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Demo Day: Tierra, Eden, Kenja, Attraxion 8 & Viva 8.1... phew!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
So I finally got a chance to do a bit of demoing this season. I'm looking for a replacement for my Fischer KOA 75 150cm, which I'm finding to be rather too short for me nowadays, though they were an excellent first ski for me. I've been skiing since last February, and seem to have picked it up pretty well. I mostly ski blues or groomed blacks, but I find myself heading more for the blacks than the blues lately. I'm not very good at moguls... but would love to be better! I'm also not that great at powder, but I love my Atomic Access powder skis for the deep stuff and the trees. I'm 5'2" and 120lbs

I headed to Northstar demo centre with the aim of trying all mountain skis in the 80mm-ish width. I was looking for something that would carve nicely, hold an edge on ice and go fast! One of the problems I have with my Fischers is that they really get squirrely when I go fast, and they get a kind of "death wobble" at times on flat traverses. I tried 5 different skis: Volkl Tierra, Dynastar Exclusive Legend Eden, Volkl Kenja, Rossignol Attraxion 8 and Blizzard Viva 8.1. I was kinda disappointed that Northstar didn't have the Blizzard Black Pearl, as I know how much the Divas love these. They didn't have the Bushwacker either, so I wasn't able to try the men's version. The conditions were warm... the frontside black runs started out as ice, and the blues descended into a wet mess later in the day. Not the best day to demo... but since I was looking for a ski for less than ideal conditions, and I have my Atomics for totally ideal conditions (ie. deep pow!), I figured it was worth a go.

Volkl Tierra 154: These were the demo guy's first suggestion to try as a starting point. Honestly, these felt like too much ski for me. I loved the lightness and the quick turns, and they carved very well on the blues, but I felt like they forced me into the back seat and were trying to ski me rather than the other way round! By the time I had finished my set of test runs on them, I felt really tired. Overall, these were my least favourite of the day.

Dynastar Exclusive Legend Eden 158: I immediately liked these much better than the Tierras. They carved nicely, but felt much more stable and predictable. The turn radius seemed to be much larger, and I really felt the length... they were quite heavy though. They weren't bad in the ice, either, but really came into their own on the blue groomers, where they were fast and stable. I really felt comfortable on these skis... but there was always that nagging feeling of how heavy and damp they felt, which makes me wonder how they would feel after a full day of hard charging. After thinking about it, these came 3rd out of the 5 I tried today.

Volkl Kenja 156: I was expecting to hate these... I wasn't keen on the Tierras I tried earlier, and I also disliked the Kikus that I demoed last season when I was looking for powder skis... I thought that maybe I am just not a Volkl person. However, the Kenjas were a blast! They were light, nimble and very fast! I broke my demo rule and took these for a couple of extra runs, I enjoyed them that much. I felt incredibly stable at speed, and it seemed like the skis were feeding energy back into my legs. The model I demoed was last season's, so I'm not sure how next season's rocker will affect the feel of them. These were definitely my favourite skis of the day.

Rossignol Attraxion 8 156: I was expecting to like these as I've heard great things about them. Something just didn't gel though... after the Kenjas they felt unwieldy, which I thought was odd considering they were supposed to be the same length. They did grip incredibly well on ice, but I just didn't get the whee! factor as I skied them. This could have had something to do with the conditions, which were steadily deteriorating and had become really sticky at lower elevations. They felt heavy and damp. I still preferred them to the Tierras, but I liked the Dynastars more and the Kenjas a lot more.

Blizzard Viva 8.1 158: This was the last pair of skis I tried. I really wanted to try out some Blizzard skis after all the hype over the Black Pearl, so the guy in the demo tent had these brought up from the village for me. I actually really liked them... not quite as much as the Kenjas, but they were close. Even in the slushy conditions they felt lively, stable and quick to turn. I normally don't ski when it gets really slushy because I hate the sticky snow, but these handled the conditions reasonably well. By the time I tried these, most of the ice had disappeared, but they handled the black runs nicely and I was able to carve pretty well on them.

In conclusion... well I still wish I'd had a chance to try out the Black Pearls so I could compare them with the Kenjas. I enjoyed the Viva 8.1 enough to make me wonder what I missed! If anyone has tried both of these, I'd appreciate a comparison :smile:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I demo'ed my Kenja's at Northstar too and love them for the groomers (bought them shortly after). I think your description is pretty accurate. They're definitely good fast skis and bust through the various groomer conditions with ease. My favorite thing about them is how nice of an edge they hold.

I've never tried the BP myself either but hope to one day as I'm curious how they compare with all the hype on here about the BP's!


Staff member
I wouldn't consider the Attraxion 8 in that category of skis at all. They are only 74 underfoot. The Temptations would have been better - Temptation 84 or 88.

Now I really do need to try those Dynastars. Looking to replace my Conquer's.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Last week I tried the Black Pearls. Really should not have demoed these due to the lousy conditions. Icy chicken heads, very little soft snow, all hardpack groomers; conserving the snow at this resort for the next and final week of the season. I immediately felt that these skis were not going to shine in this sort of snow...and they did not. They were not unstable really, but just not suited for this kind of skiing. After 2 runs I decided to put them back in my car and switch to the Kenjas. Huge difference noticed upon touching the snow off the lift. The Kenja allowed me the "at-one-with-the-ski" sensation as I raced down those slick groomers. Unfortunately the Black Pearl will be a demo for me at another time in my life when the conditions are best for its unique qualities. Since I am not yet a fan of the Kenja in crud---because I don't ski crud too well, and its stiffness becomes more evident---the BP might turn out to be a blast. (if I ever find another demo.)


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I felt incredibly stable at speed, and it seemed like the skis were feeding energy back into my legs. The model I demoed was last season's, so I'm not sure how next season's rocker will affect the feel of them. These were definitely my favourite skis of the day.
I had this experience demoing the Kenjas last weekend. I know part of the lack of leg fatigue came from my great new boots, but the Kenjas were fast definitely fed my energy. In fact, sometimes they got a little ahead of me--was that the fresh demo wax and tune, or the skis? Well, I think it was mostly the skis, because I've had freshly tuned skis before and not had this happen. These were the rockered version and I loved them. To be fair, I should demo some other skis before I really decide, but I have plenty of time because I just spent all my money on boots!!

Badger, I will have to give the Kenjas a try in real crud. We had pushed-around heavy-ish snow on Saturday and the Kenjas liked them just fine, but real crud is another thing. OTOH, my Geishas seem to think crud is just another fun plaything.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Well, I ended up trying the Blizzard Bushwacker (men's version of the Black Pearl) today at Kirkwood. Conditions were pretty similar to how they were at Northstar last week... the groomers started out hard and icy, but quickly descended into sticky slush.

I tried the 166cm Bushwackers (they didn't have the 159 - and I'm pretty sure that would have been too short for a ski with both tip & tail rocker). Bearing in mind that the conditions were not ideal, I really wasn't all that impressed. Having said that, these are exactly the conditions I'm looking for my next pair for skis to excel in... any ski will feel good in ideal conditions, it's when things get crappy that I skill want them to be able to at least perform somewhat. I didn't hate them, but I didn't love them either. They didn't grip as well on icy groomers as I'd hoped. They turned nice and fast for a relatively wide ski, but they felt a bit squirrely when going really fast down a blue run. I guess different things work for different people... maybe I am just not a fan of skis that have both a tip and tail rocker (tip only seems fine). After chatting a bit with the demo guy, I really think I'm looking more for a traditional camber ski for ripping groomers.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
The Kenjas are definitely still my favourite out of all the skis I tested... I really love tearing up the groomers and going fast! Still trying to decide if they were "the" ski though... the only thing that worries me about them is that they are reportedly not great for bumps, which I would like to learn to ski next season. I'm in desperate need of new boots (my current ones have completely packed out and are not stiff enough anyway), so I will probably hold off on the new skis until the beginning of next season unless I find an amazing deal on some Kenjas over the summer.


Diva in Training
The Kenjas are definitely still my favourite out of all the skis I tested... I really love tearing up the groomers and going fast! Still trying to decide if they were "the" ski though... the only thing that worries me about them is that they are reportedly not great for bumps, which I would like to learn to ski next season. I'm in desperate need of new boots (my current ones have completely packed out and are not stiff enough anyway), so I will probably hold off on the new skis until the beginning of next season unless I find an amazing deal on some Kenjas over the summer.

I love my Kenja in all conditions. I ski the East and ski Colorado Jan-March just about every day. They handle all conditions well...I skied the bumps better than ever before, felt confident in the steeps and loved setting an edge and cruising. The worst conditions I skied on them was in Taos after the winds came thru and blew ALL the snow off the mountain (including in the trees) and the Kenjas held their edge nicely on the glacier ice that was left to slide on! The only issue is that the top sheet is pinging off, but that doesn't affect the performance. Oh yeah, they are great in powder as well as the groomers!

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