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Ski Lift Conversations?


Angel Diva
I dunno, as someone who posts a lot of goofball stuff, I'm not 100% sure that I want my Diva handle widely known in real life!
When I talk about TheSkiDiva on a chair with a stranger, I don't mention my username at all. Usually don't start unless there's been enough conversation that I have some sense that the woman/women might be interested on any sort of online forum. That only happens perhaps 25% of the time when I'm in a conversational mood.

When I'm doing a solo ski safari, I'm much more likely to keep an eye out for someone to chat with on the lift ride. Especially at smaller mountains midweek. I may even follow a skier for a run or two before riding up with them. Have had a good time doing a few runs with people that way this season. Included the group of ladies who are locals at Jiminy Peak. Met them in Jan. And then skied with them again a few weeks ago for the powder morning. One of them recognized me even though I had a different jacket.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
have to say the young college kids shotgunning beers on the way up or grabbing a toke always make me laugh. I save my boozing for the lodge ----- I must be old

I met some retired fellows at Okemo last week who were a hoot. Evidently they have their own "stash" in the woods somewhere on the mountain that includes a grill, charcoal, chairs, coolers, food, and beer. They set up camp early in the season and just bring supplies as needed. I guess I laughed so hard because of their ages and because Okemo seems a bit "upscale" for those sorts of shenanigans. I was heartened to hear about it, to say the least. :thumbsup:


Certified Ski Diva
I almost always strike up a convo with other lift riders. On occasion I can tell the other person/people aren't interested in small talk. My boyfriend is a coach of a northeast college ski team and when we ski together hete in CT, VT, NY, MA, it's a guarantee that, at some point, he will come across someone he has some sort of connection with. It makes you realize how small the ski racing world is!! But it also is super fun to talk to new people. I love it when the person on the lift next me says "so where are you from?" . If I was single is be totally game for chairlift speed dating.


Angel Diva
I dunno, as someone who posts a lot of goofball stuff, I'm not 100% sure that I want my Diva handle widely known in real life!

I worry that someone will say "You're SallyCat? I see." and then give me a cold shoulder or disapproving glance. I actually worried about that when I interviewed at a ski academy for a very no-nonsense job. ("What if they find out about my penchant for nonsense...?").

I like deciding via the forum whether to meet people in real life, because either they are 1. ok with my persona or 2. feel that it is a big enough group to ignore/tolerate me!


As someone who has met you in real life, I’m voting for #1! LOL!


Certified Ski Diva
I met some retired fellows at Okemo last week who were a hoot. Evidently they have their own "stash" in the woods somewhere on the mountain that includes a grill, charcoal, chairs, coolers, food, and beer. They set up camp early in the season and just bring supplies as needed. I guess I laughed so hard because of their ages and because Okemo seems a bit "upscale" for those sorts of shenanigans. I was heartened to hear about it, to say the least. :thumbsup:

I agree. I can see that at Cannon maybe, but Okemo?


Certified Ski Diva
If the skis have sparkly flower or unicorn stickers, then it is most likely this Diva. Do you ski weekdays or weekends?

Usually weekdays. I have Thursdays off so try and make it up. Probably will be there tomorrow with any luck. I have never noticed stickers on skis but now I'll have to pay more attention!


Angel Diva
I agree. I can see that at Cannon maybe, but Okemo?
Okemo has been around as a ski area since the 1950s. Didn't start changing into what it's become until the late 1980s. If those men are locals who have been skiing there for a long time, their habits probably haven't changed much.

The seniors who have season passes and only ski mid-week include some pretty fun characters at just about any mountain. Even more so at places with a history that started well before the 1960s.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Yep they happen often here in MN and Ive had a few weird ones. I skied a few runs with a few "new friends" Most of the time they initiate. I just sit there and think about what Im working on or want to do next. Usually the topic is the weather or skis. I look at peoples skis and alot of times I catch people checking mine out. I had one creepy dude who wouldnt leave me be. I purposely ripped to try to lose him. Got up to 44 mph that day hahah. Most people are pretty cool though. I met a guy from Michigan who traveled and skied everywhere and we skied together for like an hour.


Angel Diva
I shared a lift the other day with a man who lasted about 30 seconds before starting to grumble about "Nancy Pelosi's haircut." What? Why? I've had a lot of conversations with men, middle aged to older men, who love to share their opinions with me--political opinions or social issues opinions, or what they think of Seattle even though they don't live or work there, on chairlifts over the years. (Actually I wouldn't call them conversations, it is them talking at me). This was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm so tired of this. I'm not sharing with any solo older men any more. No one gets to look at me anymore and decide I need to know what's in their brain.


Angel Diva
I shared a lift the other day with a man who lasted about 30 seconds before starting to grumble about "Nancy Pelosi's haircut." What? Why?

Ugh. Reminds me of my conversation with the electric company customer service rep who started ranting about bizarre conspiracy theories regarding the coronavirus. Why must you inflict your crazy on me, who is stuck on the phone with you?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
This was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm so tired of this. I'm not sharing with any solo older men any more. No one gets to look at me anymore and decide I need to know what's in their brain.

Ew; that sounds like an excellent strategy.

Apologies if I've told this story already, but I'm still steamed about it; a few weeks ago I was happily practicing some baby- snowboard turns on an otherwise empty beginner hill. I was having a great day, enjoying being outside and getting a feel for the board. I came down on my front knees to rest at one point and this dude on skis stops directly uphill from me and says "Um, have you done this before? Have you taken a lesson?" I politely said that I was just having fun learning on my own, and he proceeded to give me a bunch of unsolicited and totally unhelpful advice about foot position when turning.

I wish I'd had the presence of mind to say something acerbic in return; instead I just said "uh-huh" and rode away, now feeling angry and annoyed. Wtf is it with men thinking they need to shove their opinions at us?

(And for the record, a really nice man once saw me learning on the magic carpet while he was with his kids. When I got to the bottom where he was standing, he said "hey, I see you learning; I'm a snowboard instructor and could give you a couple of pointers if you'd like, but I don't want to intrude." I thanked him and said I'd love some feedback, and he told me two quick things about stance that really helped my progress. So it's not that there's anything wrong with wanting to be helpful. There's something definitely wrong with being an intrusive, judgmental ass about it. )


Angel Diva
Is the reason that men don't get this because we never shout at them about it? Since my teens, I've thought that we take great risks by being polite (e.g., walking alone down a street with someone following. Do we ever turn around and scream, "Why are you following me?!").

I don't think about it so much any more; thank goodness for being older. They don't follow me and make rude comments any more. Still, I wish I were more belligerent.

@nopoleskier has some great stories about how she treats men who try to dissuade her from trying a difficult run, or who think she is confused when she skis without poles.


Angel Diva
s the reason that men don't get this because we never shout at them about it?

I can tell you from firsthand experience that if you do shout at a man they just think you are crazy, or, probably hormonal. Cussing someone out/shouting at them turned out to not be nearly as satisfying as I expected because I just got a bemused expression. (This was not in a situation where a man was acting dangerously toward me--I don't mean to say you shouldn't yell if someone is about to assault you).


Angel Diva
I came down on my front knees to rest at one point and this dude on skis stops directly uphill from me and says "Um, have you done this before? Have you taken a lesson?" I politely said that I was just having fun learning on my own, and he proceeded to give me a bunch of unsolicited and totally unhelpful advice about foot position when turning.

So, this guy was on skis without any established snowboarding credibility and felt compelled to share his opinion? LOL. Men do not like to be laughed at but they sure are funny.

FWIW, my friend took her daughter to a lesson on a virtual school day so was riding the lift solo and totally got hit on by the older guy on her chair. AFTER she told him she was married.



Angel Diva
Why in the world was someone talking about Nancy Pelosi's hair, of all things, on a ski day!?!?!? So strange @Christy !

FWIW, my friend took her daughter to a lesson on a virtual school day so was riding the lift solo and totally got hit on by the older guy on her chair. AFTER she told him she was married.


Didn't happen on a chairlift, but I had this older guy hit on me when on a plane leaving Aspen. I thought we were just having a nice conversation, it started in the terminal and it so happened that we were seat mates on the plane. He lived in Aspen and was telling me all about his home there. Then he transitioned to saying he'd love for me to see it sometime and asked me if the ring I had on was to just deter men from bugging me or if I was actually taken. After I confirmed that I am indeed taken and wasn't interested we sat in awkward silence for the rest of the flight. Luckily it wasn't that long, but there should definitely be a rule about not hitting on someone who's trapped and literally can't get away from you! :doh:


Angel Diva
I used to work with a lot of sales guys and worked a lot of trade shows. I had a ring I would absolutely wear to deter BS.

I would spin it with my pinky and thumb when I started talking to anyone who was smarmy. Still do it with my wedding ring now.


Angel Diva
I used to work with a lot of sales guys and worked a lot of trade shows. I had a ring I would absolutely wear to deter BS.

I would spin it with my pinky and thumb when I started talking to anyone who was smarmy. Still do it with my wedding ring now.

I actually think this is a great idea and considered it myself for business trips in the past when I was single and traveling solo. I had a couple of creepy encounters at restaurants eating alone. I'm amazed someone would actually ask and put it out there like that though, because well that type of encounter is exactly what a woman would be trying to avoid right?!!? lol Oh yes right I must be doing that, but he's the exception obviously. :wink:

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