Diva Safari Day #5: Jay Peak

Diva Safari Day #5: Jay Peak

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 01/26/13 •  2 min read

Five days ago, we began this Ski Safari at the most southerly ski resort in Vermont: Mount Snow.

Today I’m posting from the most northerly: Jay Peak.

Jay is indeed a wonder to behold. Just five miles south of the US-Canada border, the mountain towers above the surrounding terrain It’s pretty impressive.

Jay’s been in the news a lot. It recently acquired Burke Mountain, which isn’t too far from here (we’ll be skiing there tomorrow). And not long ago they added a water park and hotel to help establish themselves as a four-season resort.

Yes, yes, you say. But what about the skiing?

Patience, grasshopper, patience.

First, here are some stats:

Vertical feet: 2,153
Elevation:  3,968 feet
Terrain: 385 acres (100+ gladed)
Natural Snow: 377 inches
Trails: 20% novice, 40% intermediate, 40% advanced
Something unique: Vermont’s only aerial tram. Transports up to 60 people from the base to the summit in 7 minutes.

Here’s the tram house at the summit:

And here’s another view, looking up from the top of the Jet Chair:

The views from when you get off the tram are jaw-droppingly beautiful, too:

Here’s a trail leading down from the summit:


The weather today is still bone-chilling cold, but it’s a little bit less bone chilling than it’s been (will this cold snap ever end?). Temps were zero at the summit this morning  a lot better than -8. It’s amazing how you cherish every single degree, when the numbers are that small. And the mountain is in need of snow. Conditions were kind of icy, though less so in the glades (and there are a lot of them).

All in all, a good day. But all this driving is taking its toll on my poor little Subaru, which is definitely in need of a bath:


Tonight we’re in a hotel, washing our fleece and looking forward to watching a Sy-Fy Original Movie, Abominable Snowman, which features skiers in hot pursuit of the aforementioned creature. After all, what else should a good Ski Diva do?




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