Do you know many women who ski?

Do you know many women who ski?

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 11/22/10 •  3 min read

Until a few years ago, I could literally count them all on one hand.

Sad, I know. I guess I traveled in the wrong circles. (Is this going to get me in trouble? Yes, friends, I still love you. Even though you don’t ski.) But having ski friends is important. It’s nice to have someone who understands where you’re coming from. Truly, it’s discouraging when  you start talking about something that means a lot to you, only to see your friend completely zone out.

I remember standing on line for the gondola at Steamboat, looking behind me and  noticing how it was almost all men.  It was a revelation. Where were all the women? I wondered. I can’t possibly be the only woman in the world who loves to ski. Or am I?

If the women weren’t on line at the gondola, and if they weren’t in my social circle, then where were they? I decided to try to find out. So I registered at the web’s largest ski community. After all, if they wanted to talk about skiing, it stood to reason that that’s where they’d be. But that wasn’t necessarily the case. The vast majority of the participants were men. And while everyone was friendly, the dynamic wasn’t what I wanted, either. For the most part, there was little discussion of the sort of things I wanted to talk about. And the interaction, though pleasant, was decidedly testosterone-driven.

That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. So in September, 2006, I started an online community specifically for women skiers:

At first, it was pretty slow. But as time went by, more and more women joined the site. Today, we have nearly 2,300 members. That’s 2,300 women who are passionate, avid skiers. 2,300 women with whom I can talk about skiing, whenever I want. We cover it all: Gear, technique, resorts, apparel — anything and everything ski related. And of course, some things that aren’t.

For me, it’s been an incredible experience. Certainly, I feel considerably less alone than I did in the past. I now know that there are other women who share my passion for skiing and want to talk about it as much as I do. Even better, I have ski friends wherever I ski.

But one of the best things about is how it’s grown to become a true community, albeit the virtual sort. The support and friendship of these women has definitely enhanced my life and my love for the sport. Truly, it’s been a remarkable experience.

So if you’re a women who loves to ski, don’t for a moment think you’re alone. There are a lot of us out there. Stop by and find out.