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Share your best fitness tip, pose, exercise, activity


Angel Diva
I try to do a couple rounds of sun salutation each day. After my whiplash, I had trouble with some of the yoga poses, but it's getting much, much better. I'm back to my running regime - 3 days a week, sometimes 4, running 2-3 miles each time. I also just got my bike reconditioned. I haven't biked in a while, so I'm looking forward to getting some mileage on wheels this summer.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I've started a lifting program. I'm going slow, and doing it at home so subbing a lot of bodyweight stuff, but I am getting stronger. I've also started going back to the rock gym 1-2 times a week. And trying for one yoga class a week. Not much cardio in my life right now, I should really add some in.


Staff member
Wahoo...we can paddle this week. They moved our dragon boats from the swamped docks to another city dock. Only problem is, I'm heading to Montreal for the week. So I'll miss our first week of race practice.


Angel Diva
I discovered indoor rowing. They treat it like a HIIT. High intensity rowing with calisthenics in between sets. I had shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum and micro fractures for some cartilage damage 2 months ago. Hoping to get back to rowing and running soon.


Angel Diva
Like a couple others I'm a Pilates devotee. It's really the only indoor exercise I like. I quit my gym of 20 years a couple years ago to join the Pilates studio and get unlimited classes. That means I don't get regular cardio anymore. I walk a ton in my hilly city, hike or ski on weekends, etc, but I worry I don't get enough cardio. My brain really needs it--mentally I really feel it when I don't do vigorous exercise. So, I do the NY Times 7 minute workout. I'm not going to argue this is all the cardio that someone should get, but I can tell you my brain feels as good after these 7 minutes as it did after 30 minutes on the elliptical. And given that I can do it anytime, anywhere (almost), I end up doing it a lot--there's really no excuse I can give myself not to do it. It was originally designed to be done 2 or 3 times, and I sometimes do that, but sometimes it's going to be 7 minutes or nothing.




Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I think @marzNC posted the 7 min workout recently, maybe on a different thread. I do workouts at home. I created space in my garage and do 30 min workouts 5-6x/week, a variety of cardio, strength, and flexibility/balance. I follow a 6 week rotation, and I started my 4th round recently. It does help my brain and definitely my emotional well-being.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Take this with a grain of salt as I am only slowly clawing my way back to fitness after more than two years of health issues that left me sedentary and overweight.

I like running and have found nothing as strengthening of my calf and quad muscles as a good trail run, hilly or flat. I like to do a few sets of walking lunges before every run. MAN it feels good to pop in the earbuds and go for a run after work!

And as a bonus, I started mountain biking last year and I find that the short, intense bursts of effort that MTB riding requires really nicely complement my long-slow running, so that both have improved noticeably even in the short time I've been combining the two. Weirdly, it's the biking that causes knee pain, not the running, so I'm working that out.

Also, I'm not allowed to drink beer at home without doing three sets of bicep curls per 12 ounces. So I have a beer belly, but also killer guns. :beer:


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
We're in training to cope with carrying our shiny new avalanche backpacks - 4 litres of water each being carted around the hills a couple of times a week. The idea being that it'll help us get used to the weight on our shoulders. Mind you based on @SallyCat's workout, maybe we should be carrying beer rather than water...


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I just discovered that the excellent spin class I used to go to a few years ago is now being streamed, with videos going back the past few months:

I did the AIS 33 class yesterday and, to quote one of the comments about it, it's horrible in a really good way.

I think these would work well even if you've never done one of his classes in person - you just need the audio and a spin bike. It's basically interval training and would probably translate ok to running, stepper or cross trainer - anything where you can change the intensity quickly.


Angel Diva
I also LOVE pigeon pose! I'm naturally very flexible, actually hyperflexible in some cases, but my hip flexors get very very tight from sitting at a desk all week for work. This pose starts off slightly uncomfortable in most cases, but really loosens and opens things up if I stay with it.


Angel Diva
A little off-topic, but for me, much more important than what kind of exercise I do! I need the self-discipline to keep at it. I already use some of these ideas (not letting junk food in the house) and I make some exercise convenient (Bosu ball in the kitchen next to the sink or prep counter). This article isn't entirely relevant, but parts of it should help:


I found this on Scientific American, but this is the original link with the whole article.


Angel Diva
I started traveling in mid-October but have gotten enough into the habit of exercising that I'm bringing along a yoga mat, foam roller, and a 15-lb kettle bell. With those and doing the 7-min Workout every other day or so, I feel like that keeps things going when I'm away from home for a week or so.

The new item I've added is a weighted vest. Don't wear it while exercising too often, but sometimes will wear the vest doing the 7-min Workout. Only have about 3 lbs in it so far. I wrote a few blog entries about why a weight vest is good for bone building a couple years ago. For more about bone building, check out this thread:



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I have a mini-tramp, I use it sometimes for a cool-down after a workout. Gentle bounce or walk only, too chicken to do damage to myself otherwise. They say it's good for the lymph system (which is mystery to me).


Angel Diva
Travelling with a kettle bell!? :eek::scared:
Driving from home to a place that I'm going to spend a few weeks, including the entire Thanksgiving week. Complicated travel schedule this fall. :smile:

I got the kettle bell at a Play It Again Sports last year. Had finally figured out what weight made sense to own. Didn't want one that was too light since the reason to use one is for bone building. But didn't want one that was so heavy that I could only use it when in really good shape.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I've been playing around with my Bosu the last few days. It had previously been collecting dust in the basement.

Working on the first of these exercises, finding how little my knee actually bends:

I know that the first one does mimic some aspects of skiing - because it affects my knee the same way =/ Which is a very specific experience I haven't had with any other form of activity. I'm hoping to use the Bosu exercise to isolate the source of the problem without having to actually be skiing. I'll see my trainer Weds and see if he has any ideas based on this information.

My trainer has me doing deadlifts, which are SO fun and rewarding for me. But my shoulder is acting up, and I suspect it's related to the weight I'm lifting. So. Boo.

He also has me doing this crazy core workout - decline situps. You set up a bench so that it's tilted upward with the roll-y foot attachment up top. Then, yeah, you hang from there and do situps. I do it at 30* and 45*.

And some shoulder stuff - lat pull downs, for example - to help my shoulder.

I didn't realize how much the lifting helps until I rode my mountain bike and did some yoga this weekend - both things I hadn't done in a few weeks. I have no cardio base, but my balance is on point. I was riding up muddy, slick switchbacks without losing my balance. Riding down and doing hops on all the little jumps and actually getting air. In yoga, chair pose wasn't even stressful!

Historically, yoga has helped my shoulder a ton. It's the only thing that's ever really fixed my shoulder. So ... I need to do that regularly.


Angel Diva
I found this video back in 2012 of using the BOSU for ski prep. The exercises were presented in Fall 2011 as part of dry land training for patrollers. Turns out there is a NSP-C Western Region Women's Clinic annually. I'm guessing that's where it was presented because Judy Hill is active in that organization.


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