Help make January “National Ski & Snowboard Month”

Help make January “National Ski & Snowboard Month”

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 09/19/06 •  1 min read

I know, I know — for those of us who are obsessed with skiing, every month is “National Ski & Snowboard Month.”

All the same, Ski Area Management (SAM) magazine is reporting that The National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) and Snowsports Industries America (SIA) are lobbying Congress to seek a White House Proclamation declaring January “National Ski and Snowboard Month.” The intent is to remind people to get outside exercise in winter.

Congressman Mark Udall (D-CO) has introduced House Resolution 979 asking for the proclamation, but the bill requires co-sponsors. You can help by contacting your Congressional representative and urge him or her to co-sign H. Res. 979.