise, I plan at some point this winter to drive to the groomed XC facility in Lemont (Also part of the Forest Preserve system.)

Any Chicagoland folks ever been to Sagawau? If so, how long should I plan to take to do one of the shorter green trails?

(Side note, if you click the link, the lady Nordic skier on the Forest Preserves of Cook County website is wearing a VAIL hat! )


Angel Diva
Also, the Arboretum has groomed trails. I have a membership. If there's ever enough snow, we could meet out there...


Angel Diva
Yes I have adventure Nordic skis (backcountry Nordic) — Fischer OTX SBound 98 with NNN bindings. They’re a 168, so shorter than my skate skis (177 or 179). But they’re a big ski. I feel like the weight is not quite right for me. With skate skis I can choose how much flex it will be but not so with these skis so I just have to go with what is there. That said for lighter women, I don’t necessarily recommend bc the weight is not there to press the scales into the snow to grip. I tried skins and that didn’t help. I think the flex for weight really matters. It’s a shame the gear doesn’t quite work for me, it probably doesn’t work for other people too. I think if more people were doing it, that would be helpful. You’re inspiring me to write Fischer about this. For this reason I don’t take them out as often. I’d rather just take my backcountry skis. Still in non steep terrain these will work but I don’t trust them.


Angel Diva
How and where do people shop for backcountry xc skis and I assume the boot is different from a classic xc setup (because I have a Rossi xc touring ski setup that I use for groomed trails)?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
How and where do people shop for backcountry xc skis and I assume the boot is different from a classic xc setup (because I have a Rossi xc touring ski setup that I use for groomed trails)?
I am still learning about all this myself so hopefully some ladies who are more experienced with XC skiing can chime in but for some of the narrower and lighter set ups you can have the traditional NNN binding/boot or there is the NNN-BC which is a slightly sturdier binding/boot. For the wider and heavier XC skis you'll typically see a 3 pin binding/boot.

A lot of ski shops will also carry Nordic stuff in addition to their alpine stuff. I am sure in locations where XC skiing is much more popular there's XC dedicated shops but I am personally not familiar with any. If you want to order online, I know Outdoor Gear Exchange based out of Burlington VT has a decent selection of Nordic gear.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So I finally pulled the trigger and got myself a Nordic set up and settled on the Rossi EVO OT 65 with NNN bindings. They're skinny enough to use in a groomed track while still being able to take them into the state parks, rails-to-trails, etc. and have a partial metal edge for some extra stability.

We got a small storm just the other day, and although I really needed a little bit more snow I just couldn't wait to take them out and play around in the yard a little bit. Looking forward to more snow! They're calling for a storm here this weekend in the NE but sadly I'll be working and back in the city. :frown:



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I am sure in locations where XC skiing is much more popular there's XC dedicated shops

Finn-Sisu in MN is a Nordic shop, well that and saunas, in authentic Finnish fashion… I don’t think they have much of an online business though.

Just thought of another one: Ute Mountaineer in Aspen, CO
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Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So I finally pulled the trigger and got myself a Nordic set up and settled on the Rossi EVO OT 65 with NNN bindings. They're skinny enough to use in a groomed track while still being able to take them into the state parks, rails-to-trails, etc. and have a partial metal edge for some extra stability.

We got a small storm just the other day, and although I really needed a little bit more snow I just couldn't wait to take them out and play around in the yard a little bit. Looking forward to more snow! They're calling for a storm here this weekend in the NE but sadly I'll be working and back in the city. :frown:

View attachment 19753
I have these same nordic skis and love them! Great for heading out on a forest service road in the winter with the dogs.

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