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Side of calf pain


Angel Diva
Mary, did you ever find out what had caused this pain?

I'm a new skier, experiencing a similar pain (outside of leg, about 1/3 of the way between my ankle and knee- doesn't stop me from skiing or even hurt when skiing, but afterwards it feels sore to the touch). I've been to a boot fitter here in Seattle and he's been immensely helpful, but this issue has plagued me off and on despite the custom insoles and a heel lift the boot fitter just put in.

I'd love to hear what finally resolved this for you, or if it was a form issue (as I suspect may be the case for myself).

Welcome to the world of skiing!

I had an issue with one calf cramping up a few years ago. It turned out to be a combination of weak technique and skiing more complex terrain, which would make me tense. The short term solution during a late season trip when it was warm enough that snow could be sticky was to actively relax. Solving the weak technique problem with my weak side turn took a couple seasons that included a couple solo private lessons at my home hill specifically to deal with the issue. That's when I started learning about the importance of hip flexibility.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I haven’t had this issue when skiing specifically, but as others have said, I get this particular pain when I run. For me, I found that massage was helpful, but also using a gua sha or other fascial release took over the area. The only way I found to kind of stretch the area was to almost roll my ankle - when in running shoes (I couldn’t do it otherwise), I’d put my foot as far onto it’s outside edge as I could, keeping my leg mostly upright, which would usually create a stretch that would relieve a bit of that tightness. Good luck!


Angel Diva
Hi, long time lurker, first time poster!! Learned to ski as an adult and was “adequate” but then long hiatus due to moves and kids. This year, getting kids into it to give them what is a great and fun life skill. Dusted off my old (too small?) boots, but realized ”too small” was probably “just right“ for ski boots. After a first run in them, my calves were in excruciating pain. Read this forum/thread, went and got some superfeet and skied again last night. a WORLD of difference. So, thank you! But... for those experiencing pain, yes: roll those muscles. My acupuncturist SWEARS by magnesium oil, which is essentially epsom salt that soaks in. Yesterday i also focused REALLY hard on that weight shift rather than pressure shift (h/t to that other thread with the explanation of weight/pressure) and I’m so excited to “rediscover” skiing.


Angel Diva
Hi, long time lurker, first time poster!! Learned to ski as an adult and was “adequate” but then long hiatus due to moves and kids. This year, getting kids into it to give them what is a great and fun life skill.
Welcome! Skiing as the kids learn is such great fun! What region do you expect to ski in the most?


Angel Diva
Welcome! Skiing as the kids learn is such great fun! What region do you expect to ski in the most?

Oh, we're in the Midwest. This year, just here b/c COVID-no-travel, and I'm skiing with them solo. After husband's recovery from his Achilles rupture is confidently complete (next season), we'll probably work in some travel further afield... Colorado is on our list...2 day drive.

I wanted to go to Lutsen for Spring Break, but this morning, the 12 year old (boy, who has had ONE 1hr lesson and took to it like a porpoise to water) and I were reviewing the trail map and he said, "mom, do you think I could do the double black diamond?"

Meanwhile, my 9 year old daughter is super happy on the bunny slope with the magic carpet (which I loathe).

I need husband to return to his position as primary athletic parent. ;) I really just want to slowly swoosh down some blues by myself in peace.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Sign them both up for morning lessons so everyone can ski in their happy zone, including you. Your 12 year old can make ski buddies his own age to hit the park with if that’s his thing. That still gives you the afternoon for family ski time.

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