Helmet Hair.

Helmet Hair.

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 11/10/06 •  1 min read

Yes, it’s time I to speak about the unspeakable:

Helmet Hair!!!!

My helmet does more than protect my skull. After I’ve worn it for a while, my hair’s a disaster. Seriously, when I take off my helmet at lunch time, children actually cry! At the end of the day, I find it’s in everyone’s best interest — mine and the people who see me — if I wear a cap when I walk to the car.

Still, it beats the alternative. I’d rather have really bad hair than a really bad injury. It doesn’t take a genius to see that a hard casing around your head is better protection against spending the rest of your days in a vegetative state — or ending your days completely — than a soft wooly hat. So looks take a back seat. I’m thinking long term here.

What I don’t get are these guys — particularly bald guys — who wear no helmet or hat, even when it’s freezing cold. What, are they afraid they’ll mess up their hairdos? Give me a break.


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