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Hamstring strain, PT says give it 12 weeks


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Struggling so much today! On my first day of backcountry skiing on 12.24.2022, I hit some woody debris and was trying to recover and twisted weirdly and ended up overextending my hamstring. Nothing popped but it did hurt coming out and the next couple of days. I thought I was doing pretty well since it seemed to be healing and felt a lot stronger but thought I would see a PT before I started skiing again. It took a while to get in. I saw the PT last night and they really want me to continue to take it easy and build load gradually which means no skiing for much longer than I thought at least 12 weeks total. For how active I am and the chance of re-injury with hamstring strains, PT wants it to heal properly and give myself more time so I don't have chronic issues or long-term challenges with it. Nothing dynamic on it until the next appointment at the end of January.

I am so sad and still sad today. I had some hut trips planned that I had to bail on and was so excited to see some friends I don't see very often. Skiing also brings me joy in the dreary cold winter. I know this too shall pass and I need to follow the advice. I just never have truly missed a ski season. I am hoping for March to be on the slopes again.

Any advice on how you survived not skiing when you live in a mountain town? I was just getting my mojo back after having COVID which took me out for 2+ months this summer/fall. I didn't get to do any of my summer sports either since I was so fatigued. Let's just say this athlete is struggling.


Angel Diva
The warmer months are mostly a time I pass through on the way to winter, but right around Thanksgiving, I caught a bug that completely kicked my ass. We were getting tons of snow by that point and not being out there was killing me! I could barely lift my arms to put on a coat. I had already signed up for 3 days of avy rescue & backcountry courses, and against my better judgement, I showed up for the class anyway. I wheezed and puffed my way through a beautiful but horrible day, feeling exhausted and anxious and (stupidly) embarrassed for being so weak...I had to bail on the rest and it completely crushed me. I was seriously questioning whether being a skier was worth the emotional turmoil.

Fast forward 6 weeks and my strength is coming back fast. I'm like, "What the heck was that all about?"

It'll get so much better! You're doing the right thing by taking it easy, sometimes your body just needs to heal.

ski diva

Staff member
Oh, so sorry! I can only imagine how tough this must be for you. Still, listen to the PT. It'll be worth it, in the long run.


Angel Diva
In addition to the PT, can you also get some acupuncture? Sometimes the complementary nature of the support can really help with soft tissue healing. Sending healing vibes to your hamstring.


Angel Diva
I've had 3 injuries in the last couple years, two of which are unresolved, and what worked for me is to focus on what I COULD do. That could mean gentler physical activity when allowed but also intellectual/social/cultural activities too.

Speedy healing to you.

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