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XC Skiing?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
My two goons skied on the groomed part, skipped the railroad tracks, and then took their cross country skis into the trees because they assumed it was just like doing little offpiste hits on the side of a groomed alpine run.

It totally wasn't but they had fun.
This is true... I see the jr nordic kids making little forays into the woods to jump off stumps and things. You can probably do off track with kids as a family deal but exclusively, I just don't know. I only know what *I* know, right?


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Is there a good similar forum for xc skiing? I'm interested in learning more about gear options.

Although not forums, if you have a Facebook account there are different Nordic groups you can join


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Nordic Ski Lab has been an excellent site for technique info.

I don't know about a forum!! This is the last existing (active) one I know of. There are some knowledgeable xc skiers here but not a ton of us.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
I started Nordic skiing maybe about that same age (7). Just some “fish scale” skis with basic 75mm 3 pin boots. Our neighbor would take the 6 kids on the block to the local state park trails. When he couldn’t take us I ran a loop up and down the block on the boulevard for hours. In 6th grade I got newer fish scales with more modern bindings/boots from a kind of generalist sporting goods store. At that time it seemed like you could also find nordic gear at places like play it again sports and other general sports second hand stores. Of course you would want a basic knowledge to choose something suitable. I haven’t lived in a Nordic friendly area for decades, your story of how he likes it brings a smile to my face!


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
What is the system with the bar in the toe called? That's what the rentals had. The rental counter kids had barely any idea about XC skis so I think they probably didn't know they needed to be waxed.


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Probably NNN boots and bindings. For a time Solomon made a somewhat similar looking but not compatible SNS setup—look at this description of the differences if you are looking at buying used.



Ski Diva Extraordinaire
What is the system with the bar in the toe called? That's what the rentals had. The rental counter kids had barely any idea about XC skis so I think they probably didn't know they needed to be waxed.
Did you try to get rentals at diamond peak? Was it ok? Thinking of skipping basin tomorrow and trying to get xc rentals


Angel Diva
Nice story about XC skiing in the northern Adirondacks in NY. The skier moved to Saranac Lake recently. He's very familiar with the Mt. Van Hoevenberg trails that are part of the Olympic center.

January 29, 2024


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Which brand of skis do you have?

The rental skis I had didn't glide at ALL. I had to pole down nearly everything.
to test XC skis put a piece of paper under the foot- if you cant pull it out they are too soft--need longer or stiffer. and yes you can wax the tips and tails of waxless skis too..


Ski Diva Extraordinaire
Weber Outdoor is clueless. I stopped by Diamond Peak to ask but apparently every person in Eden was trying to rent alpine skis so I didn't get to chat with them about their equipment. But they do carry XC skis.

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