Beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge

Beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 08/19/14 •  3 min read

Sometimes things take off big time on the internet: people dancing to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy,” Grumpy Cat, flash mobs,  anything about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. So when something new starts popping up on your Facebook feed, it’s easy to dismiss it as just another flash in the pan.

The Ice Bucket Challenge is one of these things. Seems everywhere you look, someone is getting dumped on with a bucket of ice water. Justin Timberlake, Ethel Kennedy, Mark Zuckerburg, even me:

I’m not condemning or poo-pooing the Challenge. It’s a terrific cause and it’s done a fantastic amount of good. As I write this, the ALS Association has raised more than $15 million in donations, way beyond what it’s ever raised before in a comparable period of time. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.

But like anything else, the Challenge is bound to run its course. So what’s my point? It shouldn’t take a viral video or a celebrity death (I’m thinking Robin Williams) to draw attention to ALS or Parkinson’s or Depression or any other worthy cause. There are a lot of things that could benefit from an outpouring of contributions. All. The. Time.

So before you put your wallets away, here are some great ski-related charities that could benefit from your generosity. Please give, and give generously. No ice bucket or video required (though you could ski a run for them, later on).

High Fives Foundation: Dedicated to raising money and awareness for athletes that have suffered a life-altering injury while pursuing their dream in the winter action sports community.

Kelly Brush Foundation: Dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals living with spinal cord injuries (SCI)  by purchasing adaptive athletic equipment for those with financial limitations; advocates for improved ski racing safety;  supports research to treat and cure paralysis due to SCI.

Disabled Sports USA:  Provides adaptive sports opportunities for people with disabilities to help them develop independence, confidence, and fitness.

American Blind Skiing Foundation: Provides blind children and adults with opportunities to build confidence and independence through skiing.

Kevin Pearce Fund: Supports organizations that enrich and enhance the lives of individuals and families affected by brain injury, Down syndrome, and other challenges.

Protect Our Winters:  Dedicated to uniting and actively engaging the global snow sports community to lead the fight against climate change.

Clean Water Carbon Fund: Fights climate change and protects clean water by planting trees along streams and rivers.

Special Olympics: Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

SkiDucks: Dedicated to enriching the lives of disadvantaged and financially underprivileged children by teaching and sharing the joys of skiing and snowboarding.

Challenged Athletes Foundation: Provides opportunities and support to people with physical disabilities so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics.

National Sports Center for the Disabled: Facilitates sporting events for the physically disabled.

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