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My first time today...


Diva in Training
Went Skiing for my first time today. Was supposed to have a 2 hr lesson at the beginning but due to extreme traffic to the mountain AND the rental area being complete chaos....we missed it :(.

So out we went to just teach ourselves on the bunny hill. The lines again were looooong (holiday weekend), so the waits at the bunny hill was horrendous. We decided to venture up a bigger lift and run (still green run) but it was so steep and I ended up falling a few times and managing to "pretzel" up my body. At that point I hurt very bad, I just wanted to get down the run...but it was steep.

Had lunch and then ventured out once again...this time I stuck to the bunny hill again so I could practice my turns, stopping and all that stuff. That part of my day went better. I felt I was sort of getting the hang of it...SLOWLY!

We had to leave to get back home...I am exhausted and my body pretty much hurts everywhere. I hope to be able to go back next week on a weekday and be able to use my lesson.

Any advice for me?! I had a hard time mastering the turns. My one ski would turn but not my other one!! Should I just continue to rent equipment? I hear a good ski boot is most important and that the rentals can ruin an experience.

Today I just wanted my Snowboard back, wish I would have brought it with me, lol! I stuck it out today but boy it was tough!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Sorry you had a busy weekend to start skiing! Yes to try again with a lesson. Wondering what leg was giving you trouble and if it is the one that is least dominate on your board? (I don't board so not certain if that muscle memory is hindering turning on 4 edges)

Yes to if you want to buy 1 item get good fitting boots, renting is great because there are sooo many types of skis and what one person likes another hates. There are carver skis, powder skis, free ride skis. Keep demoing IMHO..

Hope the hot shower helps soothe the aches from the falls and that the next time out is better for you!


Diva in Training
I am definitely going to take a lesson next time I can get up to the mountain. By the end of the day, while staying on bunny hill I felt like I was making atleast some progress.

I know without watching, nodody can scrutinize or help with what I can do differently. Just was mentioning those things I had most trouble with. When I would try at turn, my outer ski would turn but I felt my inner ski wouldn't come with it. I'd end up starting to do the splits! I was able to try and lift the foot/ski a little but not sure that's the proper way?! Lol!

I really want to get better and learn this!! And if a good quality pair of boots will make my experience better...I want to do that! But not to soon I guess :smile:.


Staff member
Boots are going to help overall, but not necessarily with a turning problem. Sounds like too much effort on the inside skis. We are talking wedge turns right? So place your hand on the downhill, outside ski. This is more your weight to the outside ski and the inside one should turn. Also just before your turn, inhale, relax and point your toes in the direction of the turn. Just a little trick. We are sometimes so focused on the tips of the skis, we forget that this is FUN!


Diva in Training
Jilly, thanks for the help!! I know boots won't correct my turning problem or anything for that matter...just was saying it sounds like they can improve my overall experience (I'm sure for comfort reasons)!! The mountain was absolutely beautiful yesterday, (we've had a snow/ice event that's crippled our area) so I had an overall good time!! Minus the run that was way to steep ;)


Staff member
We've had a rain/snow/-15c week here. I have a giant bruise on my left hip after a slip out on steep terrain. So pain is for everyone, not just a first timer!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Very common problem for a first time skier, the wrong edge of your ski was likely engaged. E.g. you want to make a right hand turn but your left leg (uphill leg) is on the uphill edge. When you go back for that lesson, your instructor should have you work on very flat terrain making turns with flat skis. Often, when people do-it-your-self they learn that making a wedge (pizza) and pushing their inside edges in to the snow will make them slow down, but if you can't get OFF the edges, by flattening the skis, it makes it impossible to turn.
As for gear, yes, rental boots are notorious for being uncomfortable and far less than ideal, but I also am a firm advocate for waiting to buy your own until you know you are really invested and know what you want. Most "beginner" boots you will outgrow skill wise in a season anyway. I'm a big advocate for the season long equipment lease. You will get set up with boots/skis/poles (and since you can go to the shop during a non-peak hour, the shop employees will actually spend a bit of time making sure that everything fits correctly) and you can keep them for the full year and then turn them in at the end of the season. Its far cheaper than investing full out and if you need a longer ski or tighter boot as you progress, you can just exchange them.
Its funny, everyone always says boots first, I would say clothing first. I would invest in good ski socks, base layers, ski pants, a helmet, googles and a jacket that will keep you warm and waterproof. Because let's face it, that first year of skiing is a lot of time on the ground no matter what gear you are on....and being cold and wet will end your day pretty quickly! (I just remembered that you said you are a snowboarder...I'll leave the above about clothing for others that may find it useful...) Good luck transitioning to skiing. Whenever anyone asks me if skiing or snowboarding is easier to learn I say, "Snowboarding has a very steep learning curve, the first 3-5 times will be terrible! but then suddenly it clicks and you can very quickly become a good snowboarder. Skiing on the other hand, from day one, most people can be up and sliding in the magic carpet area, but it takes YEARS to be a good skier!"


Angel Diva
I strongly recommend a bath with Epsom salts! Does wonders for those painful aches.

I am on day 8 of my first ski season. I try never to go when it's crowded; it's so much harder. Luckily, there's a smallish ski area near me that seems never to be crowded (Berkshire East in Massachusetts). On race days, the parking lot and the lodge are packed, but the trails are still quiet. Ideal for a beginner.

The lesson will help so much. You'll get the basic skills you need on safe terrain, and be able to begin to build to steeper greens. Well-fitting boots will give you control over the skis; this is so important! I agree with @marymack about the season-long rental. I bought boots, but rented skis for the season. I can stop by any time and trade up when I'm ready!

Good luck!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
:doh: I was just at the store and meant to buy more epsom salts. Got distracted and didn't =/ In my case, I'm hoping they'll help with my cold. Well, just breathing steam from the bath seems to help, salt or no.


Angel Diva
:doh: I was just at the store and meant to buy more epsom salts. Got distracted and didn't =/ In my case, I'm hoping they'll help with my cold. Well, just breathing steam from the bath seems to help, salt or no.
I was wishing for a steam room the other day. My sinuses must be the most efficient organism on earth. No matter how much I blow, there's always more. And they create it all out of nothing!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I was wishing for a steam room the other day. My sinuses must be the most efficient organism on earth. No matter how much I blow, there's always more. And they create it all out of nothing!

If only there were a market for excess mucus ...


Angel Diva
Cheer up, women! The mucus is your immune system at work. Apparently your bodies feel there are enough germs that more mucus is needed to carry them away! Drink lots of water and hot drinks. Our healing thoughts are dedicated to you!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Cheer up, women! The mucus is your immune system at work. Apparently your bodies feel there are enough germs that more mucus is needed to carry them away! Drink lots of water and hot drinks. Our healing thoughts are dedicated to you!

My doc encouraged me to do a neti pot once or twice a day to keep a sinus infection away.

santacruz skier

Angel Diva
My doc encouraged me to do a neti pot once or twice a day to keep a sinus infection away.
Mine too. It really works. I keep one here in SC and one at the Northstar house. It helps in the high altitudes as everything (skin, hair, etc) is so dry...


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Mine too. It really works. I keep one here in SC and one at the Northstar house. It helps in the high altitudes as everything (skin, hair, etc) is so dry...
The sensation grosses me out so much. I don't even want water anywhere near my nose when I'm swimming!


Angel Diva
I dread using it so much that I can't bring myself to use it. I've done it correctly a few times but all the near-drowning somehow overshadow them in my mind!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
It's awful, but it really does provide immediate relief. It's obvious with the current cold. A friend - who I haven't seen in a month - texted me that she really does feel like she's drowning, even sleeping in a sofa to stay elevated.

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