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Skiing with a twisted ankle- is this dumb?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Here's my thought, the ankle isn't badly injured, I just twisted it wrong on a trail run. It's slightly black and blue, but it feels better when I have it tightly wrapped. I already RSVP'd for a ski day on Friday, so either way I'm paying the money.

Since my ski boots are tight and stiff, it's essentially like putting my foot in a cast right? I mean, I guess if I fall there's the possibility of wrenching it again, but let's face it, I'm skiing on the local bump in PA, so I probably won't be falling unless the conditions are bad...

is it totally dumb of me to ski that day, or is it just moderately dumb?



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Don't ask me, I wrenched my ankle skiing in boots that were too big in knee deep powder in December and have been skiing since. :eek: :ski2:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I would think it would be okay, so long as you can get your foot in the boot. That might hurt.

You'll know soon enough if it isn't, I guess ... so give it a shot.

caveat emptor ... not a doctor.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'd go with only moderately dumb! :wink:

A friend of mine bruised/twisted her ankle, skied on it the next two days (nothing hard core, trying to be careful), and she was okay and it healed up fine.

I WOULD however recommend a nice dose of ibuproffin (recommended anyway for inflammation) and a nice big dose (2000 mg before and after) of Vitamin C. It helps heal the small capillaries that are usually broken in bruising.

And.... Friday is still like four days away, right?!?!? :ski2:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I'm going to back up Alaski a little here by clarifying my post. If you had asked about skiing TODAY, I would have said no go. But if it's Friday, and it's really only bruising and not a soft tissue sprain, that might be another matter.

I'll reiterate the ibuproffin (I'd start taking it now) for inflammation, vitamin C for healing, and add alternating ice and heat to that if you think it might be sprained. And if you think it might be sprained, I'd think twice about skiing on it. When I first read your post it was the "black and blue" that hit me (i.e., bruising). Now it's the "twisted" that's hitting me (i.e., sprained).

I'm a girl. I reserve the right to change my mind!:D

Caveat: I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV! :eyebrows:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I guess I'll be the voice of dissent. Pushing any type of injury is totally dumb. That's how minor injuries become chronic problems...

I generally agree with you. For instance, I wouldn't agree with playing tennis on a sore ankle, or skiing on a bad knee.

But everything is different, and with the parameters given ... I personally would give it a shot. A ski boot should keep the ankle fairly safe, and she said she was not going to push it. If it hurts to ski, or if there are any other doubts, she should stop.

However, if the ankle goes in the boot and it doesn't hurt to ski, I don't see why not.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Seems like the boot would keep it pretty stable. If it hurt, I wouldn't ski, if it seems ok and pretty stable, I probably would. I've had twisted ankles and seems if I baby it too much it gets really stiff but if I keep it a little active with ice, heat and ibu it feels better and heals quicker. Wouldn't crank any big gs turns or anything...


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
A ski boot should keep the ankle fairly safe, and she said she was not going to push it.

Well, my opinion stays the same based on my long and sordid history of pushing injuries before they're healed and ending up with lifelong chronic issues. She might not plan to push it, but you never know what could happen.

And the ski boot/ankle safe thing? Your ankle is still fairly vulnerable in a ski boot because your foot is stuck to the ski. Ankle injuries are very common in skiing, stiff boots or not. Your ankle can still rotate (the boot doesn't prevent this)but your foot will stay going the same direction as the ski. On an already injured ankle this is really bad news. A twisted ankle that is black and blue is a significant injury, not just a little twinge. So I stand by my post - skiing on such an injury is really dumb.

But hey, it's not my body, so it's not really up to me, clearly..

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