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Trip to the ER today, and more....

So, my 14 year old recovered quickly from her whiplash type injury that she got while snowboarding last week.:thumbsup:

Today, I was dressed for the office and ready to leave when I got a call from the school nurse at my 11 year old's school (she went to school from her Dad's house this morning). She fell outside while playing before school started, and the nurse said she had a large laceration in her chin and should go to the ER rather than the doctor. I called my ex-husband and he was closer to the school, so he picked her up and we met at the ER at our local hospital in Northampton.

She was checked out and confirmed that stiches were needed but that her jaw was not fractured (though they did no xrays) and we requested that she been seen by a plastic surgeon given the size of the cut (it was a beauty). I asked the ER doc to call one of the two local plastic surgeons who I know well and he was on his day off but stopped by his office to do some paperwork and we then headed there. He cleaned her wound and gave her 15 stitches, 6 internal that will dissolve, and another 9 outside that will be removed next week. His work was beautiful and his bedside manner very kind and gentle. My daughter was a trooper. It was also nice to hang out with my ex-husband and her and parent her together, taking turns sitting with her, snuggling with her, etc., something that divorced parents rarely get a chance to do.

I took her back to my office downtown for a bit and got her some food and let her play Webkinz (for you moms out there) on the computer until her early afternoon appointment with her pediatric dentist to check on her chipped teeth. Meanwhile my 12:00 client showed up and I met with him, answered some phone calls and emails, and hung with my daughter. At the dentist's office, they did an xray and her jaw looks good, and the chipped molars are baby teeth and were smoothed out a bit. If she doesn't have any lingering pain, they won't need to be capped.

Then back to work, her Dad picked her up awhile later, and I kept working, and am finally ready to leave for the day. Whew! She and I were supposed to ski this Sunday, but we think not....

I was so grateful today that:

1. She wasn't too badly injured.
2. That the school nurse was so caring (I know her and she used to work with my husband at a local hospital). She even called me later to check on my daughter.
3. That the hospital, surgeon, and dentist were all within a couple of miles of my daughter's school and my office, which made the day go very smoothly.
4. For my excellent health insurance, which provided such good care for reasonable co-pays.



Oh man, your girls are having a tough time! It sounds like everything got resolved in the best way possible. :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wow, what a day!

On another note, I spent a year of college in your area, at Mount Holyoke. Gorgeous area!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Glad to hear your daughter is OK. Sounds like quite the past few days for you.

Hope YOU are doing ok!


Angel Diva
Oh no! :eek: What a huge worry - that phone call from the school nurse - or the ER. SOOO glad she trooped her way through it. This is gonna smart for awhile. I had a similar (if not downright identical) injury at age 10!!

Just another day in the adrenaline-laden life of a parent, huh??

Lots of get well hugs to her, sharing a deep breath/sigh of relief w/you!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It seems like ER central around here lately. Glad all the pieces fell into place for a good outcome.
Chin up!
Thanks Divas! :smile:

Here's my little skier who was such a trooper today (she is on the left in the lavender Burton parka):


And here's my teenage daughter (the snowboarder) in the lodge at our local mountain:





I would post pics of my 3 wonderful stepchildren too, but that would be over the top. :nono:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Wow not fun at all!! :( :injured: Take care of everyone. I send you all a great big,:hug: :grouphug:

If it makes you feel any better at least your kids don't try to kick or bite you when you treat them. I had to pull a thorn out of one of my dog's pads 2 days ago and he tried to bite me when I did it. :frusty: It took me 5 tries to get it out and 5 battles with him to keep from getting bit but I got it out. :yahoo: He was fine after that and he loved me again.:love:

Ski Spirit

Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Sorry you had such a tough day but how lucky your daughter is to have all of the things you mentioned plus a wonderful mom and dad who could show her how much they love her. She sounds like she's very well taken care of.


Angel Diva
Hope she's doing okay, snwl. This is going to smart today and for a few days. I really should scan, upload and send to you via pm a pic of me w/same injury at age 10, all bandaged up. I didn't chip any teeth but had just gotten the metal off my teeth and had a retainer, which survived. I think it was the first thing I pulled out and checked after the impact. Felt like I had a cavern under my chin. It's painful. Stay on top of the dental. There can be some TMJ implications from it. Mine's tolerable. My jaw clicks but doesn't hurt.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
sorry about the accident - but it sounds like she's going to be fine and a happy ending for all.

The good news is that as an adult, she can show off her battle scars - I have one on my chin (12 stitches) from rocking back on a chair after being told not to do so...oh, only about 90 times! :smile: My stepsons think my scars are cool!


Certified Ski Diva
Your daughter plays Webkinz? :smile: I play webkinz. :smile:

(Yes, I'm 29. Yes, I know I'm not in the target age group.)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Love your positive outlook, Ski Now. I'm sure it's rubbed off a bit on your trooper daughters.
Your daughter plays Webkinz? :smile: I play webkinz. :smile: (Yes, I'm 29. Yes, I know I'm not in the target age group.)

Yes, but how many Webkinz do you have? :D My daughter is OBSESSED! I am fond of the bunny and the kangaroo though....:smile:

Talked to my daughter tonight by phone. She went to school and is in minimal pain. We won't be skiing this weekend :( but I'm just glad she's ok and we'll find something else that's fun to do together.


Angel Diva
Really glad to hear this! I'm amazed at how many of us have bonked our chins/lower jaws and have the scar to prove it. Hope she continues to improve!!
They are BEAUTIFUL!!!! So glad everything turned out ok! Have fun at your CA Conference! Fun for a mom/daughter trip!

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