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K2 ski advice - one, burning or lotta luv?


Diva in Training
Hello from Sweden :smile: I want to upgrade my skis this year and I'm looking for some advice. I'm 23 years, beginner/intermediate, 126lbs and 5'9". I'm mainly skiing groomers but like to venture outside now and then.

Last year I bought the K2 True Luvs 05/06 in 160cm. I thought they were alright, but unstable at high speed (high for me at least). Now I've sold them for the same amount I paid, $350, and I've found some deals on other, and better, skis in the K2 range. I want something that doesn't hold me back that I can develop with.

05/06 Burning Luv (160,167cm) - $440

05/06 One Luv (167) - $220

06/07 One Luv (167) - $370

05/06 Lotta Luv (167) - $220

I'm basically wondering if 167cm would be too long for me. The 160 felt alright, didn't have any problem with their length at all.

Also wondering how much stiffer these skis are compared to the True Luvs.

The One Luv looks interesting, is the burning luv much better, and how does the Lotta Luv compare to these two?

Any thoughts?


Ideally, you would do best by demo-ing a few of them. I think the Burning at 160 and One Luv at 167 should be your target.

Is the 167 too long? That's hard to tell.

I'm 110 and 5'4 (a lot shorter and lighter) and I'm kind of wondering my 154 One Luv might be on the too short side. So I'm a bit unsure if 167 might be just right for you. Or it could be too long.

Again, the best way to find out is try them. If you can find a current year One Luv to try, that'll be the best. Although they've changed it a little (wider), they should still ski more or less the same.

The Burning is considerably stiffer than the One. At your weight, you definitely want to stay at 160, if you go for it at all. Also the Lotta at 167 might be too long & too stiff also.

But what if you can't find them to demo?

If I'm in your shoes, I'd go for the 05/06 One Luv. At $220, you can turn around and flip it for no loss if you end up not liking them. Cheap demo, that is.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire<br>Legal & Environmental A
The Burnin Luv's not really a beginner/intermediate ski. It's pretty stiff and not too forgiving - it's also super fast. That ski in 167 would be a LOT of ski to try & learn on. I find K2's "chart" of their skis on their site to be a pretty accurate suggestion about which ski to go with according to your ability and terrain preference.

What about the Tough Luv?

Also - I spoke to K2 earlier this year about whether or not they changed the construction of their Nancy. They said the only difference was the overlay. You may want to call & ask...since the previous season's ski may be exactly the same, just cheaper.

Little Lightning

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have the Lotta Luv and I ski it as an all mtn ski, great in bumps, trees and powder. It does well for me on hardpack. It's also listed between advanced and expert skiers.

Little Lightning

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The Tough Luv is new and is also considered advanced to expert level. I was told by a ski shop that it is a great one ski quiver ski for western conditions.


Angel Diva
I know several people who seem to be at about your ski level who ski on the One Luv (and same vintage), and they are very happy with the ski. $220 is a great price! I'm a big fan of "new/old stock!" :smile: Great deals abound - getting what would work best for you is most important. Not sure about length, though. 167 is on the long side, but perhaps not in that model?

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