A special day.

A special day.

By Wendy Clinch •  Updated: 11/03/06 •  1 min read

How many of you know women who used to ski and then gave it up, for one reason or another?

I’m sure many of you do. And I’m sure that many of these ex-skiers would take it up again, if they were only reminded of how much fun it can be. So here’s an idea. We’ve all heard of “Take Your Daughter To Work Day.” Well, how about staging our own “Take An Ex-Woman Skier To The Slopes Day”?

It doesn’t have to be a particular day. Just when it’s convenient for the parties involved. And it doesn’t even have to be a full day. Could be half a day. Or an evening, if night skiing is available.

If cost is an issue, many ski areas have discount tickets available at ski shops, grocery stores, or municipal buildings. Some areas even have Ladies’ Days during the week, with reduced rates.

The idea is to remind these ex-skiers how great skiing can be, so maybe they’ll come back to a sport they once enjoyed.

It’s a win-win situation. They’ll have fun. You’ll end up with a new female skiing buddy. And we’ll all end up with more women on the slopes.


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