With the Winter Olympics in full swing and ski season well under way, it’s all too easy to get caught up in thinking of snow as a means to an end: skiing.
But there’s a lot more to snow than just being something to slide on. Snow is transforming. It covers the world’s imperfections under a pristine blanket of white. When it snows, the world seems to stand still. It deadens sound and calls our attention to things we miss when the world is full of color. Yet sometimes when we ski, we fail to see the beauty of snow. We’re so intent on getting down the mountain, or in making our turns, or in perfecting our technique, that we don’t really notice the beauty around us. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I stop and look around, I get a catch in my throat. It’s that beautiful.
I’m by no means an accomplished photographer, but I thought I’d take a break from the usual blog posts about gear and resorts and the like and show you some pictures I’ve taken. Some are at ski resorts, some aren’t. But all celebrate the beauty of snow.
As skiers, we’re lucky to be out in some of the most beautiful landscape on the planet. Take some time to take it in. You’ll be glad you did.